You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren’t exercising your God given 2nd Amendment rights to eradicate these pests.
They’re literally the niggers of wildlife
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren’t exercising your God given 2nd Amendment rights to eradicate these pests.
They’re literally the niggers of wildlife
i kill em with a 50 cal airgun.
>tfw suburban retard
My uncle who lives innawoods in South Carolina hunts them though. I trade hot peppers for pig meat with him.
>zebra mussels
>snakehead fish
>asian carp
>burmese python
>niggers of wildlife
they're smarter than that
They’re also completely destructive to their environment and violent towards each other.
Give me an effective method for getting the gamey taste out of them and I will leave tonight to hunt one. I will try to kill some babies too.
Blend the meat with some commmercial pork and make sausage with it
Shoot sows and piglets
I live in mass that's why
>be Floridian
>walk into forest
>get gored by descendants of Spanish pigs
Lol. Boar are much smarter than niggers, user. Don't fool yourself.
>TFW you know Krav Maga
So more like Asians.
>yyyyyyyyyyeeeeehhhhaaawwww boi
What's with the retards in khakis who come filing in from the other room?
I've shot feral hogs before, it's pretty fun because in Texas they're unregulated and you can kill as many of them as you want at any time of the year. None of the usual bullshit that comes with hunting, tags, seasons. They're pretty plentiful as well.
>They’re literally the niggers of wildlife
Hogs/pigs are smarter than dogs.
how about we gather em up and release them into a mosque
none live in my area. wild pig is delicious though.
nigger bout to get niggered
According to the internet gamey taste is a result of the animal's diet, blood, and decomposition / changes to the muscle as a result of death.
Consequently you need to gut them straight away, you need to chill the meat as soon as possible to stop changes to the muscle, and you need to soak the meat in either salt water, milk, buttermilk, or vinegar before freezing
Supposedly dairy products are the best at getting the blood out of the meat. Be sure to cook the meat well, they 100% have parasites.
Looks like fun OP
What are they using and why is it so quiet?
We have our own hog problem here in New Jersey.
They are too smart to be niggers. More like the chinks of the animal kingdom.
They aerate the soil and if there were wolves/puma predators they would be in check. But hunting them to keep numbers down is good.
12 gauge pump and semi
>00 buck
Dont know why is quiet user
>but is a bacon fest :D
Waiting for them to make it over the Rockies in the meantime I'll continue to kill every invasive fish I pull out of my river
Bleed out the meat asap.
You're going to need a bigger gun.
>100% have parasites
this is why I don’t fuck around with wild pig. I won’t kill anything i won’t eat and i sure as shit won’t eat wild pig
The trick is to trap them live, bring them home, put them in a pen, feed them grain for a few months.
>mfw i take my dogs to tear apart hogs every winter
>They start twitching with joy the moment i come downstairs with their vests and spiked collars
grain will do what to it user?
honest question
>the niggers of wildlife
only on Sup Forums
You're a fucking moron. Hogs are invasive species and they completely ruin natural spaces. They are vermin and should be eradicated for health of the ecosystem. They are born pregnant.
the captivity, lack of exercise and grain diet will basically turn it into a domestic pig that tastes normal
Grain puts some fat on em and makes the meat taste a little less gamey. Some people don't mind or prefer the wild hog taste.
because I raise damn good catch dogs
I am
all the hogs on my acres get genocided
the problem is that there are some landowners that don't manage their property, and the hogs breed there and constantly spread out in to neighboring lands
Feral hogs destroy crops and forest undergrowth. Its getting way beyond controllable. These animals are now being bountied in some areas by fish and wildlife.
>invasive species and they completely ruin natural spaces
oh okay, I’ll start with your mother then faggot
There aren't any here.
No we dont
.t salem county
My buddies and I killed one this summer. Shot it in the chest with a twelve gauge. When we gutted it and opened it up there were three distinct pellet holes in it's lungs. Probably from 50 feet away?
We completed gutted it and ate it. Strung it up by the legs from a tractor. By the time we were done it was just a hanging spine. My buddy said "remember when this resembled an animal?"
if you spook them it sours the meat. you need an all-white hunting party
I wonder how legal it would be to mount a weapon on one of those toy electric kids vehicles and rig it into some land drone to hunt these. Think about it, you could get some cheap two-stroke motor from an old chainsaw or perhaps a lawnmower and an alternator, and then transform and rectify to charge the battery. Mount a camera and some belt-fed gun with some servos on a lazy susan type caster and a hinge, and finally have a rasberry pi or something control it and interface with some radio transceiver. This could be done
Ahh tripod mounted easily built, but the ATF may have something to say about any automated drone whether stationary or mobile. Too much access to technology.
We have access to large amounts of properties and have considered how we could auction shooting lane time for remotely controlled hunting.
Perhaps not automated, but remotely controlled
I think they are considered the same in law. Im pretty sure they cover weaponized drones under remote or automated control as a regulated class. With todays access to wireless technology why do we have to get up in the cold or rain to hunt. Just pay the toll and set right at this keyboard to shoot a hog or deer.
im gonna guess it is the mic they are using that makes it quiet, prolly sounds like a shot gun irl
Shoot the piggers, bacon war now.
I live in Minnesota. It's too cold here for wild hogs.
Man I really want to bust open a cold one on a cold night in texas and ride in the back of a pickup with my boys shooting and running over hogs with a silenced shotgun.
We are allowed permits that allow silenced weapons in some states for hunting varmints. All permits are granted through fish and wildlife sanctioned exterminations usually supervised.
17 hmr best hog rifle.
>They’re literally the niggers of wildlife
Sorry, you confused hogs with Crocodiles
These fuckers are worse.
And you can't even fucking hunt them either. They just fucking cover nice parks with shit EVERYWHERE.
>tfw no gun, licence or money for gun
>tfw will be a long time before i can do this
>if ever
>I will try to kill some babies too.
soz lad
Saiga 12 gauge. The mic clips the sound because the impulse is too loud to record. You can tell it's a saiga because it occasionally jams.
They are spreading in Southern Finland too because the winters have gotten really weak.
holy shit game changerino think of all the other things i can do when theyre in captivity
I guess...
If any Texas anons can answer that would be great
A few of my uncucked California friends and I want to come to your great state and shoot hogs. Is it as simple as getting permission from property owners and going to town?
Watch the whole thing. The sweetest squeals of pain
Here in Arkansas (where the flag ship universities mascot is a fucking boar) most of the hunting land is now owned by wealthy fucks who don't want people on it hunting. It's a problem with all animals, like deer where as everyday for the last 4 months i've seen at least 3-4 of them on my way to class.
I hear texas isn't as bad with this, they have a bad hog problem too if i recall.
What do other countries have problems with? I know aussies for example have troubles with roos
Hunting Hogs with a fucking anti-tank mine.
Murrica, murrica never changes.
niggers are the niggers of wildlife
IIRC they have no hunting season so you are free to kill them wherever whenever
I live in California, and I like watching nu males scream when a hog shows up. Fuckers are even in San Jose. It's honestly great.
It's a multifunctional reusable trap.
>Cooks them alive so fresh burger meat
>Cleans them up into small easily to pick up pieces
>Hog meat can be reused to as bait to attract more hogs, thus repeating the cycle infinitely.
I don't bother trying to butcher because they're all covered in ticks and I don't want lyme disease. Just put them in the gut pit for the coyotes to pick through
That's why you flamethrower them first.
Flamethrowers are surprisingly really cheap and easy to build I shit you not.
Literally just lay it on its back and fire away.
Isn't wild pig an absolute pest in America? Here in Europe they are pretty fine animals and aren't too niggerish IIRC.
Yes, the hogs love fucking over our virgin ecosystem.
They probs have tb.
>Hogs are invasive species and they completely ruin natural spaces.
Just like Americans.
Might be tricky in southern US. I shoot those in autumn/winter and hang them for a week to age.
What a retarded murican.
Stuff like this is the reason why everyone believes you are dumb.
Hmmmm - do you think they might hear it coming and run away?
Like the leafs that infect this board
Roos have exploded in numbers after the drought. Need a permit still. We have pigs, deer, goats, wild dogs, cats, foxes, hares, rabbits, drop bears... but dont break the cease fire with the emus
We are allowed and encouraged to kill all feral pigs in Michigan, I would gladly do so for fun, but there are none in my area.
I haven't seen one yet.
I suspect I had a visit from one on my land last winter, as neither roe deer nor foxes dig like that, and a farming school which has me partially surrounded (on 3 sides) caught two on camera. Had I seen, I would have shot.
Game is supposed to taste game. Those feral hogs are returning to their wild boar roots in looks, so should taste like wild boar, namely frickin' awesome.
Had a honey glazed, spit roasted wild boar (a small one) for dinner on Friday. Leftovers for lunch on Saturday were possibly best leftovers I've ever had.
So cook them before eating.
As usual the problem is Sweden allowing them to invade their lands unchecked. They've actually been encouraging it because they wanted to hunt them. So now Finland and Norway are paying the price.
I suppose on private land, with permission from the owner, you can do pretty much anything you want?
We're doing God's work!
2:00am in Texas...
Never let the enemy sleep!
> what is cooking to a internal temp parasites can't live you dumb nigger