Deep State Pushing Microchiping


rev up them firearms

>we're prepared to chip our dogs, so why aren't we prepared to chip ourselves?
because we're not subservient fucking housepets you commie faggot NWO glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger

>We're prepared to chip our dogs, so why aren't we prepared to chip ourselves?
cause i'm not a dog?

how about we chip this fucking psycho """journalist""" jews who pedal this crap?

We are already "chipped" with cell phones.

Chipped is something worse and infinitely moar evil.

>the sports slave niggers to be branded by their owners under government mandate

This timeline..

>We're prepared to chip animals, so why not us? XDD
Because we aren't pets.

slow release estrogen capsule inserted behind the left ear ensures long term subservience and state support from subjects. phase 2 will be to place permanent contact lenses with wifi support to flash 'OPEN BORDERS" and 'REFUGEES WELCOME" during REM sleep cycle.


Why did I think of Blasto when I saw this?

>chip athletes
>program goes online after all chips implanted
>85%+ suspension result in first week

It would make a lot more sense to ask olympic athletes to live in a 5 star hotel for 1 month right before the competition during which their food intake and medications are closely monitored.


Channel your inner Stephen "Comped stocked and ready to rock" Paddock

This. Damn jews trying to bring forth their messiah.

Why are they such evil pieces of shit?

> get a load of this fallacy guys!
> not convinced? your probably insecure

Just let people take whatever drugs they want.
Sports might be more interesting if it we were pushing the point of the human potential by having steroids a mandatory part of being an athlete, if only because you can't compete at their levels without them.

>85%+ revealed to be fucking high
>corporate calibrates the results down to 5%
sure did a lot of good LOL

post the real article you fucking shit posting communist archiver


Kek comparing athletes to dogs
