Tell me again why Islam taking over and banning degenerate shit like this is a bad thing?
Tell me again why Islam taking over and banning degenerate shit like this is a bad thing?
>kid rape is better than some drunk on a bench
>believing in an arbitrary age set for consent which has no basis in nature or science and is made up by jew politicians/lawyers/judges
Look at these great white culture and the fashion is immense, great shoes.
>stoning, decapatation and throwing people off buildings is better than drunk people.
This answer is a jolt of redbull©
So you're a fag worshiper?
>I'm sick of degeneracy so let's throw two thousand years of European culture into the toilet because it's haram.
Just where exactly does Bach and Chopin fit into life in the caliphate?
I look at that picture and instantly know it somewhere in England. Should have let the vikings take over in the 800's
There is no culture, can't you fucking see that?
Wallah the day will come when soldiers of the Caliph knock your door and tell you to convert or die
Worse solutions to real problems.
Islam kills free thought and will uproot the traditions of the west to such an extent that it will fall into chaos before Islam wins. Islam may win a zero-sum game Geo-politically, but wouldn't take Europe, rather ruin it.
>There is no culture, can't you fucking see that?
*looks over at Bach cassettes*
It's right over there m8, I'm literally looking at it as we speak.
That is fucking pathetic that you think some gay as shit cassette tape is culture.
Muslims have the unironic highest rates of faggotry in the world, not to mention the kiddie-diddling, goat-humping, and of course the rampant inbreeding making already stupid populations even more worthless.
What was that?
I couldn't hear you over this bitching fugue.
I definitely know that you're a virgin.
Chastity is a virtue brah, I thought you were a Muslim? What happened to Islam being an antidote for degeneracy?
Sounds to me like you're just another profligate....
Habbib, aren't you meant to be out doing burnouts or dealing drugs to kids or some-shit? I'm pretty sure your Leb-Biker Dad ain't gunna be happy with you for shitposting on an image board rather than pushing dope.
Drugs are haram you dumb faggot.
And yet you Lebs still do it, not a very devote lot are you
Islam is degenerate shit.
>No pork
>why is it a bad thing to inject acid into myself? Its getting rid of the degenerative illnesses I have!
Wtf i love child brides and honor killings now
>replacing alcoholic degenerates with goat fuckers and child rapists
You science denying subhumans can’t die soon enough.
This is what is happening to you retards in reality
Because humans don't care what other people do
Pick one
islams have their own set of degeneracy like goat fucking and pedophilia
Mozzie religion isn't taking over, it's just sucking on the welfare teat like all of the other third-worlders being brought into white countries. You might as well ask why African Anglicanism taking over and banning degenerates isn't bad—the issue isn't religious, it's racial.
See all that rubbish? Kuwait looks like that everyday. And booze isn't to blame.
We can deal with those ourselves
Yes!, you make it sound like a bad thing.