Why does Sup Forums hate Jewish people?
The Jews
Because orthadox rabbis, the people who truly hold jewish beliefs hate goyim I don't hate jews I'm just explaning why
I don't like the Jews that run the media. I've seen enough degeneracy so I don't know why they keep pushing it.
Zionists I don't care about.
This is going to be another "1 post by this ID" threads.
They literally drink the blood of gentile boys under the age of 7 out of hatred and to ease the symptoms of their porphyriac, genetic refuse selves. They are the origin of the mythos of vampirism. They preach racial supremacy, murder of others is ok, and even in their "good" bible, it says to commit usury against anyone that isn't a Jew. They genocide and plot and plan and no Jew stands up against them. Until good Jews stand up against bad Jews, they're all bad Jews.
You and the guy who responded are bad trolls
The better question to ask is why do Jews hate White people.
Rumor they will begat Jesus again.
Because Jews hate white people.
Don’t know what you mean, pol loves castille
>Overall, 19.8% of Iberian men boasted Y-chromosomes that seemed to descend from a Sephardic Jew, while 10.6% of men had a North African male ancestor, Jobling’s team found.
>Some areas were more mixed than others, though. In Catalonia, a region in northeast Spain, few men had Jewish or Muslim ancestors. High proportions of men from Galicia and Castille in northwest Spain boast a North African heritage. In nearby Asturias, numbers of men with Sephardic Jewish Y-chromosomes equal those with European chromosomes.
Bumping on the off chance this isn't a slide thread, and with every day, I'm suspecting "redpill me on why you hate Jews" threads are just that.
But most Jews are white.
How long you got?
Jews aren't so bad on the person to person level. It's the macro level that matters
Being Jewish is distinct from being white. They're not mutually exclusive. They're different classes of identity.
i dont understand how an entire group of people have such a severe god complex, and wonder why others put them in the ground for their arroagance. oh, well, it will continue.
Perhaps the better question is why Jewish people hate the West and the European people who compose it.
Didn't Germany get raped last time they tried to put the Jews in the ground?
What the nips says. 1 Jew isn't a problem , once you get 2 they start scheming.
Because loxism
Dear newfags: this thread is spam. Do not reply to spam. It is not legitimate to post one line, especially a question, to "address pol," and to demand that everyone else write your thread for you. This is sliding: effortless, quickly cranked out spam posts, which fill the catalog and slide legitimate content off the board.
And why are we being slid? Because the Democratic party is over.
Top Congressional Dems handed state secrets over to Paki intel on record
they're an oligarchy. why does anyone hate any group of people that hold such power. it is only logical.
i have no hate for people of any background. i judge individuals on their character.