Eminem just released a Calm Before The Storm video. Holy shit.
It's happening folks
>Eminem goes on EPIC anti-Trump rant
Eminem just released a Calm Before The Storm video. Holy shit.
It's happening folks
>Eminem goes on EPIC anti-Trump rant
Eminem is gay as fuck.
>Eminem defending women and gays
That's a new
>anti Trump
Pick one
"Go pop some more pills and make up more stories about how great that you are, you over the hill wigger. -DJT"
>white nigger
literal nigger shill
so courageous
Blue pill fag came out of retirement to drop some bs. Go back to your drugs and beating women fucking nigger lover.
What'd that little wigger bitch say?
Drumph is done for this time, guys
hes severely misguided. unless he is encouraging families to eat dinner together at the dinner table every night hes useless. spilling hot caffeinated drinks on DJT? he needs to go back to mile marker 1 or wherever hes from and regroup. ***just realized my art piece is pretty rare
Why cause feminem?
So brave
>These white people triggered
Nigger we run the industry controversy is good for sales. We did this.
i cant take eminem seriously anymore with that embarrasing beard
Niggers can't win here at all.
>spilling hot caffeinated drinks on DJT
What's a DJT, wigger?
fucking disgusting
Any screeencap for someone who doesn't have Twitter ?
Who is eminem and why do I care ?
Never really liked his crying about mommy thing.
have not met any aliens but if i did i would do them like i dues the jues... speed off on these lamborfeeties. thats also an advice.
50 years old and still thinks hes black. Embarrassing senpai.
Can you stop fucking shilling for like...y mother fucking seconds of your life?
Mods/janitors, can we can this shit as the obvious advertising it is?
Eminem got really fat and chubby. He really looks old when he grows out his stubble.
Another one bites the dust.
nope and bye to this snooze fest
>entertainer targets Trump
So brave and truly ground breaking.
You want to advertise? Fine. Buy an ad.
This is why we are being slid: THE AWAN CASE JUST BROKE WIDE OPEN
What a tremendous faggit.
Thx senpai
Damn that was cringy
sage for 0/10 slide thread
OP should go back to sucking dicks for money.
i want a gn
Trump is a kike
That’s because jews ask women for legitimacy
My theory is this is going to shock the public so severely that society's upper crust will be left in ruins as will much of what we believe about ourselves. Martial law is very likely when we learn every man, woman and child in the film, tv, music, and major sports has sucked billionaire dick and been fucked, up the ass too, for the fame and fortunes those billionaires were giving them. Every single celebrity, pro superstars of major sports,CEOs of endorsement companies had to do it.
Nothing will ever be the same.
Nah. Trump is an orange asshole and everything is going to shit
Fuck, that was terrible. That's not even music, he barely even rhymes and his rhythm is absolute garbage.
He doesn't even say anything, he just says a bunch of half finished thoughts.
Oh look, an Anti Trump political video (a little late). Wow, very creative. Oh, it's the same shitty talking points. Amazing. Very good.
Literally this
It's a distraction from Weinstien. It's rushed anti Trump garbage to get everyone's attention away.
Awful. This guy made a career off of pissing people off and saying outrageously offensive shit. He's gone off on the Clinton's, Mariah Carey, faggots, and the kids that got killed at Columbine, and now he comes out with this weak shit?
I don't even give a shit about Trump, but this is just a really poor effort and it makes it clear that this cat should have retired after mmlp2.
>implying it hasn't been shit for many years prior
why listen to this nigger
Tell us about all about gun control you fucking cuckolded embarrassment.
Sup Forums BTFO once again
>Eminem needs free advertising
Yeah, shut it down mods. This is clearly some literally who trying to get his name out there to the coveted Sup Forums consumer demographic. Thanks for pulling back the curtain, you absolute fucking imbecile.
>Trump just got ethered
fuck guys even if most of what he was saying was bullshit, you just can't argue with bantz, the left is learning and adapting.
damn this got all the trump butterflies triggered LUL
to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Eminem. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Emeniem’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from rap, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Eminem truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Eminem’s existential catchphrase “He is orange,” which itself is a cryptic reference to CNN’s epic journalist Don Lemon. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Eminem’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
thats some tasty pasta
so according to Eminem trump is anti-military, where did that come from?
>inb4 John McCain
fuck John McCain
Is he defending hillary? lol
I have no clue how people can say this is good. It's the cringiest shit I've ever heard. Lie after fucking lie. If I ever wondered who (((owned))) Eminem, I don't anymore.
As a huge eminem fan for years, it's weird. I still listen to his first 3 albums and giggle. Then he kinda started sucking.
Then he made relapse which was meh but super twisted. All about his uncle Fucking him in the shed and him with his shrink. Everybody called it the worst album ever including himself.
Then his album recovery was his comeback with every collaboration and radio hit. Eminem was kind of celebrated for originality then tossed aside. When he just showed up with all this mainstream support it wasn't him anymore. It just wasn't. I'm totally open to him being mk kanyed.
I consider No Love his last good track.
probably promoting his new album but his fanbase is mostly likely 30-40 and white
his album is gonna tank
I cant even watch this cringefest. This is seriously retarded as fuck
That's so fucking racist. I can't even. All nigger poetry is to be respected. I understand he's not a nigger. But look at all the niggers sitting behind the vastly more talented but selfimmolating white boy who speaks on their behalf.
I tried watching it where i left off. Still gay as fuck.
what an ugly breakdown
Who dat fag
>blocks out cusses
>2017 Eminem
How much has he fallen?
Lol. I stopped watching after his first emotional pause
"Listen to yourself, censorin' yourself, man, if Shady from '01 saw you today, he'd be killin' himself. -DJT"
Eminem has lost his bite
Trump has won the fight
Freestylin better than washed up rappers.
Shady from last millennium:
"You better kill me! I'm a be another rapper dead
For poppin' off at the mouth with shit I shouldn't a said
But when they kill me I'm bringin' the world with me
Bitches too! You ain't nothin' but a girl to me
I said you don't, want to fuck with Shady (cause why?)
'Cause Shady, will fuckin' kill you (ah-ha ha)
I said you don't, want to fuck with Shady (why?)
'Cause Shady, will fuckin' kill you"
Old em is so fucking great.
what an absolute turbo faggot. cringe as fuck.
Pro tip: Eminem hates when you disrespect his slut daughter
I guess he hasn't heard about that curse. RIP Eminem, you just played yourself.
>No one suprise of this tattooed , piercing , hippie yuppie doodle Loser shit
Wigger always hate "White America" - a civilize world that produce wealth
faggot choose his life direction just like his trash mother did it
Faggot Choose Nigger Nation
hipster fag Eminem are hardly even white himself
When you see a crackhead sexist homophobic tool thinks he has the moral high ground
What language is this? Do American Negroes have their own dialect?
Little gay looking boy
So gay I can barely say it with a 'straight' face looking boy
You're witnessing a mass-occur like you're watching a church gathering
And take place looking boy
Oy vey, that boy's gay
That's all they say looking boy
>Oy Vey that boy’s gay
Is this what did him in?
this. I just pretend that he retired after the Eminem Show and it makes everything better.
Maybe we should meme his mother into a right wing hero.
So, so bad.
Cheap insults. "You're orange!" "Nice tan!"
Zero actual substance. Nothing.
Hilarious how hypocritical & sell-out'ish Eminem has become: nihilistic to the bone just a handful of years ago and now suddenly "instead of focusin' it on gun reform in Nevada..." Like he actually gives two shits about either Puerto Rico or Nevada. I'm sorry, but Eminem is simply jumping on a bandwagon in the hopes of getting new likes & shares. Current Hollywood culture & leftists are absolutely pitiful.
Honestly the first 3 seconds were so gay I stopped there
Couldnt make it a minute. What a cringey cuck
Its how it always was, it started with the vietnam backlash
Shit, why did I vote for Trump? Maybe I should vote for Hillary next time if it's the cool thing to do. Thank you Eminem for opening my eyes.
"Its ova, nobody listens to techno"
Highest paid music artists: EDM fags
Damn Turnip got roasted. Can we just make Hillary president already?
Why should i care about the opinions of a white nigger?
He's an establishment hack now. He's towing their line. He hasn't been relevant musically since 2004. Next!
Eminem confirmed to be fucked up the ass by the Harvester
You just reminded me that Nate Dogg existed. Omg that album takes me back.
I spent so much of my life waiting for detox. Waiting for the comeback. Waiting for 'rap' to stop being idiots and ignore 50 and Jay Z and bring back The Game and Dre and Eminem. And if it happened now, i wouldn't even listen to it.
Even snoop can suck a million dicks.
I guess now the only hope is Dre getting angry and doing it his damn self. Album title: Again?
>Wigger hates wypipo
We've got a code red in the Butt Ward.