Prepper Targeted in Germany:
Prepper Targeted in Germany:
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This is normal. the medical tests only give good results if the WHOLE POPULATION is eating the supermarket food, and drinking approved water.
at least make it (((good results))), tho
The problem isn't him alone, it's if he breeds with someone else who avoids the junk food, they could have a child who is capable of education without massive financial loss.
What about you? Are you ready, Sup Forums?
those stores are weak as fuck. we've got enough for years.
So what happened?
German plebs are larping in the woods, while german police (because they know whats up) men do the real prepping with guns and shit and everything. Government isn't amused. Policie men get replaced by Michels.
Preppers got raided by KSK9 Sonderkomando (Special forces). Some Prepper have been Police Officers, and they got fired from their job because someone belived they planed to kill left wing politicans.... no evidence was found though.
the absolute state of germany
>Rechte Prepper
They're literally targeting people preparing for doomsday with conservative political ideologies; nothing else. They sent in the anti-terror police squads. They literally said that. Then comes some German politician describing how right wing extremism needs to be wiped out.
Germany is beyond doomed.
>Germany is beyond doomed.
As a whole? Yes. Absolutely. I still hope one or the other region/state can be salvaged, once the whole thing implodes.
So you can't larp as a survivalist in Kleinedeutschland?
larping and showing your cards wasn't a good idea to begin with if you're actually care about surviving. but once you're with a group of people, they'll deem you dangerous and come for you.
>but once you're with a group of people, they'll deem you dangerous and come for you.
bad bois bad bois
Wait what law did this guy violate also didnt the (((German government))) put out some kind nation wide alert to have like a week of supplies stocked up in case of emergencies recently
>bad goys bad goys
Please tell me it wasnt the austrian qt Survival Lilly!!
>didnt the (((German government))) put out some kind nation wide alert to have like a week of supplies stocked up in case of emergencies recently
Yes, but these guys have piled up crap for months to come!!! DAS IST NICHT IN ORDNUNG!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
my bad
>Yes, but these guys have piled up crap for months to come!!! DAS IST NICHT IN ORDNUNG!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So wait they seriously have a law limiting the amount of things you can own ? i know they are socialism two electric boogaloo but damn
>my bad
kek no worries
not only do they have a law that says you can own too much, they also have a policy that says you can own too little
>save 2 weeks worth of food and supplies
>8 weeks is too much. Damn german overachievers
>So wait they seriously have a law limiting the amount of things you can own ?
>not only do they have a law that says you can own too much, they also have a policy that says you can own too little
don't be silly. Neither exists. And the minimum supplies thing is merely a suggestion.
In Germany you don't need laws to be suspicious and need to be observed around the clock. Germany, das Land der
>Dichter und Hetzer
>and they got fired from their job because someone belived they planed to kill left wing politicans
Fuck yes please be true
damn that looks so good I am so hungryu
politicians are becoming seriously tyrannical.
>they got fired from their job because someone belived they planed to kill left wing politicans.
You'd think keeping "dangerous homicidal right-wingers" employed would be a priority.
did he say some illegal words or something?