Thanks, Trump. Truly making America great again.
Thanks, Trump. Truly making America great again
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about football
>caring about poorball
Get the fuck out of here.
Big if true
Why spics are so good at football? I heared niggers are the masterrace in the field of sports
Because when you don't have a job, sports are all you can do
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahahahahahahaha
>focusing on policies and not spicball
Very good Trump. I hope we start getting serious about our political climate instead of caring about niggers colliding or spics running and yelling. Also sage this gay ass thread
Soccer? Does anyone give a shit?
>losing to Trinidad and tobacco
Are you tired of winning or something?
The whole world you you knob-head
Since when were we good at soccer?
bretty emburasing t.b.h
What happened?
We did better than the bongs last cup.
We haven't failed to qualify for the world cup in over 30 years.
If by winning you mean focussing time and energy on making our country better (laws, roads, immigration, etc) so we aren't a poor shithole like all the countries in OP's picture then nope I'm not. If you're referring to winning in soccer I could care less
>playing povertyball
Sports is a modern day proxy for war. The US should be the best in the world at everything. If you don't understand this then you don't deserve to make America great again.
>povertyland beats USA in povertyball; shitholestan came in third
How could Trump ever recover?
Football is pozzed
That's what happens when you fire a German coach with an established career and replace him with whatever the fuck this thing is.
>caring about povertyball
>make America great through soccer
>proxy for war
All I care about is if we fuck people up in real war. Not kicking around a ball for 30 minutes. If soccer really was a proxy for war then I guess Mexico would fuck us up (kek) but they haven't so I guess we are the best at everything after all
I actually dont. I was making fun of people that think that spicball makes a difference in america
>Giving a shit about sports with the exception of Gladitorial combat and hide the Jew
>hide the Jew
It takes a lot of...concentration
Why should we care about povertyball when we can watch kneelingball?
This is juvenile thinking. Like saying 'professional sports is gladiator battles and chariot races and we are the romans'. Yeah, when you are naive and drunk with a shallow sense of intelligence.
strong stance
>we wuz ROMANS
well it does help keep the spics' minds off of their sorry ass countries so I guess it does serve it's purpose. Like niggercollision or apehoop does in USA
first time since 1986
>Americans won't be dumping money into the Russian economy.
Sounds like we won
I like watching kneelingball too, but we can't assert our dominance of other countries through it.
I don't know what this means, but I think it's about soccer and I thus don't give a fuck.
it means no trump trip to russia to met Putin
Implying Russia wouldn't have rigged it against us if we even made the poverty world cup
See South Korea 2002
And we treat divegrass as a womens sport anyway, and our women constantly blow the period blood out of the rest of the world
Did >we not make the World Cup or something? I'm not sure I can think of anything more inconsequential than that.
>Have a developing youth program made up of coaches from around the world
>fire your world class German coach
>replace him with a shitty MLS coach that has never done anything
>have bright, fast, youthful players who are pretty decent
>hey, fuck them, let's use nothing but ancient shitty underprivileged college kids who are never hungry and are on the wrong side of their 30's
I swear I'm surrounded by retards
Bigger news is Netherlands failing to qualify.
>world-class coach
Because It's literally the only sport they play
Most countries play football, and that's ALL they play.
Anglo countries play many sports... In Australia and the US there are many sports that take precedence over Soccer. AFL, Rugby (Both codes), Tennis and Cricket are all more important sports in Australia, likewise in America NFL, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Basketball and probably Tennis are more important sports.
Sometimes I don't think Australians, Brits and Americans appreciate just how much sport diversity they have to enjoy... imagine If you lived in some developing shithole and you didn't really like Soccer.
We're burgers. We don't give two shits about soccer.
>tfw your country cares more about football than everything else
Poor pulisic.
It's soccer. You and it are both degenerate.
All these teams suck and never win the cup
American style soccer does not compete with euro soccer.
>in impoverished shithole
>don't like poorball
The only imaginable way to make living there even worse
>likewise in America NFL, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Basketball and probably Tennis are more important sports.
Don't forget golf
absolutely fucking this
>The US should be the best in the world at everything
Except soccer. I don't want the US to be the best at gay sex.
I havent been this fucking pissed/sad at a sport ever
This is what it should really be called
poor countries seem to be great at it
Wait, the US actually has a poverty-ball team
This is the first I heard about it ,I doubt they would have any good players, soccer isn't really a popular sport in the US
Only when we're doing good in the cup
at least my country isn't commie-cucked like yours
>Muh play sport with adverts every 5 mins.
True. Thats the only time we care.
yeah I was thinking of including Golf and Horse racing, but they're not really in the same league of "sports" as the rest.
But yes golf, and at least in Australia, horse racing are more important that soccer.
>List all the American only sports as if the matter
Germany is good at soccer
>implaing other sports are as good as football.
Holy fuck, how is that even possible? It's unimaginable.
Soccer! Ha! It isnt real user, its just a false flag. Another excuse to take away your guns. Dont fall victim to the mind control machine. Stay strong Ameribros.
Soccer is gay and has always been gay, only 3rd world countries and shit skins give a fuck about it
Friendly reminder poverty ball is a sjw liberal sport
lol nice proxy
Fucking triggered. no such thing as luck in Baseball.
Same reason poor people are good at boxing. It's the only thing to do when there's no video games or TV as a kid and a way out of poverty.
mhh the pic
America is shit at something therefore that thing is shit. at least come up with something better.
>thinking I give two shits about any kind of shitball
That's where you're wrong Habib
good. trump will outlaw poverty ball in his 2nd term
Listen Cletus, Enjoy your concussion cucked advert drenched slow stupid "Dumbball"
Rugby when?
>describes fundamental law of the universe
>wants America to change it
Divegrass is important for the Euros because for many of them it's the only time they're allowed to be nationalistic legally and without repercussions
The entire world you cheeseburger
>it's the only time they're allowed to be nationalistic legally and without repercussions
I guess you cant understand the concept of someone thinking all, any, and every sport is a completely stupid waste of time, yet that's not surprising considering your people are highly inbred. I actually think it's funny that niggers are getting braindead from handegg, I called it in middle school. It's the only amusing part of niggercollision. Kinda like when soccer pussies pretend to be hurt. Those times are the only times when sportsball is actually interesting
>implying kneelingball nigger league is a sport that’s decent that isn’t mostly advertisements and the game doesn’t stop 30 seconds everytime the ball touches the ground
Soccer is gay and its what all the faggy people in the US play.
Football (real football), baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, wrestling, boxing, MMA, jiu-jitsu, track and field, swimming, shooting, archery, nascar, indy racing, horse racing, water polo, bowling and skiing are all literally way more important here.
Soccer is for third worlders and fags afraid of real sports.
>implying NFL is best kneelingball
College kneelingball is where it's at.
Compared to Bruce Arena he fucking is. Isn't this like Bruce's 3rd try at the US national team? Klinnsy has done more in 1 term with the US soccer team than Bruce has done in 3 tries. How long are they planning to use 40 year old players for?
Itt: amerifats think “povertyball” is actually an argument
poverty isn’t even an argument the reason why soccer is the entire world’s sport is because it’s easily accessible and doesn’t require buying armor and having a bigass mcdonalds fork at the field with white drawings on the field. kneelingball is a boring sport that is an advertisement and game play stops everytime the mcdonaldsball touches the ground
The only one inbred is you Jared.
>All sport is waste of time.
WEW did you get touched up at Penn State?
t. Pussy who has never experienced the raw violence of football
Enjoy your slide trip drama shows. Soccer is the most boring sport on Earth.
I'm not hating American football but I saw somewhere that in an average game the ball was inly in play for a total of 13 minutes. That would mean that between offensive and defensive players they would spend roughly six and a half minutes doing something physical.
Well done, FIFA, you followed our instructions to the letter. No Americans in Russia. Now all we have to do is make sure the bongs get liquidated early again, like we pay you to do, so the Germans can walk through the door. You are all subhumans.
Legitimately water polo had more interest at my high school than soccer. Amazed we even have MLS.
Hopefully this World Cup isn’t even televised so I don’t have to tolerate all these faggots pretending they know shit about some third world team.
>you're inbred
Sorry I'm not from Pakistan so I actually have functioning genes
>did you get touched by a Penn State nigger handler
>as if anyone needed another reason to think sports are gay
Thanks but I already know why sportsball are a waste of time