Hillary, Pizzagate, Weinstein, Vegas, Alex Jones, Puerto Rico, Russia, the NFL, Youtube, traps and trannies...as if it is all part of one big plan. Would you really want to know?
What if it was all connected?
Dam right I would
It is connected.
Weinstein came out just in time to distract from the vegas shooting mystery fuckup extravaganza.
>Full disclosure?
Mfw yes.
and then an hero comes along
We already do know.
Massive manufactured opposition.
Of course I want to know you think I spend all this time in this shithole to delude myself?
yeah, but i think you're full of shit desu
autistic fucks can already see this shit, that's why we lose it over happenings....because something is actually progressing and we can attempt to decipher a little bit more of what is actually going on...
all I can really see, though, is that the jews behind the scenes aren't comfy...and that's enough for me to be VERY comfy as I watch for more habbenings
It is connected its all the results of Leftwing Degeneracy!
Put the dooby doooown bro.
It is all connected. The bread and circuses act as a means to keep people distracted from important issues and acts of sexual violence against children. Media along with YouTube conditions children to respond positively to these situations through videos that show case these acts in childish (((innocent))) humor.
Some mental affects of this conditioning leads to character crisis in identifying with your birth or natural gender. Vegas showcases mass sacrifice through visual depictions of death of innocent people. Russia is the nucleus of the marxist ideology, the vessel used to spread the virus. The Soviet Union created the fatherless society you see in black or poor households. The design of government assistance uses the state to become the father figure. Anyone with some semblance and understanding of the "grand plan" can see all of it. So yes it is connected, all of it, one flows into the other. They walk hand in hand to ensure the destruction of the traditional man and his family. Equal in manufactured slavery rather than letting people be unequal through there own hard work and perseverance. Making people fight for scraps from the table of tyrants.
Fuck this gay Earth. End it now God, please.
LARP incoming?
Someone has to disconnect it.
that looks like the guy from V for Vendetta
This tbqh
Even if I knew definitively, the amount of shits I give would remain the same. None.
super underrated pic related. it sucks that HBO bought the rights and hasnt touched it for years... *cough* pic *cough* RELATED *fart*
Wake up, Podestas son in law is the fbi agent in charge of the Vegas shooting!!!
>op just learned about the jews
b u m p
It is all connected... by the Times, which is CIA.
You're close Sup Forums...very close
Wtf. It's literally a cap from that scene. Op is quoting from the scene too