What wont they try to fuck
Liberals Use Black man as Sex Slaves
Wow! Jim Crow never ended, it merely switched owners!
I thought men couldn't be sexually harassed...
>a jew tickles my balls
>I proceed to have a panic attack
christ straight people are sensitive
Katt Williams weren't lying about those parties
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. We're all slaves to something, I guess.
this is the currency they deal in VICTOMHOOD
>their spouses
yeah well you've never had your balls tickeled against your will man its no fun being molested
any form of affection to him he will take
So that's where "Get Out" came from.
Dear black people,
Us racist nazis are your friends. We want to leave you alone. We don't want to touch your hair or talk about your bbc. Trust me, dear negroes, us racists are a more true honest friend to your race than liberals who literally view you as pets.
This is common practice. If you're going to buy a strong buck you're going to want to make sure he can stud your Sallies.
>he realized how it would be portrayed, 240lb black man stomps out tiny hollywood jew
Would love to have an honest conversation with this nigger about Jews. I bet he has some interesting things to say
>Hollywood molestations have turned into a chance to virtue signal and become victims
"Nice cock goy, wanna star in one of my films?"
Little Jews DIe While Big Jews made money
Little Jews being turned into soap While Big Jews wash them self init
>jews use black men as sex slaves
Why didn't he building kick him
>Aussie okay with beak-nosed kikes grabbing his sack
Considering the shit with Emus I'm not surprised.
I like Terry Crews. I wish more niggers were like him. Respectable guy
> you mad white boi
giant black man beating on a "PEACEFUL LIBERAL" faggot
> such a violent nigger for beating on that poor faggot all of them are just animals
>What wont they try to fuck
Their own wives.
now imagine if the jew forced you to fuck a real woman.
How do u think Terry would feel if he saw u insult his pepo like that? Think b4 you post please.
>I thought men couldn't be sexually harassed...
Only straight white men.
Just prepping the bull
I would expect him to call me a cracker.
Go back to your safe space, leddit
the autists burnt themselves out on pizzagate, sadly. otherwise they would be all over this Weinstein thing, connecting the dots to all the jews who helped him out -- the editor at the NYT, the DA who dropped the charges despite solid evidence, the publicists and their pet journalists used to preemptively destroy the reputations of potential accusers. All that and more. ALL JEWS.
Our autists would be picking apart the media wing of the Jewish Mafia right now, but they've burnt out. Come home, white autist, the war is not yet won.
another system jam. first we triggered their sensitivity and entitlement to make them defeat themselves, now their cucked social dynamics have incentivized them to air out each others dirty laundry. our enemy is our best friend, because they are their own worst enemy.
Could the hollywood (((executive))) stranglehold be coming loose?
Did they meme that hypocritical political correctness too hard till it inevitably back fired?
I mean, how long can you try to push social justice till the people around you get sick of seeing the complete opposite being conducted at the highest level.
Niggers are pretty woke on jews, their brainwashing is a different program than what the jews hit the white goyims with.
Duely checked.
I like Terry Crews. Prophet of the nofap and refused to do a idiocracy skit mocking Trump. Seems like a nice guy.
Bruce pls, I would deck that kike and have him die from a brain aneurysm
Democrats are the REAL rapists!
fuckin baaaaaassssssseeeeddddddd
I don't know anything about this guy, he's just Hollywood though right? I don't get why it's a big deal
family man too, has his head on straight, not a bitter nigger, example of the difference between blacks and niggers. niggers are a curse upon everybody but a plague upon black folks.
Funny how Terry Crews was seen as the shower nigga type but he was really a Tom all along.
Jewish Mafia went into several industries when they legitimized their wealth transitioning illicit funds into legal businesses. Media/film/tv/radio/etc was one such industry.
Start pulling up the details of who covered for him and enabled him and did his dirty work and its all jewish names.
>haha dude this slimy fat jew touched his dick its OK hahaha no problem stop being gay about it
this is you
Relax, goy. It's nice. You'll enjoy it more if you relax.
his VLOGs are quite good desu
was that before or after the jews molestered him
II too believe his character from everybody hates Chris is what he is like in real life
The lefty's have been using multiculturalism to enslave black people for years
Welfare to cuck the black man
So why not fuck them as well
Niggers are oversensitive whiny little shits as a rule. They are increasingly adopting the persecution complex of the Jews.
Patrice O'Neal was a nigger with interesting things to say about jews too:
I gotta hand it to the to guy who had the balls to rape this nigger.
Terry is a honoray white. This is disgusting.
That first one he did really helped me. I thought watching porn a lot was normal because media told me it was through tv, movies, even HS classes. It eventually became an obsession that I didn't even realize until his video. It was very brave of him to do that
That's why the Jew did it.
>just Hollywood
You realize that they've been in complete control of public opinion for several generations, right?
Those 14 year old boys are raping 25 year old women. Be a good goyim.
What you're seeing is the perfected Jewish hivemind response to a critical threshold of goyish anger.
The Jews have finetuned their collective survival mechanism by immediately and unequivocally throwing one of their own transgressors under the bus in order to avoid being targeted as a group. NO ONE is quicker to disassociate than the Jews - nepotism is ONLY for when things go well, and if you run into trouble, then you're a schmuck who should enjoy his Gentile assraping.
This is what has kept the Jews alive for so long. When you think of them as an unconscious hivemind instead of a deliberate conscious polity, their actions make much more sense.
Do I get the rope for liking Terry Crews?
everyones life is hard in victimhood
>What wont they try to fuck
being anti-porn is anti-semitic
dem jews just cant keep it in thier pants
WTF? who kind of degenerate faggot is so disrespectful to a middle aged man? Terry Crews is like 50yo.
nah, it's the same owners.
you're ignoring all the times various jews in power in media and justice protected Weinstein.
this is the result of woke whites in NYPD leaking the audio they had after the jew DA refused to prosecute.
The ultimate power fantasy
"here Terry put these daisy dukes on and bend over"
What a bunch of anti fucking Semites.
I'm on a horse.
Oh fuck, that's not a horse!
Disgusting. Molesting a black!?
Damn. That image looks like it was made with an old version of Paint.
funny man, before i knew anything about politics, i knew that farrakhan was probably good because all of the people who hated him were people I didn't like
Jewish guys love the BBC
>using marriage to make a political statement
they are pretty desperate, huh?
Sexual assault is a serious crime which legally justifies measures of self defense.
Hopefully you will get a taste of that sweet justice when you decide to drunkenly act out your faggotry in the wrong place with the wrong person.
>be Milo
>I'm the leader of the alt right and I love sucking black dick!
new souls game is looking good
Dem jews be homos.
The last thing you want near your dick is a Jew.
That jew probably did it just to prove he could. None of you would of handled it differently. Do you know what would happen if you punched a guy like that? He and his people would make your life a living hell. They could take everything away from you. Maybe oneday you find your kid dead in his room or maybe they turn you into the next Jackson or Cosby. Most of us thankfully don't have to deal with people this evil and powerful. They are ingrained in every important aspect of our society. Nothing short of another world war would change that. It's pretty much a hopeless situation and if you believe otherwise you are being played like a fiddle.
Jews are obsessed with blacks as literal objects. There's a Fassbinder movie in which naked black men stand still at a club while drunken white women randonly paw them.
We cannot let this insult against President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho stand