Mass Abortion of Downies

In many far left European countries, like Iceland, hardly any babies are born with Down Syndrome anymore because early detection methods and normalization of abortion has led to downies being aborted on mass. What is Sup Forums's opinion on this.

Legitimately curious here

Eugenics rocks, but abortion sucks. They need to finally normalize in-vitro to eliminate everything else. I consider abortion too much of a reactionary rather than a pro-active response (though making downies extinct is good).

aborting children is a scourge on humanity

>crime against humanity

got to agree with leftists for the wrong reasons once again

I agree with what they are doing.

it must take some big balls to raise a permanetly damaged son.
complex debate

So are downies.

They should automatically abort darkies along with downies.

Good. Lets move on to other early detectable imperfections.

another pro-life piece of shit

only thing you are is pro-birth

pro-life meaning dealing with the consequences of having to care for a tard for all of his life

Most of pollacks can relate to the down children being born instead of aborted because of similar challenges they face in life. Seriously, why would you give birth to a down?

100% support. Pro lifers can enjoy their barely function meat sack.

You know who else culled the retards? Thats right...

Abortion is only okay if the child is fucked up or the mother is at risk so I approve of this.

But if they did this world wide who would be left to post on Sup Forums?

Not since Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party have retards been this aggressively targetted for Soylent production

top kek

>We cured Down Syndrome!
>We murdered everyone who had it

>aborting children is a scourge on humanity
>implying genetic abominations aren't

Christianity was a mistake.

Eugenics are good. How is down syndrome good? If they've effectively cleansed their own gene pool, why complain? I'm pro-abortion for the most part, so long as the nation is recoverable or safe in the mean time. Abortion should not only be a right, but encouraged in Asia and Africa, for example. Abortion should stay legal in the United States, especially in blue areas of the US. A whopping 13 million black births have been prevented in the United States due to the method, and the black population is literally declining in NYC because of it. Saving a lot of white lives and plenty of trauma down the line. Not to mention black people literally benefit economically by not having a bazillion kids at age 15.

>far left
The dominant political party's main pillar is sovereignty and almost no one wants to join the EU. Further, it's one of the most Christian nations in Europe.

this is totally ok but state sanctioned eugenics-based population control is bad

I'm pro abortion of retards and blacks for the same reason. They are hold zero potential to further our species. If anything they are almost guaranteed to be a net drain on society as a whole and therefore leave the world a worse place than whence they found it.

It's a great idea.

However, to add to this, I should say abortion should be illegal in modern Europe, especially Eastern Europe. Too much free time, and no culture invested into a up and coming generation creates a culture of anti-nationalism, hedonism, etc. The best way to redpill a white female is with a child. If a European population suffers decline and cultural decay, then abortion should be outlawed, unless the child is predisposed to genetic disorders, like down syndrome. Otherwise, abortion should be outlawed.

Stalin and Mao

I don't see what's wrong with this. I'd love for someone to explain it to me how GREAT it is that they have a kid with Down Syndrome. I'd like to hear from just one Down parent in a moment of drunk honesty say that if given the magical cosmic choice of their child being the way they are OR magically not having down syndrome that they'd go with prime reality.

Downs is a motherfucker. There's no plus side or than a feminine need to believe that "Everything happens for a reason."

And it fucking worked

Literally nothing at all wrong with aborting retarded babies and niggers.

Exactly. We used to either just let them die before age 5, or throw in some cruel insane asylum back in the day, dooming them to a life of misery.

I support this, genetic testing should get even cheaper so we can do this everywhere.

FWIW, I know Iceland only does this en masse because their genetic pool is so small, your next door neighbor is probably related to you within the past 5 generations.

Seems like a good way to ensure resource availability.

Suffer not the mutant my friend, for their lies a path for the ruinous powers

wow, that's actually really interesting, I never thought of that.

If you can get a global legislation going that makes the EU fund all retards everywhere (not just your refugees and liberals) then sure, whatever.

Its all noise unless you pony up the retard bux yourself and personally.

Theres 7.5 billion of us, we dont fucking need any more.

Hitler would approve

I'd get rid of a down syndrome fetus if it was caught early, before the thing had formed. Don't want to waste time on offspring that can't carry my DNA to the next generation. I wouldn't murder a formed human being with a heartbeat and the ability to think and process pain. DS people are still people.

The more happenings happen, the more I realize 40k was right about everything and the ruinous powers are really just negative social forces purveyed by irreligious under-conscientious cultureless amoral left leaning parasites.

The BBC had article on this not long ago. They said it was a tragedy that down syndrome was being wiped out.

I support it.
In Poland we have good abortion law. It is allowed only in case of rape, if child is damaged or if mother's life is threatened.

>I wouldn't murder a formed human being
Unless he steps on your property, right.

A small price to pay for a (relatively) nigger and Jew-free life.

This is the same Iceland that jailed bankers after 2008 - pic related. No miscegnation here, goy.

So basically they think Hitler was right.

good goy

Nobody likes to think about it but there will come a day when selective eugenics becomes standard if we continue to populate faster than we can expand into space, if we ever expand.

Eugenics programs are desirable.

oh, so like hitler then?

kek this is a fucking shit show. These anti-fa leftist faggots really are the fascists of tomorrow, or rather, today.

>Working innamall
>Tidying up my store one early after noon when i hear it
>tard home has a field trip to the mall
>herd of 30-40 tards come waddling into my store, yanking shit off shelves, screaming, whooping, farting and most likely shitting and pissing themselves
>don't buy a goddamn thing
>5 or so tard wranglers for 30-40 tards
>store is completely trashed
>spend hours cleaning up after downs on the town
>MFW some faggot neocon tells me abortion is wrong

Why stop with downies?

Were Nazis planning to sterilize Africa? They don't strike me as a type to deal with 4 bn Africans.

hell no this could be a gateway to who knows what.

>there's 7.5 billion of us
There's actually only about a billion of us.

Murder is the criminal act of killing a person. If I were justified in killing someone such as in war or in self defense that wouldn't be murder. How do you justify killing a newly formed human being?

3/4 of them are physical representations of natural events 1/4 are purposeful moral degradation

Everything that makes us human

normalize in vitro? what do you mean exactly?

>delusions of a christcuck

It's less.

What does that tell you, nigger?

Like leaf citizenship


Europeans aren't the only worthwhile group of humans on the earth that contribute to humanity. The world would be much better off without most of the humans in Africa though.

And it works. how are you in any was useful, if your brain isn't?

Probably was talking about a test tube baby.

That's not gonna get normalized any quicker than genetic screening though, seeing as it costs about ~10,000 burger coupons to do for one child.

Most of Europe is leftist by American standards. Specifically Leftist means let the government take care of everything. Where Right would be a small government and self reliance when possible. By Europe's standard right is government takes care of most things but is more nationalist.

I'm pro- not murdering human beings. Downs syndrome babies have more going for them than you. At least there's a birth defect responsible for their imbecility.

I'm far-right, but pro abortion. This sounds like a great thing to me.

Sup Forums is a bunch of cry-babies when it comes to abortion. It's really not that big of a deal.

That's European diaspora. Altogether Europeans make up a billion or a bit less than a billion.

>Europeans aren't the only worthwhile group of humans on the Earth that contribute to humanity.
It's just us and the Japs, everyone else on the planet just imitates what we two peoples do. There's some other decent Asians that don't really contribute to humanity but are decent sorts and just want to keep to themselves though in fairness.

Some pope needs to get god to invent a method of baptizing aborted babies.

No, it includes Europe.

hmm nvm maybe not, wikipedia is retarded

It used to not be but then t_d cucks invaded

I have Marfan Syndrome. Should have been aborted. Can't lift, skinnyfat, will die young. At least I'm not a manlet but I gotta hand it to iceland.

This is my least favorite right wing opinion, why give a fuck about unborn humans? I already don't care about 99.9% of living humans, and I can guarantee you don't either.

It sometimes seems that way. It makes more sense to me that God should immediately rid the world of people like you. But instead He wants to give you grace.

You're right. Back when Sup Forums used to be majority libertarian (they'll deny this phase even existed now), people would actually approach the topic of abortion from a rational perspective instead of cringy moral shitposts.


Yeah, but still, we need to reproduce either way. Those are beta numbers.

Go out with a bang you bitch. You have a new record to beat.

>Human life isn't sacred.

>Niggers, spics and mongoloids are majority of abortions

>use baby slush for science

You're a retarded nigger if you're anti abortion. Don't @me

It doesn't work that way. A culture can either treat babies as a sacred gift, or it can have abortion. You can have whores who murder their children or virtuous women who mother them. You nazis truly are just a new species of leftist

We are human because of our morals and in no situation should it be put aside for logistics and be called good. The fact is that this kind of thinking is dangerous as lot of issues can be solved by killing off the problem. Once you start and allow for this, there is no stopping.

Can we do the same with niggers? I'm actually fine with this. Your enemy did this too, as said in another post

Yeah, millions of human beings should die because you're lazy.

Good for them. Wish we'd follow their lead, I suppose that's the downfall of having a larger population..

Completely fine. Why waste resources on a non-productive life.

>you can either x, or you can do y

Wow. Way to miss the point, libertarian shill.

What's next? Democrats are the real racists? Piss off

did you just sidestep the question and say its legal to tomahawk missile someone who looks at your property wrong?

There's a reason why the white birthrate was above 2.1 children per woman when abortion was illegal, & it isn't simply that 1/3 of the babies being conceived died in abortion mills. The same deadening of the conscience that allows people to murder their infants also deadens the normal human desire for a big family. Babies aren't a means to an end.

Iceland is improving the overall genetic fitness of their entire population. They've taken a keen interest in this and have now effectively eliminated down syndrome. Give it a dozen generations of this process and they will have weeded out the worst of their recessive genes.

I'd rather be aborted than born with downs.

If I was a libertarian I'd favor abortion, stupid.

This really isn't news anyway. You never see kids with downs in the US anymore except with Catholic or Evangelical parents. What's the overall birthrate in Iceland? If it's under replacement like every other white country, they're just "purifying" a soon to be extinct genetic line anyway.

Fucking kys.

This. Eugenics should be the goal, but we can do better in how we go about achieving it then just abortion.

you're right

state mandated waifs

>God forms babby in his own image
>babby is retarded
Therefore your God is retarded.

Clean. We should honestly be more like the Spartans. Kill any weakling so they don't weaken the greater population.

I was thinking more along the lines of reestablishing natural hierarchy. Where the best able people have more resources and thus are allowed more wives/kids. Since only kids/wives can be had if you can care for them. Motivating people to do better, and ensuring over time we continue to improve the gene pool.

Nice bait. Here's your (You) maggot.