ITT: We discuss why the King James Bible is degenerate, as it was commissioned and edited by an alcoholic faggot.
ITT: We discuss why the King James Bible is degenerate, as it was commissioned and edited by an alcoholic faggot
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This is an IFBC board. Go find a real church and tell your lesbian 'pastor' to kill herself too
I'm just saying if you're reading the KJV you're going sodomite hell goyim.
Also its the most read bible by blacks. So that speaks for itself.
Does your faggot youth pastor sodomized your wife's son, user? Is that why you're so angry?
What does OP have to say about the New International Version?
>Nearly inspired version
Also, OP, who is a gigantic faggot, did not offer a legitimate critique of the KJV at all. This is a shit thread, and OP goes to a shit church
Go wash some sandnigger refugees' feet papist scum. His holiness compels you to be a cuck.
Gender neutral language, says enough.
OP is a papist? It's worse than I thought. OP are you mad because your priest doesn't stuff your bunghole any more? You get too old?
Fuck the pope. Though I did like their stance on the Reich, they've fallen a long way.
What are Sheol and Hades
Divine Right of kings where?
It's the only one I own, picked it up at a thrift store after deciding that I finally need to read the bible and see for myself what is in there for me, and fuck what everyone else wants to tell me about it.
Seems like a decent place to start for me. Any of you bibletards have more input? I don't know anything about the differences in versions.
Lots of KJVfags hate it and consider it to be demonic at worst or a terrible translation at best.
The KJV is all we use in our house, but I believe that all of these Bibles are reasonable translations made by earnest people and present the Gospel faithfully.
Except the NRSV, that piece of trash starts with blasphemy in Genesis 1:1. Nuke Oxford now.
Are you trying to make a point? I can't tell.
>Catholics predate the Bible
Real Presence of the Eucharist
Apostolic Succession
Scripture & Tradition
Is was translated three times without going back to the original, greek, Hebrew and aramaic. King James translated KJV from Latin for the common people. It was then translated to old english, which is no where close to the english we know. Then it was translated to the most common version now. A lot was lost when it was translated the way it was. The new american standard bible is the closest literal translation that we have in english.
Holy shit, I'm always surprised when I encounter an actual Catholic mouth breather who believes they can reconcile all of the bullshit 'apostolic' pronouncements of the long line of pedophiles, fabricators, murderers, and Satanists that make up the papacy.
Sola scriptura you pope-fellating faggot
catholicism is roman paganism, you're gonna end up in hell heathen.
>x person in history was actually gay!
Hmm....reminds me of things a certain tribe of people always say..
sola-Scriptura isn't Biblical
that came from luther-not God
Daily reminder - The bible s the perfect word of god without the slightest hint of a translation error or cultural misinterpretation.
You literally have no idea how the KJV came to be.
>American education
correcting the erring is a work of mercy
>The Catechism contains what Catholics believe, not what a protester lied to you
Bible translation power rankings.
1. Luther 1545
2. Tyndale
3. Hawaiian Pidgin Translation
4. The Heliand
5. Diatessaron, Tatian's Gospel Harmony
6. Wycliffe's Bible
7. King James Version
8. Vetus Latina
9. St. Jerome's Vulgate
**** Power Gap ****
10. Douay-Rhiems
**** Extreme Power Gap***
9001 Anything based off of the Nestle-Aland (((Reconstructed))) text, other than the Hawaiian Pidgin Translation, which gets a pass for being awesome
I tead the New Jerusalem Bible goyim come at me praise Yahweh
Serious response here. KJV is written in old English which can be a bit difficult to read. I recommend the NIV (New International Version) which is written in plain English.
The very few tards that claim "only the KJV is the word of God" etc. Are trolls. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew & Greek.
I recommend reading the Gospel (first four books of the new testament) which is Jesus' life and teaching. Try to read it with an open heart. Good luck bro.
>Reading and English translation based off of a French Translation
The best thing about the New Jerusalem is that it is presented on the page like normal prose so that it's readable. This should be done with other translations. But the new gender neutral version is totes gay.
Is that a like bible? Like a Scofield?
it has the (((torah))) in it
It's the Vatican II translation pretty much.
>KJV is old English you shouldn't read it, try the NIV instead
>Shakespeare is too hard, goy, watch this awesome modern retelling of it in the style of gangster rap.
KJV only is a bit of a meme, that's fair, but your argument is nigger-tier and you should kys
lol, no. Go crack open your KJV Version to the first page. It outright states they didn’t bother to translate the whole thing and mostly just tried to keep it in line with past translations, the same translations that were argued to be immaculate to the point that the KJV Version was comitted. Enjoy your trash Bible, idiot.
The English language is blessed with better translations of the Bible than any other language in the world and he chooses KJV
And Charmin might be the most used brand of toilet paper by blacks. Does that mean you stop wiping your ass too?
So it was finished during his lifetime? I never knew if it was commissioned by him, how much of a role he had in it, or if he worked personally on it. Someone said it was commissioned after his death to remind others not to be gay but that sounds unlikely. Anyone have any actual sources on this?
Also, good advice on reading the Gospels first, but make sure you don't stop there. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. You need to read your Bible, pray, and hear good preaching, whether you are saved or not, if you are a baby Christian or have been a believer for decades.
It's not "too hard", only it distracts from the message. I'm sure anyone here could understand the Bible in pidgin English, but we'd be too focused on the dialect than on the meaning.
Redpill on bible versions from Sup Forums's pastor
Are you a nigger?
O I suspect this tread was specifically made to get hostile replies
A portrait by famed painted Peter Paul Rubens has been rediscovered, depicting George Villiers, the first Duke of Buckingham and (allegedly) King James I’s lover.
The painting was housed in Pollok House, a National Trust property in Glasgow, where it was long believed to be a copy of a work by the Flemish master that had been missing for nearly 400 years. But Bendor Grosvenor of the BBC’s Britain’s Lost Masterpieces suspected that it could be the real thing and began investigating.
>I'm just saying if you're reading the KJV you're going sodomite hell goyim.
All of the other versions remove the words sodomite and hell. You've outed yourself as a homo already. It's clear why you can't stand the perfect word of God in English.
>>Not inspired version
>Fuck the pope
And the IRA
>Seems like a decent place to start for me. Any of you bibletards have more input? I don't know anything about the differences in versions.
Depending on the version you have (they've "updated" it multiple times), the NIV ranges from awful to not even an approximation of the true word of God. This includes deleting verses that have been part of the Christian tradition from the beginning because some recently dug up papyrus doesn't have it. Funny enough, these deleted verses just happen to include key pieces of doctrine.
>I believe that all of these Bibles are reasonable translations made by earnest people and present the Gospel faithfully.
We're told flat out by God that people will twist scripture, yet you have faith in these people who put out these constantly updated versions for profit.
There are only three English Bibles worth owning-- the King James, the Douay-Rheims, and the Orthodox Study Bible (mostly for the footnotes).
>Except the NRSV
At least you haven't completely lost your mind.
Secular acedemics and christian communities alike are very dedicated to an accurate translation of the Bibe.
Its when people like bart erhman gets paraded around on Colbert where you see the msm attacking the Bible.
My 8 year old reads the KJV. If you go read Clockwork Orange you will understand its language by the time you are done. You basically can do the same watching the movie. If the language of the KJV is too distracting for you, that just goes to show you need to put your nose in it some more and quit watching tentacle porn so much.
We kept it alive long enough to get a real discussion going rhough, so theres that. Nigger.
Oh,like every single b8 thread on this board,getting hundreds of replies
While the actual good threads die out in 20 minutes
Link me a good thread amigo and I'll go bump it
Yeah, the NRSV is loterally the worst.
I understand your vehemence and position on other translations. I'm frankly not confident enough to totally denounce all other versions based on my study, but I'm confident to only allow the AV in my home and teach my children from it exclusively, and to encourage others to do the same.
Much of the KJV only stuff I've seen is poorly argued. Can you share your best resources on this topic and help a Sup Forumsack out?
What Bible do you read you nigger faggot?
Because the niv was literally commissioned by Rupert Murdoch.
I can tell your a nigger by your blatant disregard and hatred for western icons such as King James.
You hate the KJB because it is the only Bible commissioned and ordained by and for westerners.
Can’t tell if your a nigger or just a kike, as you sure seem apprehensive to the idea of anybody but a secular Jew commissioning a Bible.
KJV is great, I have it.
proddies are wrong but the KJV is a great bible.
You look more and more like you're trying to derail this one every time you post. How about you go find a nigger hate thread to butch about it something. We're busy.
I'm not your thread catcher nor your che pibe amigo
>hey guys stop replying to b8 threads that are posted every 10 minutes
>derailing a thread
What is there to discuss? King James is the best English bible there is & op is a blasphemous tool
Here have a bump since you want to prolong this thread
I have an ESV.
Your thoughts?
Read “things that are different are not the same” (forgot the name of the author) and “which Bible would Jesus use” by jack McElroy.
They will fully upend your bible version worldview if you have an honest heart.
Which is why I fully expect you to ignore this post and end up never reading those two books.
“With the former versions diligently compared and revised” means they just took an old version and updated the language. Take some time to research the history of the trash Bible you based your worldly faith on. The whole thing was a rush job.
Fair enough.
Many anons do not know and are being led astray. Many others would like to see proofs for best translation status.
Some lost user is going to look at this and ask if all the 'Christcucks' on the board might have a point.
Someone could get saved as a result of this thread, or see spiritual growth in their home. It's a worthwhile thread, user, I hope you change your mind.
Anything created by Protestants is degenerate. Don't read KJV, you might go to hell.
Well,makes sense when you put it that way, a saved soul is worth anything, especially nowadays when time is ruining out.
Praised be our father in the heavens.
The New World Translation is the redpill for Bibles
Thoughts on NASB? I kinda like it because it keeps quotes and the like in old english. I've read KJV and NIV as well.
Hardly anyone actually reads the true word of God. 99% of Catholics read the 1899 Challoner revision of the 1582 Douay-Rheims, which is considered a new version in itself. If you're really an elitist about Bible interpretations then why don't you learn Koine Greek? Seems kinda silly to argue that your inaccurate version of the Bible is better than all the other innacurate versions of the Bible. There isn't a way to accurately translate every last word and expression.
this. learn greek and shut up
Anyone in this thread, attacking someone else choice for Bible scripture, needs to step back and think.
This is not how Christians are meant to act, even on Sup Forums
We are being divided by OP. Just follow the word of the Lord as most translations are nearly the same
>Much of the KJV only stuff I've seen is poorly argued. Can you share your best resources on this topic and help a Sup Forumsack out?
Which KJV stuff? I'm not King James only, but here are the reasons I'm King James mostly.
1. The translation is beautiful. Much of it reads almost like poetry.
2. The translation is functional. Thee, thou, thy, and ye are important. They all have different meanings which reflect the original text. Most modern versions replace all of them with you and yours.
This issue is even worse with modern versions now, with many of them opting to replace him and her with them, his and hers with theirs, man and woman with human, etc. That brings me to my next point.
3. The KJV may be a product of its time, but that time was better than the one we're living in. The KJV doesn't alter the language to soften the blow of God's hatred for sodomites, adulterers, fornicators, etc. Sodomites are "brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed".
t. Nigger
Diligently compared to the source you ignorant ape, and revised based on that comparison.
Sup Forums is a great mission field is it not?
The last people who actually knew koiine Greek as a living language were the translators of the KJV.
t. An ignoramus who doesnt know what hes talking about
This is why i use it. I'm with you, user.
Most KJVfags have long arguments about specific verses as seen in the infographic here
It's literally autism and totally unhelpful.
i know who im talking to
t. A jew
I'm not a like but you're clearly a nigger and a faggot
Autocorrect is a kike invention
Frankly that doesn't fucking matter, even if it's true (which I highly doubt).
Have you ever studied another language? Of course it matters.
Its more of a insult trading ground where the most vile blasphemous nonsense get hurdled at you 24/7,but it gives you thicker skin & tons of laughs
>le Jew!
I see you haven evolved pass the "Sup Forumstard" phase yet
Some day you will see that the Jews you dispise are merely meat puppets for the greater evil
Thanks for the rundown guys.
Thanks for the redpill user. What deleted verses are you talking about? I'm very curious and if I'm gonna go through the massive undertaking of reading the bible, I don't want it to be for naught.
I'm wrong. Tyndale conducted his translations in living memory of koine greek's use, and the KJV translators used that bible in their translation.
Regardless, these are the kinds of autistic arguments I actually don't care as much about. See
Forgot image
Apparently not considering they were lifting passages from other Bibles anyways.
NVM, just saw this. Pol has done a better job educating me on the Bible than anyone else in my life to date.
Read the dudes letters to his boys, one of which talks about enjoying time "between his thighs". This isn't a debatable thing, its a historical fact.
the "grave"
the state of being dead
the "location" of all of the dead
If that does not convince people what will ?
Look, bantz are one thing, but at this point you seem to be engaged in disinformation. Maybe you're the Jew?
The KJV translation team used previous translations as a guide and starting point and rigorously compared them to the source documents and revised them as necessary, as I already pointed out to the last kike who went down this road in this thread.
Jewry is the synagogue of Satan, but Jesus can forgive your sins if you'll believe. Go read a Bible and pray.
>implying luther didn't come from God
He was the messenger sent by Jesus for the Germanic peoples. Prove me wrong
terribly misleading and wicked infographic
Does the New Living Translation do this crap too? Because I don't want to get rid of the one I own now, because it was a present from my parents
Saved, I'll put them on the list user, hope they aren't total trash