Anyone Amish?

I'm Amish and I'm celebrating rumspringa!

I was told to come here by my friend Gerald. I need to learn as much english culture as I can, Er is ganz ab.

What do I need to know!

Kannscht du Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch schwetzer?

Other urls found in this thread:

post stories of sexy time with Amish co-eds

You could go to our parties and see for yourself. A lot of people don't know that amish girls keep wearing their traditional dress and don't dress english.

Everyone has lots of sex

You don’t want to know anything about this modern world. Keep doing what you are doing. You all have it figured out and have it way better than us. Turn back now.

I wish I were amish. You're leaving the dream.

I think I will go back to the church but I am going to drive and drink some more before I do.

Wu schmoke is, is aa feier right? You can probably read that!

There are unsullied groups of ARYANS in America?


I laughed OP.

Alright everyone, you better be on your best behavior in this thread

It is not as fun as you think it is. You always have to work and there is a lot of pressure to join the church. You are always working but it can be good in a way. Most people scheie sich vun haddiarewa or don't want to work hard

We are all sinners!

I'm laughing at these pictures!

please dont!

Pol is white qt christian wife with kids counterculture, spend your rumspringa on anime or vidya


A lot of people are realizing that the rat race to more stuff and things is not as ""fulfilling" as we were told. The amish might actually be on to something...

Have you ever met a nigger?

Ok I know you're not amish because for most of them rumspringa doesn't have anything to do with drugs or sex. Mostly they eat at restaurants and go to the movies, wear western clothes etc.

Ich hab nix dagege

That means I can't lie that you aren't right. The life is good. God is good.


Yes. We don't serve them or sell to them. We're Old Order so they aren't Amish and are dangerous.

Yes and look at the computer! My friend is helping me.

The best part is vehicles

I live near you guys in PA. Why do you always give me the stink eye when I walk by?
Why do you treat your horses like shit? You work them till they drop dead.

In terms of technology how much of it is your community allowed to use on a daily basis.

I live about 20 miles from amish country. They go 5 miles an hour on the highway in their horse and buggy at night. If you're amish, please stop doing that or at least use candles for headlights or something

>spend your rumspringa on anime

no OP. Don't do this. Most people living in the modern world aren't prepared for anime. You might catch the autism.

I don't know but we mostly think you are fallen and feel sad. I don't hate the english. I think everyone remembers what it is like and needs to be careful to stay in the church.

We treat our horses as God intends and all of his creatures work. We don't treat them poorly. They are all healthy and fed.

These are good questions. God bless you.

Our Ordung explains this. Sometimes we can use batteries. We can use some generators too to power welding.

Cars and lightning rods are not allowed.

I know our people have used the same roads for years and we put on reflectors

I don't know what anime is

BTW OP, I have a question for you. Is there such thing as like a reverse rumspringa... like if an outsider wanted to give the ole amish thing a test run.

I gained a lot of respect for your group vote for Trump

Are you leaning towards going back to your community someday or stay in the outside world? I'm more used to Mennonites than Amish.

You can begin at any point if you want. But you would have to move to our community and change your lifestyle of simplicity and discipleship. I only know one person who did this.

Yes I'll probably join the church. A lot of people think you are Amish when you are born, but the choice to be baptised happens when you are an adult. I think I will be baptised. I like to farm

I know of a guy who did this. He was a chef in NYC or something and became Amish and now sells sausages in Maine. I hear they are really good.

I think amish food is the best. But I also like some of your food, too. We do not eat a lot of chinese food and I tried it the first time.

I'm happy to be answering questions but I wanted to learn about what you guys have to teach me before I go back!

How much money do you typically make? I've thought about joining you all, but I have debts from college I need to pay off. And of course, that's assuming you all would even let me join with such baggage. How does it even work? Do newcomers stay with an established family until they can afford their own house?

Well what types of questions do you have about English culture

> I wanted to learn about what you guys have to teach me before I go back

OP came here to get woke you fags, not play 60 Min with you all

Aren't Amish degenerate? I read they had sex a lot.

Let me tell you about the jews

I don't want to tell him anything about politics. He sounds so happy and innocent. He should cherish that and not know the true horror that he is sheltered from

I am surrounded by many Amish; most of us English in the rural parts are conservative, friendly and believe in God, we want to be friends.

We consider debt theft so we work it off. You could work it off yes. Debt wouldn't keep you from getting into the church. You could find work in whatever trade god has blessed your hands in working.

I think we make a lot of money compared to most english. I don't know. If you made a friend you could live with them but we would help you build your house and help you make your farm.

What is your favorite part of being english?
What is your favorite car?
What is your opinion of Amish?
Gerald says just wait when I asked him what I should ask! Ha
Do you have a lot of sex?
What drug should I try?

We all sin yes. But not all of us have sex when we are away from church.

Once God's chosen but they didn't choose eternal life

Do you guys know of Orthodoxy?

Nope, you're German, nice try imitating our language though.

I'm supposed to ask!

I think the English are just like us but it is hard to be Amish for them. It's hard for some of our people who leave the church!

I think so that's a type of church?

Er kann vun wunners net saage

Quick rundown on them:
rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs,
in contact with aliens,
rumoured to possess psychic abilities,
control france with an iron fist,
own castles and banks all over the world,
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line,
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city),
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth,
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies,
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

Underage b&
Or you're not on rumspringa in which case I'm preparing my carrier pigeons because your heresy is gonna put you in some heck now boy

What the fuck you doing on electronic machanine? Build a barn bitch.

You are blessed by not being cursed with the corruption of modern western civilization.
Cherish that, go back to your farm, read books.

The rest of us are fighting to get back to that innocence. I'm not an Anabaptist like yourself, but we are brothers in Christ. The simple life is something that I think all of us English (as you call us) wish we could get back too, away from the omnipresence of this horrible beast that feeds on our lust, greed, and gluttony.

Depending on the sect a lot of Amish use internet on the regular. They're just not allowed to use it at home.

All this time, you could have been speaking with some guy named Yoder posting on Sup Forums from his architecture firm

Ok, the Jews are a cancer and have to be killed to save our race. Once you understand and accept this fact, the second step is to accept that all non-whites must be exterminated to secure the future for our children. Finally, you must know that our Lord and savior Adolf Hitler was the physical incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu and his disciples George Lincoln Rockwell and Dr. William Luther Pierce were great Americans. Also, Tim McVeigh did nothing wrong.

Do the amish believe all christains go to heaven? I am Catholic what do the amish think of us? Also my family knows a ton of amish people in Ohio

Quick rundown on American economics

Yeah it's the original church, maybe you should look into it.

^ what this guy said

Mer sott em sei Eegne net verlosse; Gott verlosst die Seine nicht

God bless!

Our order doesn't use it but some do

Yes, our path is not the only path to heaven. Catholics go to heaven.

We do not think badly of any christians. Those who aren't Christian are strange but I don't hate them.

We have our way

That's a lot! You believe in Vishnu?

This is really funny

quick rundown on international affairs

>You believe in Vishnu?
No, but you should read "The Lightning and the Sun" anyways.

You know I took a tour of an Amish farm yesterday, and they told me that the Amish hang their clothes on hooks because using coat hangers makes it look like an image of a person. The dolls their girls play with don't have any faces for the exact same reason. Got some sensible keks out of that as an Orthodox acolyte. It's amazing how autistic other denominations can be about this

>I wanted to learn about what you guys have to teach me before I go back!

WWII was a war primarily over international finance and the good guys lost. Hitler did nothing wrong. The holocaust didn't happen, the Jews that did die in the labor camps died from a typhus outbreak.

I'll read this!

Everything is strange to outsiders. I like showing our farm

just go back...amish is the best kind of life, full of meaning and solid relationships and the kind of hard work that leaves a body tired and fulfilled at the end of the day
english life is a jewish controlled hell, where the jews push their degenerate bullshit on us every chance they get: tv, clothing, movies, music, video games
they control the money, the wars, and the power

just go back and enjoy a life that we can only read about....if you're here too long, you'll never leave

The world has turned very evil. Appreciate what you have. You do not want to take part in this Godless nightmare everyone else lives in. In this world your work doesn’t go to helping your family. You earn very little in relation to the money you generate for the company you work for. You are in a situation where your family gets 100% of the fruit of your labor. The family unit is being destroyed in our world. There is no real love. Society has abandoned God. Return to your community and NEVER look back. I wish I had what you do. Not what you own, the lifestyle.

quick rundown on higher education

Wow, but it's not like they're worshipping or even venerating it. Do they think idolatry will spread if they put some coats on a hanger?

I will watch this

Hey god bless thanks for answering!

I have heard that from a lot of people that they say that we always want to come back and even from some people that left the church that they miss it.

I wish my father could read what you wrote. He has said everything you say.

Pink lions!

Okay before I go i'm going to say a curse word goddamn to get it out of my system! But goddamn it was fun!

I'm going to a bonfire now!

God bless you guys! If you want to join our church you can!

Best part is that we can communicate instantly to people across the country like I am talking to you right now and I am hundreds of miles away in Georgia

I drive a Dodge Caravan but my favorite car is a tank I will post an example of a tank

I have a very favorable opinion of the amish I visit amish country every year. You guys are very nice and a selfless model of what our society should model itself after. Even if North Korea destroys everything electronic with EMPs your way of life will be unaffected

I wish I had lots of sex but alas I am still a virgin I will probably wait until mattiage but who knows

I would not suggest trying a drug that is addictive maybe try LSD or marijuana but I would encourage you not to try them at all I do not consume drugs

Go to an amusement park like Cedar point or futch wonderland or whatever park you have close by and ride a roller coaster

Pennsylvania Dutch sounds a bit like Yiddish.

Lol, das hört sich wie Schwäbisch an ;D
Ist klar deutsch.

It's almost 6 hours, but it will permanently alter your worldview. Mein Kampf is a good read too, make sure to get the stalag edition of you go for an English translation.

Go to Shady Maple Buffet in Lancaster
Find some LSD
have sex with Gerald's wife

>What is your favorite part of being english?
the horrible frightening freedom to choose wrong

>What is your favorite car?
one that runs

>What is your opinion of Amish?
I've lived near Amish & Mennonite communities for most of my life. Seem like happy people for the most part, good work ethic. I sympathize with the shunning of technology as I can see how it leads to temptation.

>Gerald says just wait when I asked him what I should ask! Ha
>Do you have a lot of sex?
not so much these days, I'm nearly 60 and a widower for quite a while. Sex is great fun while you are young, a great way to know someone and good exercise but it is largely over-rated and used in place of deeper relationships.

>What drug should I try?
I've tried almost anything you could name when I was young. I'd advise
As for smoking crack / meth or snorting powders, they can be incredibly addicting so I'd be careful if I were you and just stick to alcohol and the two I mentioned above.

Good luck and may your life be filled with blessings.
>mfw raised methodist, and I've always liked religious people who practice what they preach.

I am jealous of your life! I am an attorney in California and I envy your life style.

>Pink lions!

damn I am jealous of the innocence

It's essentially a German dialect. It's only called Dutch because English speakers heard Deutsch as Dutch

thread theme music:

Do Amish people get depression or other mental illnesses? How is it dealt with? Do parents hit their kids?


No, you're not. You're a Russian psyop artist.
Know how I know?

>Kannscht du Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch schwetzer

Fuck. Guys, OP is a fag. He is pulling every single one of these phrases from this site:

I'll answer your question Amish
>What is your favorite part of being english?
For me it is my family life. I enjoy spending time with them and raising my children.
>What is your favorite car?
I can't really give you a good answer but I will say this - drive a convertible before you return.
>What is your opinion of Amish?
Hard working people who are slightly brain washed but less so than the average 'English'
>Gerald says just wait when I asked him what I should ask! Ha
>Do you have a lot of sex?
At various stages of my life I did.
>What drug should I try?
Mushrooms for sure - not too intense but enough to give you a great experience.

how the hell did you learn to type?

Its kinda cute It makes me happy Call me a luddite but I might just become amish not for my sake but for the sake of my future children

Hello Amishbro. Just wanted to wish you a good day

>What is your favorite part of being english?
Electricity and the internet. You can learn anything at any time and its awesome.
>What is your favorite car?
2005 Corolla
>What is your opinion of Amish?
Mostly smell bad, but are generally good people.
>Gerald says just wait when I asked him what I should ask! Ha
Gerald is trying to poison your mind.
>Do you have a lot of sex?
>What drug should I try?
Psilocybin mushrooms. Eat 4 grams dried and stare at the wall.

Granted, the community I was visiting was one of the absolute most conservative Amish communities in the country. These folks are so suspicious of technology that they don't even allow running water in their home or any sort of refrigerants. They milk cows, and then the milk may be stored for a maximum of 2 days.

Don't try drugs that are addictive
Cocane heroin meth
People who are addicted only care about the drug. Even religion can't bring most people back

wait, I thought the minnonites wore black...

Amish around here wear other colors, I think.

I think the doll thing is pretty standard, regaurdless of how liberal the community is.

I want an Amish or Mennonite wife. Hook me up.

Go to Florida Miami or ft Lauderdale
See the crazy people be nice to them

Pretty sure the Amish don't use electricity.

> don't internet

A people discouraged and punished for technological progression must be very different from the rest of America.a

I seriously doubt that. It's just one of many bad ideas desperation will give you.

Exactly. But I do wonder. Its easy for us to appreciate this since we are seeing both sides, but would future generations be lured to the "temptations" that modern society showcase?

And are we doomed to a vicious cycle of us wanting to be on the farm and our children wanting to be in the city? and repeat

But I hate cellphones and social media and I don't watch TV. Honestly I would be happy to be rid of most technology.

I lived in Canada near the menonites they generally didn't have anything to do with us except selling at the farmers market.
But when a huge tornado wiped out a lot of farm's they wer out fixing barns and houses before any one else

No. About 80% of Amish stay Amish, and I would reckon that number would increase if you remove the more touristy places like Lancaster. The culture shock is usually way too much for kids trying out the lifestyle of the English, not to mention that leaving the Amish is basically cutting nearly all ties with the family and friends you've known your entire life in order to enter a society that is nothing like what you've grown up in or learned to appreciate in which you have no connections and will have an incredibly hard time succeeding in since you didn't even finish high school (Amish schooling only goes up to 8th grade).

On my tour I went on yesterday, the guide I was with said he had lived there all his life and was around 70 years old, and in all those years, he had only ever seen 5 or 6 of them leave the community.

genetic diseases from inbreeding, like marrying a Jew except no perks of high IQ and being able to stomach large amounts of paperwork

My weakness would be air conditioning

So Amish girls: hot or not? Worth converting for?

hmm interesting. Thanks for the post user.

What the hell are you typing? Pennsylvania Dutch?

I would say the only difference is us English can change our destiny. You guys are basically the hobbits in the lord of the rings. The world could come close to ending and you'd never know unless someone told you. A blessing and a curse, knowledge is.

All you need to know

>What is your favorite part of being english?
The Internet.

>What is your favorite car?
2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia, followed by the 1955 Packard Carribean, and finally the 1953 Cadillac 62.

>What is your opinion of Amish?
I admire your faith and devotion to your practices, and I think you do a lot of things right in terms of economics. I moved to the Midwest so that I could spend some time exploring the region and lifestyles out here, and I plan to visit some Amish areas soon.

>Do you have a lot of sex?
I shall be a wizard.

>What drug should I try?
None. Drugs are terrible and destroy nations. If you really must, stick to alcohol and tobacco.

In case you're interested in European culture

American education