Dear black people, just go away, I'm willing to pay all your expenses for you to just move to Africa, you can be happy there - no more racism, no more oppression from the evil white man - you can build your own society and be happy there, JUST GO THE FUCK AWAY YOU FUCKING NIGGERS, FUCK.
Dear black people, just go away, I'm willing to pay all your expenses for you to just move to Africa...
ruined pacifc rim too with star wars nigger. i think about 150 niggers should die for that.
>when your 3 year old throws a tantrum and says "I wanna live in the backyard!' Then you carry him out there, go in, shut the door, and see the look on his face
Its hilarious to watch blacks response when told to go back to their ancestral homes. They know Anerica is the best they can get because they could never build a functioning society on their own
> when your 3 year old throws a tantrum and say they want their own house and you think about throwing them off your property, but you realize everyone will think you are being too extreme so you put them in you backyard with a tent and a bunch of cement blocks but they cant build a shed. Years pass by and they still never figured out how to make a shed but adapted to tent culture while complaining about it, so you just decide to give them the house and it crumbles down and they go back to living in the tent while they complain you rebuild the house.
Killing all the ni66as, will be mandatory by law in the future.
Just wait and see, even here in Spain have now these creatures with retarded intelligence walking in the streets.
Hey pol, black guy here. Not larping, I'm genuinely half black. Here's a question for y'all: Why do you hate race-mixing so much? I get that the idea that knowing another man has fucked your gf before you disgusts you, but why do get so mad if a black guy does it? Every time I here you guys complain about race-mixing all I hear is "I don't care how much Richard, Blake, Jonathon, and Chris stretched out my girlfriend, but don't let me find out she kissed Tyrone."
Not really. I think any guy, any color wants to fuck. But black people don't really have good genes... Fill media with "We need equality", take away jobs from people in our homelands we've made, cause lots of crime. Constantly creating ghettos...
Please just leave.
because your genes are inferior
you are ugly and generally dumb
and your culture is shit
like i said, this is not "white oppression" the Asians fucking hate you too, fuck off to your fucking entire continent full of resources and leave us alone
Incentivizing niggers only works if it requires minimal effort though.
oh and btw, i'm ok with the asians and i'm ok with the middle easterns, indians, etc, BECAUSE THEY DONT FUCKING ACT LIKE NIGGERS - YOU - YOU BLACK PEOPLE ARE FUCKED UP GO AWAY
Middle easterners do. And their gang style is not like Asian or European gangs which have palpable honor codes. They abuse just like niggers. Maybe just sunnis. Iranians are pretty decent folks when they are in the west. Pakis arabs and Turks are unbearable nigger tier
I would gladly contribute to that fund. One condition. They can NEVER return to a white country.
listen black people, when my ancestors got to your "lands" you were nothing more than wildlife ready to be domesticated, we enslaved you like animals and make you do animal work in farms and etc, that kind of stuff. you were nothing more than work animals. now you have your own countries and your independence, GO THERE AND LEAVE US ALONE, WE ARE EVIL, WHY DO YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE LAND THAT ENSLAVED YOU GO BE FREE IN AFRICA OR SOME SHIT I GUESS YOU JUST CANT GO AWAY FROM THE MASTER CAN YOU?
No hymen no diamond is pretty standard opinion around here. So yes, many Sup Forumsacks would care even if their gf fucked one white guy, let alone several. Its just especially disgusting if she fucked a nigger, like beastiality
I would absolutely love my tax dollars be spent sending niggers back to the land free of racism and evil whitey
No, your daughter loves BBC.
But seriously Portugal is right. Niggers go home or go away. The housing projects were just failed nigger containment zones. They are literally the science experiment gone too far that got out of control
Granted she does watch a lot of British television. Why do all you Commonwealth countries have such sexy accents except Canada? I should hate your guts but you guys have voices like butter
Black girl here, want to send me back?
Tits or gtfo.
Send tits with tmestamp before you leave pls
Yes, sheboons are all fucking disgusting.
slavery is over.
why dont you go home?
You're worse than the men. Obese, more violent because you feel like you can get away with it, you raise 50 kids on the public's dime. The only times I've been confronted with true racism in public have been from black people, and most of those interactions have been with black women. I had a roommate who liked to fuck you all because you're easy af and you tally all the white dick you take as symbols of how hawt you are, and every. fucking. time. he did, the house smelled like rotten vagina. Thank you, though. You forced me to learn about how to keep my house smelling nice despite a bi-weekly garbage dump wafting through.
I find it amusing that Afrikans would actually slaughter the US niggers, because they cannot stand them.
I'm not asking if you want negresses here. I'm asking if you will actually put effort into sending me back like OP said he would
Oh fuck yes. I would give every bit of energy I manifest over the course of my entire lifetime if I could see you gone. All of you. Every. single. one. Why are you scared of going home? Everything you hate is here.
niggers are a plague on civilization. wherever they go, they destory. Africa is the place for them. let them stay there and live with their own kind.
>I would give every bit of energy I manifest over the course of my entire lifetime if I could see you gone.
so start with me
It's like finding out your girl fucks retards. Very very like it in many cases. It just isn't a sign of quality. I've dropped girls for less though, the bar isn't that high.
Iranians are basically white.
Why? Because a woman who has fucked a black guy shows she has poor judgement. Im not gonna be one of those larping faggots who say they wont marry a woman who has had sex with other guys, I dont expect a woman to expect me to be a virgin because Im not. This isnt to say I would marry some degenerate slut because I wouldnt.
But a woman who has had relations with a black man shows she is not fit to be a girlfriend much less a wife. Black men are dumber, more prone to violence, loud and overall an inferior breed of humanity. If a woman didnt want to marry or date me because I once dated/fucked a black chick how could I say she is wrong. Black women are just as bad as black men and me trying to get my dick wet just because she is (((exotic))) would show that I have just as poor taste as any coal burner.
When it comes to niggers, the numbers do not lie.
Black ppl make me anxious.
Why cant ever1 act like nice abuelas?
Actual African immigrant works at the corner store, maybe around late 40s, seriously bro tier. The look on his face when he has to see let alone deal with american niggers.
you're basically a nigger too, you'll get the rope just like them.
See the thing is is that you are like one termite in a termite colony. I get rid of you, great there is one less termite. But this doesnt solve the problem, you have to kill the queen. In this case its the politicians who allow you feral animals to continue ruining this country with your constant crime and whining while still giving you apes gibs. The first step to getting rid of you niggers is cutting off the source, the politicians allow you to leach off of the white mans work and continue rotting the foundation of our house that is the USA like the termites you are.
Seriously, I don't even hate niggers. I'm just tired of dealing with them. Millions of dumb as dogshit grownup children who are utterly convinced that they're "woke." Completely convinced all their self-created problems are the result of oppression.
If you work in customer service for any length of time, you talk to thousands of them. Literally every black person fits the same mold: super pissed off over problems that they wouldn't have if they could operate on the level of an average white person and just pay their bills on time rather than 3 months late, totally convinced that they're being mistreated out of pure racist spite, and unable to understand very simple concepts without having them explained 5 or 6 times.
So sick of their complaining while they commit all the crime and turn every place they live in into Little Africa. Fuck off, niggers. Just go back to your shithole continent if you hate whites so much.
so cut off the source, you're obviously not trying very hard
Honestly I would be ok with a 50% federal tax rate in America as long all blacks are deported. Literally build them an artificial 1st world country so we can watch it burn in disgrace and end the fucking nigger debate once and for all. PS fuck you shit smelling NIGGERS who just fucking blared migos tonight outside the UGA library for like 15 minutes before the cops showed up. You don't own any fucking college and ninety percent of you couldn't even get into Georgia State or Kennesaw without gibs. You're just fucking lucky whites are clinically obsessed with sports in the South and that your retarded ancestors were all cowards so you could live in utopia and still get to complain about it. Any UGA anons hear that shit around 8?
Fucking hell blacks are ugly.
GT masterrace here
Gotta figure, blacks average a net tax negative of 7k a year. Add a 50% increase to that cost for the unaccounted for externalities of crime, lost property values, moving costs for white flight, etc. Add another 25% to turn lost social cohesion, worrying about your daughters, losing slots for affirmative action, ruining schools and other bowling alone factors into an economic value. Multiply that by the population.
That's 487,521,956,250. 487 billion in dindu expenses per year. PER YEAR!
I would gladly pay several trillion dollars to have the blacks leave. It's a great investment. In fact one trillion divided amongst every black citizen is
26,921 dollars. Decent bribes for each basketball American per trillion we promise.
Say we promise 10 years of our existing diversity outlay as a bribe. Keep in mind this removes our currently growing population, so we save overall. Infinite return on investment.
That would be roughly 5 trillion dollars, or
About 125k per upstanding black citizen. They would literally be kangz again in Africa.
So Sup Forums, worth it?
Not all kids have the need to feel like they belong but some do. Not giving this chance to your kids because of a sentiment that lasts three years or even worse media pressure is selfish. And I'm not even talking about single mother stats. Same reason why you won't marry a heavy drinker, a art history major etc. Not wanting poor choice maker to raise your kid is normal.
I would pay for a program for blacks to go back and never return. Niggers get the fuck out. Don't hate me while living on my taxes. Go hate me where I don't have to pay for you.
Seriously. Imagine how much better everything would be instantly.
Baby, these white folks so scared. They know their race is going to ultimately be decimated because melanin is a dominant gene. Albinism aka White people.. also otherwise known as caucasoids are a GENETIC MUTATION.
The human genome project traced human DNA to one woman in Africa. All of LIFE began in Africa. That's why they're scared of intermixing and would rather fuck their sisters and cousins to keep their bloodline "strong" but not realizing this weakens their genetics by creating even MORE genetic mutations.
Talk about fucking disgusting
It shows poor judgement because black men generally treat women like shit. And there might be a kid running around.
Not all black men, but a lot of them, unfortunately. You can't take that risk.
Inferior genetics but yet melanin is a dominant trait. Albinism aka White people.. also otherwise known as caucasoids are a GENETIC MUTATION.
White people would rather fuck their sisters, first cousins, and own mothers to keep their bloodline "strong" but not realizing this weakens their genetics by creating even MORE genetic mutations.
Talk about fucking disgusting and really fucking stupid. Dusty ass inbred honkey crackers
this is supreme bait. Also nigger you inbiciles have the highest rate of incest. Use Google or is reading too hard for your monkey brain?
>No more racism in Africa
oh boi
Why do niggers obsess so much over melanin?
The white power nutjobs talk about fucking skull size, IQ, Western civilization, etc. The black power niggers only ever go on about dick size and melanin. Is that really all you have? Come on, at least toss in some kangz shit.
It's funny you inbred racist whites want everyone to leave but melaninated people inhabited the earth first. Why don't you take all your like-minded white people and leave? Build a rocket ship and fuck off. White people RUINED THE WORLD. Created aids, spread diseases like syphillis and smallpox, the plague aka Black Death. So PLEASE take your disease-ridden asses back to hell where you belong :)
It's all they have and they didn't even have to work for it.
I would contribute to the niggers go home fund.
Who said annnything about dicksize dumbfuck? Clearly that's a Freudian-slip since obviously it's always on YOUR mind, fantasizing to talk about it in conversations.
No need to discuss "cranial size" your inbred ancestors take the cake with that one caucasoid :)
And psssssss im not black :) im just an educated human being
>Black Death
>One of these things is not like the other
Wow you are one fucking dumb nigger.
The whiter the skin, the less time in the sun needed to stay healthy.
Lol but I'm not black bro legit shit it's funny you assume I am though.
Please the black guy was the least of it's problems
>That baby's first child
>Terrible robaby design
>That shitty accent.
I feel this way every single day.
This. Jews didn't stick around in Egypt. Niggers are retarded
Then again we never tried to run them out like Egypt did so maybe we should.
>that feel
But you definitely don't understand the origins of the aforementioned pathogens; not addressing that but focusing on the word 'nigger' instead, you dumb fucking nigger.
there are plenty of people who will pay their expenses back to the chocolate continent; butt if they prefer, they can just unzip their pants, pull out their tail and swing back, because safety first
funniest part is they wont even fuck their own women anymore
either way, you're a nigger at heart and deserve the rope. soon...
They won't go back to their dark continent. Our white nations are much better. Even niggers realize that other niggers are cancer.
We're going to have to kill every single one of them in our nations, and they only way we'll be safe is if we completely genocide every nigger in Africa, and even the planet.
Unfortunately, moralfags and lack of spinal column is going to prevent this from happening, unless we can clandestinely unleash some kind of nigger specific super virus
I like how most of those niggers are light skinned fake niggaz - willing to bet at least one half breed on da mix nahmeen?
They're all mixed at this point. Just like the "whites".
White people in America are white: niggers are 30% white on average.
>White people in America are white
They're American-white at best.
This is retarded. Europeans have been mixing together for thousands of years and have common origins. White is white. You're only mixed if you have non-white ancestors
>You're only mixed if you have non-white ancestors
2 scoops for the big brain on jamal
You're the one who accused American whites of being 'mixed', you fucking nutcase
Man, if I had the power and the money, I'd personally pay to ship off every fucking nigger.
And you're yet to refute that in any way, shape or form, Jamal Cletus Hernandez.
If you anhero you won’t have that problem anymore.
>Build a rocket ship and fuck off
That's always been the plan, Jamal. We were making such good progress on this, civilization was advancing nicely until we started giving rights to women and farming equipment.
> asking non-white subhumans to "p-please go away" is gonna work
> mustard gas districts and shove people into shipping containers
> kill the resistance
there you go
would probably be cheaper than paying some fucking NIGGERS
You have yet to prove that white Americans are not actually white, you braindead dimwit fuckboy
>Be black in America
>Sometimes people aren't fair to me because of my phenotype
>Move to Africa to escape racism
>Be black in Africa
Yeah, no. I don't think you're gonna get many takers on that deal.
Can I give you my PayPal and you send me money to leave?
I want to go back to Africa?
when the time comes that choice is not gonna be yours, nigger
enjoy them foodstamps while you can, because you WILL get purged
Protection from radiation
>You have yet to prove that white Americans are not actually white
fuck of portugal
keep your fucking spoiled niggers africa dont need this worthless cunts
no no no how can they leach of americans if they leave look at the ones that left Liberia face it niggers in america and the west have it better than anywere what would the US do without them any way?
nigger here, please send money for airflight to Africa
BTC *)(@#1890381290389021830921
Oh, right, the famous spic-kike white guy. Only our media called him white to advance their anti white objectives
Waiting for that argument jiggaboo.
I'm not actually black, edgelord. It was a joke about how shitty most of Africa is. I swear Sup Forums used to have a sense of humor and basic reasoning skills.
Begone nignogs!
Disney ruined starwars, and that nigger just made it 5× worse.
i think law enforcement would shoot spics
>no more racism
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nobody is more racist than Native Africans. They will oppress the "African-Americans" just as bad as the ones who sold them in the first place.
>I'm willing to pay all your expenses
>Implying your job at the bifana bell pays you enough
>implying portupoors aren't the nignogs of Europe
>implying anything other than the fact you're country is on national, macroeconomic welfare