Why do black people not like Trump? Serious question. If there are any blacks on Sup Forums then I’d like you guys to give me a serious reason, this is a chance for both sides to understand each other.
Why do black people not like Trump? Serious question...
>Why do niggers have stupid opinions?
I'm black and I like Trump. The Deep State is scared of him.
I think it's just due to the fact the media pushed the race shit so much all because of the wall and muh illegals. They just broadbrush it all from that. And it's not like niggers will turn down an opportunity to look oppressed for more sympathy.
Muh gibs. U is racis, u wuz oppressing us while Hillary promised to make cops go away.
You’re a minority though because you know as well as I a large majority of blacks do not like trump.
They are the most easily influenced by mass media of any demographic. Everything they do is an insecure mimicry of what Twitter tells them is cool, in a desperate attempt to maintain the delusion that, despite their utter incompetence as a race, they can still be cool and hip by speaking unintelligibly to the average American.
I feel you bro there’s blacks like that but I don’t think every black person is terrible I think like you said a lot of them fall into
What the media sets up just like every race, we have some degenerate ass white people as well.
I'm half black. I personally like Trump because I know he offers real solutions like providing jobs, stopping crime, and fixing infrastructure instead of catering to identity politics and handouts, the same handouts that stunt the growth of blacks and makes them reliant on the democratic party.
What I can say, to answer the question as to why other blacks don't like Trump, is that they don't like him because he puts blacks in a position to where they'd have to face the reality of taking responsibility for their actions, as well as the reality that they commit crime at an alarming rate, do poorly in school, etc. Their lifestyle and every thing blacks know is threatened by Trump, and that scares them away from him. Even though they SHOULD be open to changing their lifestyles and fixing their problems, blacks are addicted to it. They don't want their lifestyles to change, they just want their lifestyles to be accepted, and they want to be "praised" in a sense to where they get funding to be able to keep their lifestyles while being rich.
Only when blacks see the flaws in themselves, and see how it ultimately hurts them, will they then be open to the idea of change. Until then, anything that represents real change and solutions rather than handouts, like Trump and his supporters, will be strongly denied by blacks as a whole.
In short, blacks don't want to fix themselves, they want acceptance and handouts, and because Trump refuses to accept the "culture" of blacks, and is in opposition to "fixing" the problems blacks have by giving them handouts, they'll do everything in their power to demonize him and his supporters.
I'm black and like 75% of my extended family voted for Trump
Lots of black males secretly like Trump, but they're shamed into keeping quiet about it by their masters. I honestly think that it tipped the election in his favor by being slightly more favorable amongst blacks than previous Republicans.
It's very weird. The media went on over and over again on how Trump was racist towards and hated Latinos, yet more of them voted for Trump then black people did. Nigger americans might be a lost cause t.b.h
Blacks who have their act together are based, it's too bad whites and blacks will always be dragged down not just by shitty blacks but shitty whites, but I guess that is just the way of the world.
>Lots of black males secretly like Trump
Probably cause of his bants and because he's living the rap dream (money, do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, grab bitches by the pussy, then become fucking president)
Most races shame their worst. Why do you think we have the term "white trash"(basically a white person that acts like a black person)? Blacks don't have this, and it's one of their biggest problems imo
Because our communities are plagued with cultural marxism and the welfare state, thank LBJ and the jews.
What's happening in white communities is what already happened to black communities, take that as a warning.
becuz he wayciss azz wyboi
>I'm black
>white nationalist flag
Trump is a multiple divorcee with kids from loads of different women, a boisterous personality and gone bankrupt before, no wonder blacks like him.
Better leader than UK has ever seen
Be more insecure. No one's insulting your boyfriend.
This is not entirely true. Having lived in a parallel culture they are often more aware than white people are because they have observed from the outside. They are under no illusion that the system works, especially pocket lining social programmes. No patting selves on backs for caring and doing fuck all to help.
I have heard some extraordinary observations coming from black americans. They arent afraid to point out the exploitation of western generosity by jewish community either. You ever heard them talk about all the free shit jews get at their expense and how none of them work? Or how they disproportionately own all the real estate etc? Its a shame we have been divided because the black community couldve been a great ally against 5th columns.
I would take black people over white leftists any day.
In 2020, Trump will likely take the largest percentage of the black vote that any Republican candidate has taken in the last half century or more. This past election, many blacks refused to vote for Hillary, as they knew she was a scumbag, but they didn't vote for Trump either. This time they will, I suspect. Not saying over 20% for Trump, but that should b his target. The Left has really screwed blacks, damaged them badly.
Some niggers believe what Jews tell em
Like most Argies I realized I am transracial but when I still was non white I hated him because he actually wanted to take away the gibs.
Is this the type of passive aggressive faggotry you start spouting when you have state enforced anal sex with refugees 3-5x per day?
>I would take black people over white leftists any day.
You come from a safe, mostly white, wealthy country. That's why you think this. White leftists are annoying faggots. Blacks will stick a gun or knife in your face to take the money and possessions you work hard for. They will steal your shit reflexively.
And white leftists are republicans who haven't been mugged yet.
ive literally never done that or considered doing that wtf