So if the Jews own the media (CNN, MSNBC, ect) then why do these networks "embrace" and accept Muslims? Aren't Jews natural enemies of Muslims? Am I missing something?
So if the Jews own the media (CNN, MSNBC, ect) then why do these networks "embrace" and accept Muslims...
>Aren't Jews natural enemies of Muslims?
Mohammad was a Jew (his mother, Aminah, was Jewish).
Jews have more in common with Muslim than Europeans.
Because they are bringing muslim into the white mans country, into the white mans neighbourhood and pissing off white people
Thats all that matters to them
Obviously they do not want multiculturalism in ireal
Jews love for Muslims to invade white countries. Not to become Muslim majority states, but simply to destabilize them enough that Jewish bankers can swoop in and collect the carcass.
The Jews don't own the media.
The Globalist Satanic Zionist own the media and most of the fucking planet.
If they Jews don't wake up, they're all gonna be die, because they're still dreaming those bankers are their best buddies.
It's called subversion. Massage the mass into thinking no harm as the enemy hordes start arriving.
WW3 will be between christians and muslims, they are naive enough to think we will forget about them
No not at all. Muslims and jews worked and lived hand and hand for 1400 years.
Lurk before posting
Been lurking for about a couple months now, no one has addressed this (I'm not on here a lot tho, so I might have missed it)
>Am I missing something?
That conspiracy theories you read on Sup Forums are irrational and most school-children are thoughtful enough to see think that these people are idiots.
Which country's interests are being served? America's?
Saudi and israel have an agreement too give the goyim too islam in exchange for israel being allowed too exist. The jews use their resources as they are entrenched in western media and entertainment in ordwr too further islam knowing it will take a looooong time for a complete collapse too islam of the biggest western nations.
See you read things like this, see the "America" flag, and yet there are still people on Sup Forums who genuinely buy into the "omg liberal shills" meme. Russia demonstrably comes onto right-wing websites to stoke the crazies in the USA, for the sole purpose of causing strife. And apparently they either don't spell very well, or think that spelling poorly makes their posts more believable.
Kikes and sandniggers are both semites, one in the same.
This is my genuine opinion of the situation. I cant fathom how those 2 arch enemies co exist so near each other. Im also a laymen to middle east politics but this is my gut theory and seems plausible. Look into who is building all the new mosques in europe, and who is spreading the narrative, those 2 countries are working hand in hand.
>Globalist Satanic Zionists
Are mostly, if not all, Jewish
they are not Jewish
the media is making sure no muslims go to Israel and that the jes can send them to every other country.
pretty simple really.
You're missing an important point user.
>Media has not and will not push diversity on Israel.
That's an important point to consider.
If iversity and Muslim immigration so positive, why isn't it being enforced in the Jewish state?
The answer really is simple. They push race mixing in white nations to corrupt the blood of these nations, destroying the idea of race, homeland and loyalty to their countrymen.
Leaving only Jews as a pure race.
I wonder why?
They are first and foremost enemies of Jeus Christ. That's why some of their alliances look odd. You have to know their true motivation to understand
Gtfo kike
Only retards think nationalist Israeli Jews and American media Jews are the same thing.
>falls taqiyya kitman
>buys into distinctness of semitic religions myths
They are allied with Wahhabi Sunni Muslims. Mujaheddin, AQ, OBL, ISIS
In other words, Saudi Arabia.
The Muslims the US are against is the Shia Muslims like Iran.
Moslems are just a tool/weapon in the hands of Jews against the white people. All ISIS leaders are Mossad , all of them.
I was thinking about this scenario... like, what would be the best way to 'torture', humiliate and destroy Jews if I had the power to do whatever I want.
Take into account that killing them is not an option it this scenario, bcs of martyr crap.
So I pictured this situation where I would breed them with the lowest scum on earth, the most disgusting moslem/nigger trash, 12IQ points, lazy-hand-ass-wiping-goat-fuckers... and then it popped me!
That's exactly what (((they))) are doing to us!