Drumpf lyrically DEMOLISHED by Eminem
Does Drumpf have the balls to respond?
Drumpf lyrically DEMOLISHED by Eminem
Does Drumpf have the balls to respond?
Eminem was the original Shaun King. What a disgrace to his race.
This is so pathetic.. Can't believe I used to look up to this Jewish puppet mutt and try and be like him.
He has 100% sucked Jimmy Iovines cock
Poor guy. I used to actually like him. Now he looks like he's about to burst a neck vein when he raps
It's fire and accurate, you've been cucked by Trump
But eminem never claimed to be black
2 minutes in. It's pretty fucking bad. I fucking loved this guy as a kid.
eminem is a white negro
Hair dye is my number one warning indicator that a person might be retarded.
>spitting into the wind while whistling past the graveyard
Trump Curse when?
Its almost like he knows his dremographic is 15 year olds that hate drumpflskins
He's not going to reply to every schoolboy and their Jewish master
Eminem is a lyrical genius
That the British m and m
You think marshall knows he is a wigger?
Is he
Or is he a twat
The mysteries of mnm run sooo deep
Or his handler (((Paul Rosenberg))) had him do it.
>celeb targets GROMPF
wow, truly these are revolutionary times
>original Shaun King
Shaun King is literally a white guy passing himself off as black. Eminen is and always has been unapologetically white.
>disgrace to his race
Poor white trash who grew up in a trailer park and is now a millionaire. He spent his whole career pissing off the same cucks that you claim to hate. He's basically the embodiment of what Sup Forums is supposed to stand for.
Now he's a disgrace because he attacked your mancrush.
Oh no...It's all making sense.
Eminem is a jewish product.
>not COMPF
Guy that made it being anti-media, anti-establishment, anti-Hollywood, anti- music industry
Reduced to a pandering, washed up has been.
Its funny how many times he used to get shit on for being a white rapper by other black rappers and he'd turn around and say D12/Aftermath/Shady Records didnt play that black and white shit.Well....looky what we have here. A fucking cuck hypocrite.
He's the wiggerest loser of all time. A complete and total degenerate faggot that wishes he was a black dude. He's like some parody out of Boondocks but for real. Who the fuck cares what he thinks? Let me guess, Korn and Limp Biscuit are gonna dis Trump next? Give me a fucking break. He peaked in 2000 with The Marshall Mathers LP, but he's been irrelevant since 2004.
"My circle is small and tight." - Eminem Faggot confirmed.
What are the chances this rap was pre-written and not a freestyle?
I freaking loved Eminem my whole life but I'm starting to think he's been lost to the left. And why were there niggers in the background the entire time?
wow what a brave man to express such career risking opinions. maybe there's still some horse left to kick afterall
I wanna see his penis. Remember the dynamite picture? He probably holds it that way too hehehe
>get beat and mocked by niggers throughout your childhood
>compensate by acting more niggish than 90% of actual nigs
>use God-given talents that could have made you one of the greatest poets of the English language on par with Shakespeare, Byron, Pope or Eliot to rap about commiting rape and domestic violence
I wonder how many times he plowed Eminems ass?
>tfw when trump actually battle raps this faggot
Trump is gonna lyrically btfo eminem
Fuck off OP. Mods... we do not need a gazillion Eminem threads at one time.
Street cred bruh..
I honestly can't believe I fell for this jewish propaganda before...
I wonder how much of the music industry’s Weinstein he took.
>unapologetically white
U wot
His whole career is trying to appeal to the supposed moral authority of black (aka Jewish) culture.
All of it.
>I fucking loved this guy as a kid.
I was an adult when his first and only good album came out. It was Rap, but was crazy. It was like bloodhound gang mixed with Dre.
After that, it just was a money grab. I am a HUGE fan of the retards that try to pass his albums off as the BEST SELLING OF ALL TIME....when it is 100% a lie.
>anti-music industry
c'mon, he was signed to fucking Interscope since the beginning by Jimmy (((Iovine))).
shit tier eminem freestyle.
> uneducated and probably back on drugs.
what were his key points?
>trump bad for orange tan
>trump bad for mccain insults
>herp derp nfl
thats all i took away from it. oh and that he hates his fans if they are pro trump
stopped liking him after turning 15. guy is just full of angst and has daddy issues
I wonder how much they overlap. I mean, his biggest albums have women-bashing, shitting on gays and even Hillary.
Eminem is getting painful to watch in his old age.
His command of assonance and rhythm and meter is utterly unbelievable but all he does is use it to create pure trash with no redeeming value or message that's more degenerate than almost anything actual gang-affiliated drug-dealing skreet niggers put out.
Meanwhile, after 55 straight years of Democrat mayors, Detroit is a shithole and Eminem's precious 8 Mile Road still looks like a war zone. But hey, I'm sure he really cares, I'm sure he's still in touch with the daily struggles of the oppressed black man. I'm sure he's not just trying to make a buck... honest
>fuck eminem
Eminem has always been fucking garbage.
If you want to listen to some good white rapper(s) check our $uicideboys.
Clinton's wanted to ban his music and way of earning a living. So brainwashed he is sucking her dick. Life is good.
it scarcely reaches the summit of lyrical genius as the masterpiece "fuhk dahnold traaaaamp fuhk dahnold traaaaaaaamp"
No fag.
The only connection Em had to black culture was the fact that he was rapper. Other than that he mostly talked about white issues, in both suburbia and white trash communities. He pissed off sanctimonious boomer cucks the same way as the metal bands in the '80s.
He was also always known as the "crazy white guy" when he slipped into his horrorcore persona.
He wasn't even that much of a wigger. A wigger is pic related.
And all of the black men looking on to him as he says what he says.
Whats up with that guys? Literally some white guy talking shit and he has all of these black guys behind him, obviously supporting him.
I'm not a super political guy but when it comes to this bull shit I have to shake my head. I know damn well that its all part of the Trump hate bandwagon and I'm just tired of hearing this shit.
Its not inspirational. Its not something to look up to. Its just a bunch of bullshit.
This guy is almost 45 why does he still looks like some edgy kid
Sage this fucking advertising plot
That's lit
>raps about beating women and calling them sluts and gay people fags
>Makes fun of trump
a wise guy
once listened to him
now hes a maniac
hair grown thin
into the bin
snow white skin
wait on Christ
cause here comes sin
>why are all rappers afraid of eminem?
Well hey he must care because of all of those black guys standing in the background. They are supporting what he's saying so that's all that matters. Nothing else matters but what they say!!! Don't believe in anything else!!!
44 year old huwite rapper defending da black slaves
Eminem has been shit or over 15 years. Should’ve retired after 8 mile
ill leave this here
what a backstabbing cuck
>it's another Sup Forumsweenie gets mad at his favorite artist because he disrespects muh god empuruh
Lol stay mad bizarro SJW cucks
Meanwhile he's saying the truth, trump is about to start a war with some gay ass commie dictator just because he wants to become sovereign with nuclear deterrents
>reverse SJWs
Except Generation Zyklon love Donald
I don't know if Sup Forums has ruined me or not, but I can't get over how much he looks like a worthless British Chav in OP's pic. Funny how he acts exactly like a Chav too.
>mom's spaghetti
>used to be under constant assault from black MCs until Dre gave him a chance
>famous for homophobic lyrics and anti-women horrorcore
>Marshall Mathers LP he called out hypocrisy of post-Columbine hysteria
>went on to question the narrative of the war on terror
>defends Hillary who made a demon out of him for his music during his rapid rise to fame
>used to be against celebrities who weren't from downtrodden pasts using their fame as a platform to LARP alongside them
>mocks the accent common in the state he's from after moving from there to a Detroit suburb in his youth, and then Detroit
>conforms to the mainstream narrative after becoming famous for going against it
like pottery
Yes, because he is the one instigating all of this shit.
>Oh North Korea is a good country. It would never push war on the US! Its all Trumps fault!!!
Come on guy!
Not about race
It's about power
And those who abuse that power
Eminem is a joke of his former self.
This guy got seriously spooked by someone or something or drugs.
>liking rap music
Shady and trump used to be such great friends what happened? :(((
meme this
Who gives a fuck
why is this even a story?
Eminem made an anti-bush song in 2004 and then he got re-elected.
This is a good sign.
So what are the lyrics?
What's his issue with trump? I'm betting he's mad that trump hasn't responded to his antics
Trompf btfo
my favorite line
>racism is the only thing that he's fantastic for, cuz that's how he gets his fuckin rocks off and he's orange.
He's the new Harvey Weinstein
He can have all the homophobic and sexist lyrics, but it's all good cuz he's a Trump-hating liberal
Why would a commieshit country that's barely capable of feeding its own population attack the US without provocation?
The US has shown that if your regime can't defend itself with overwhelming force, it will get toppled to serve american interests, just like it happened with Iraq, Libya, almost to Syria, and next in the list are Iran and NK
You're either gargling on daddy trump jizz or too stupid to figure it out, the US has degraded its image of diplomatic negotiation over the years, and this is the result.
Prove me wrong Nazi faggot
this is beyond embarrassing
re-election guaranteed if he chooses to run
as petty as trump is, the best thing he could do is not respond as though this went under his radar. that would be legitimately fucking funny
I've got a lot of respect for Eminem, but you think he'd hate democrats after what they did to Detroit.
Eminem is going to choke on his mom's spaghetti.
Yet another dissapointment. Say goodbye to your career eminem.
>racism is the only thing that he's fantastic for, cuz that's how he gets his fuckin rocks off and he's orange.
>lyrical genius
When will people realize how pathetic rap is. Let me give you the redpill about rap. Rap is nothing but talking really fast and requires nothing else but rehearsal and proper jaw/teeth placement. NIGGERS USE RAP TO FEIGN INTELLIGENCE, they rehearse saying something really fast to MIMIC SOMEONE WHOS BRAIN IS OPERATING REALLY FAST, because niggers are really DUMB this is impressive for them. This is why rappers are popular with niggers.
But there's no rapper whos brain is operating really fast, and most lyrics are ridiculous rhymes based on a vocabulary that they rehearsed in advance. Rap in itself as an artform is a complete joke and is ofcourse based on the skeltonic verse from the 1600's invented by a white dude.
He does what his jew bosses tell him to do
>He pissed off sanctimonious boomer cucks the same ones he now shills for
That also isn't an example of a wigger, it's an example of late '80s/early '90s (((rappers))). A wigger is someone who acts like a nigger, even though they're white ('w'hite + n'igger' = wigger). Therefore I suppose you could say Vanilla Ice is a wigger, but if you did then you would have to say Eminem is a wigger. The only reason you can't see Eminem is a wigger is because the meme nigger fashion is now (((mainstream))) fashion.
I can literally smell the goy on you. I bet it wasn't so long ago you were wearing a (((snapback))) and (((Jordan's))). I don't know why I should expect anything else from a cancerous phoneposter though.
>Shilling for a wigger this hard.
Just end yourself.
Vanilla King
Ice Shaun
6pack shaker
Biber Dogity Dog
literally who? some wigger fag?
Shaun King is black.
Eminem killed it.
Trump disrespected the troops.
Lick your wounds.
Walk it off.
Stop being a cunt.
Such a shame, I actually enjoyed Eminem in the past. Oh well, have to do whatever makes you relevant, right? Guess Eminem can fuck off then since he gave me the choice to pick between Trump and him.
It's Eminem you fucking inbecile. He's one of the most notable freestyle rappers ever. Probably was a freestyle.
Would you rather listen to M&M or Thomas Sowell? The contrast of ideologies and cultures being self evident.
Too bad he wastes it being a jew
"lyrically demolished" what the fuck does that even mean? Musicians are AIDS-tier faggots, too lazy to choose the path of real work, anus-bleeding fuck toys of their producer overlords. Their job is to connect with the retarded masses...dance around with a bunch of retards while the adults run the show.
Is this 2001?