Would SAO have been better if Asuna was the main character?

Would SAO have been better if Asuna was the main character?

No. She's sexy, but just as bland as Kirito.


Yes. Look at the last animated arc (mothers rosario). Its the only one with focus on Asuna and its the best.

depends on what you're interested in

Yes, and it's called the manga adaptation of Progressive.

Make Asuna the MC, erase Kirito from existence, and make it a yuri harem. Yes, much better.

This but without the yuri harem. 10/10 show right there.

probably ugly fat weeb chick

Is it about dealing with being a bleeding edge progression raider?

Asuna has already been assembling a stealth yuri harem in the background. Kirito's harem loves her almost as much as they love him and she has her one true love dead AIDS girl as well.

Maybe. I think it would but just a little.

Only Klein as a main character could save this shit. Even Klein as a buddy sidekick to Kirito could save this. Then Kirito's blandness would be somewhat justified as him being the straight man to Klein's goof.

It's about dealing with a bleeding edge progression raider.

SAO would have been better if the entire show was just Aincrad and we got to see every little step on the way better the end fight. Apparently Asuna was more fleshed out in novel but the anime cut it out...for some reason? Hell I wouldn't have minded if the anime branched off a little and showed Kirito's interactions with more characters and the little details like getting his sword made. Basically just flesh out Aincrad more. My biggest problem with the Aincrad arc was it felt over before it really started and we didn't really dive into Kirito's progression or any smaller details.

Kirito just kind of goes from being a lowbie then after they beat the first boss his power level has increases significantly and the next episode after that yet again. We have no real idea what Kirito does all the time besides just fight things solo but Kirito does other things clearly. They're in an MMO yet the MMO aspect feels so secondary. Like we never see Kirito trying to craft good weapons or go in depth with dungeons.

Basically I just wanted more Aincrad and for Kirito to actually be a character with progression.

>improving anything

Be forewarned: I only played the two Vita games.

Asuna has a 10/10 design but her personality is a bit annoying. She's too submissive and head-over-heels in love with Kirito that it becomes suffocating. It's too much.

I didn't mind Kirito. In fact, I kinda grew attached to him. But he really doesn't talk too much in either game.

I found Sinon and Lisbeth to be the best girls.

no. sachi in other hand...

The games are better than the anime anyways.

No, asuna is garbage. Even Kirito is better than her

Pretty much anyone would have been a better MC than Kirito. That being said, Asuna is on the lower end of improvements.

Kleincucks are shit, there is only one totally platonic male friend for Kirito

>Literally describing SAO: Progressive

>Literally describing SAO: Progressive

People do this so often here.

Can't wait for the eventual SAO:P anime and everyone hailing it as AOTY.

yes, but only season 1 asuna.

I'm ready to forgive SAO. I enjoyed the beginning of it.

I liked Asuna at first, but the Kirito corrupted her and turned her into a sentimental waifu. Asuna as the MC, no Kirito and no romance can make this series better.

and they should use the manga character designs