I know ideally we'd be married and having kids in our 20's but, let's be real no one has enough money in their 20's these days, plus I still want to do some degenerate shit like do drugs and fuck sluts.
What is the perfect age for a man to get married?
Other urls found in this thread:
I would say right around 30. I got married at 29 and by 32 had two kids and a house. Still happily married 14 years later. Most of my friends also got married around the same time and of the ten of us only one got a divorce. So from personal experience I think 30 is just about perfect. Old enough to have some life experience, savings, a career, etc. but young enough to have a family and be a good, active, involved father and husband.
as soon as he legally can, of course.
Your age does not matter, wives age must be 18-21. So assuming a five year age gap (possible) you should be no older than 26, eight year gap (hard) you should be no older than 29, ten year gap (very hard) you should be no older than 31
correct wives age should be 18-23, so possibly you should get married at 28, hard at 31, very hard at 33. Any later than that and you're going into playboy trophy wife territory which isnt going to work out well for you
Why? It has no use for a man.
how many younger women accept dating on the grounds that you want children as soon as possible. I feel like there's time needed to establish a relationship and convince them.
yes I have thought of this too, don't worry. You need a minimum two year peroid to get to know them. So find 'the one' at 26, 29, 31.
I feel I should be making tables and graphs for this now
Men's age is irrelevent.
The woman should be 18 (or the minimum age of consent)
and virginal.
Around 30 ish. By then you should be well set in your career, making good amount of money to support a family (marrying a girl in her early 20s and not some roastie the same age as you of course)
If I'd done that I would have ended up marrying a psychopathic retarded trashy titcow.
Guy 35
Girl 25
Dude just go crab fishing, it smells the same and if you want crabs so badly may as well get a meal out of it
Girls in their 20's are roasties too, mate. By 22 most of them had have 10+ guys.
A virgin might be too much to ask for, but 1-3 guys max is acceptable.
I'm 24 and about to join the service with a kickass career ahead of me. I think I'm rolling dice set to permanent snake eyes concerning a healthy familyand marriage.
If you don't have shitnin motion by then, you're fucking up monumentally.
These assholes telling you to wait until 30 are the reason the Western Hemisphere is turning into chimpville and roastie land.
You are a grown ass man by 25.
Stop acting like an immature faggot and get a life.
I want to marry a roastie whose had 10+ guys, if you want a virgin you're being creepy bitch and you need to stop
I'm going to smoke pot and watch cartoons until I die you smelly dickhead, deal with it
you say "10 guys" as if that's a lot. Most of the women I know have fucked more than 30 men at the age of 21. You basement cucks need to get out more
I am 29. Never had sex and not had a girlfriend since briefly when I was 20 and in college.
I am sobfar behind on life it isn't worth it, and I was relieved when my 23andme results came back showing trace amounts of Native American and Subsaharan ancestry as now I can go extinct with a good conscience.
Yeah, if you're a dickhead who doesn't choose a woman you know won't cheat, or if you're too much of a fucking retard to find one or judge well, then sure, epic graph bro
What's the purpose of marriage??? I've met a lot of people married with kids, and they've consistently told me they've given up their lives for their kids. I cannot even fathom giving up gaming, reading, exercising, doing shit I want to do, for a family. Also, if your wife decides to leave you just lost hard earned money, which you put in tons of hours that you'll never get back. Stay single, and do what you want bro.
And you'll always be a useless fag without children. You've already been dealt with and you don't realize it.
lol okay virgin
So EVERYONE who doesn't have children is a useless fag??? Too many counter examples to your argument bro.
> By then you should be well set in your career
y-yea....any day now.......
35 but you need to be making 100k/yr
who cares?
nice strawman, he never said that
some men should never marry
When a majority of western men are opting to act like children into their 30s it becomes a huge problem. And yes, if you have a decent job and maybe even a house of your own, but no family and no desire to get one, you have nothing.
I understand you may not grasp this, but it's reality.
you're kind of stupid yourself, if you think you're one of the smart guys. In love and war everybody's actions are half chance you can't predict everything... and if you think you have a good chance because you're you then I have to say you're wrong and stupid.
Problem for whom? Those guys seem perfectly happy as they are.
Its implied.
If you don't have kids then you're a useless fag.In his statement there's no quantification. Nervous system will pick up on that, and typically generalizes statement. I emphasized his implied universality. Logic errors, like what the user typed could be why a lot of people are fucked up on this board.
For men who want to have a family and stuff,
I care. Legitimately.
Do you know what it's like watching your children grow up with less and less white friends around? Knowing your community will eventually go to shit because the men in your age bracket and younger are too selfish and stupid to contribute to it? No, you probably wouldn't.
This is an acceptable answer.
What isn't acceptable, is you guys in our early 30's marrying some chick in her late 20's or early 30's. STAY AWAY!
Don't date a girl 28 or older until you're in your 40's. Single girls at this age are toxic and will say/do anything to get their claws in you.
You got it all figured out huh son?
Let us know how your train wreck of a life is going 10 years from now.
Maybe then you'll realize the folly in making lifetime commitments when you're still basically a kid.
God you're so naive. Such a shame you aren't a little more humble. What a waste you are.
The earlier the better.
I'll wait until I'm rich. If thats at 50, so be it. If I don't make it, then I won't have children.
Been married for a decade and have 3 kids you kissless virgin.
I love these threads. It's always the same insults from losers who are too proud to admit that they are too big of pussies to hold a relationship down and make a life for themselves. I'm not here to make you feel bad. I actually want to see you guys get off of your ass and succeed.
What are western men doing to be considered acting like children lol?
It becomes a huge problem for who??
If I have a decent job, maybe a house of my own, but no family, and no desire to get one then I have nothing. So, if you have a decent job, house of your own, and a desire to have a family, you have something?? Also if I have a job/house don't I at least have "something" lol.
How can anyone grasp an idea, it's a idea.. But it's whose reality? Sounds like just your's bro. I do respect your opinion, yet at the same time what's the point in pushing your limited reality onto others. I enjoy infinite possibilities.
Late 20s, find a girl who's 18.
>I want to get married!
>But not now, right now I want to be a degenerate
>B-but I'll settle down someday...
Now where have I heard this before?
You'll get there, don't worry.
again, I'm not berating you guys.
Look around. The problems with society and the things this board complains about nonstop. All that shit. It can be solved by you guys. Have children, raise them right. Make your town a better place to live in. Build community instead of constantly reinforcing this idea into your head that as long as YOU had a good time, fuck it, that's all that matters.
Making a family is hard work, but it's the most satisfying thing you'll ever do, I promise.
Nothing attracts the cryptoshills more than threads about having children.
Like a moth to the flame.
I reckon, there's no place the schlomos are more aggressive than when trying to convince younger guys on this board that kids are a bad idea. It's so transparent and half the time these beatoffs are just talking to each other. They cannot help themselves. It's the one thing they know for certain will help their cause.
LESS OF YOU. Less well adjusted, dual patented, western children to slow down the change they want to bring about this world. Go ahead, start asking them questions. You'll only get the most absolute of answers. "Kids are for suckers"!
You have all been warned. If any of you want to combat the bullshit that gets shipped on this site. This is the place to do it. They're all here.
I wonder where everyone went???
Who could be behind this?
Just like that.
Like shining a light on cockroaches.
To the next poor soul that stumbles upon this thread. I want you to see the level of schilling that goes into this topic on this site.
Don't let these fucks teach kids to grow up to be degenerate losers.
Having children is fine. It's getting married that terrifies me. You spend the rest of your life with a sword of damocles over you, waiting to finally get served divorce papers and be raped in court.
Did it really take you that long to change your ip?
Same boat. My plan is early 40s. But if I don't have the cash, I won't have kids. Fuck trying to pay for all that shit if not. Private school is a must due to the Marxism in public institutions.
>yes goy, waiting till forty to have children will stop the Marxism.
Wringing hands this hard is bound to cause blisters
Look boys, how many more
(1 post by this id) are we gonna get?
Pay a-fuckkin-tension.
This is how they work the boards
>I want you to see the level of schilling that goes into this topic on this site.
Yup. See it all the fucking time. Honestly most the answers you get to this question sound as though they come from feminists aimed at young women. OP's end bit is the perfect example
>plus I still want to do some degenerate shit like do drugs and fuck sluts.
Encouraging men to fuck around and contribute to destroying society instead of building their lives the way they should, the way that will make them actually happy long term and contribute to society becoming healthy again.
If you are in your early 40's when you try to get a wife and have kids, the type of woman you attract will go for you mainly for your money. Which is a terrible foundation with the laws these days. Unless you are going for someone your own age then it's just useless as she wont be able to have kids.
Thank you.
These threads are the only ones I ever really feel compelled to respond in because it sickens me to watch these sneaky fucks trying endlessly to influence the young men on this board.
They have to be called out immediately.
First it's kids are for suckers,
Then they move onto how scary and evil women are. Don't get married they'll take everything!!!!
Then they attack you and claim you must be a lying loser.
Then you call them out and they flee
If you're old enough to kill someone,
You should be able to plant your cum
Seconded. Married at 29. Kid at 32. This is a good pace for most normies who had a full and decadent adolescence and university life.
It was too early for me though. I had only 3 gfs from 15-25, but from 25-29 I had abotu a dozen more..and after marriage I had a few dozen more.
Thankfully no STDs and unwanted pregnancies (only 2 close calls, which I sprang for morning-after pills), and was not caught for any of them.
Though I bet my wife suspected something was up with a few of the girls who I dallied with long term.
Now I'm 36 and feel myself to kind of get over whoring around. It comes and goes in phases though.
The kid getting older is a bigger factor. Also body is not as spry as it used to be, so drinking and late nights whoring around are not as fun, and even if I get laid the time/money.effort is rarely worth it.
around 30 is great if you're a normie.
if you're a kissless virgin (or close to) like most of the people on this board, wait until later and focus on getting money
that way you can married girls in their 20s when you're in your 40s and your body is no longer able to keep up with the whoring ways of your 20s and 30s.
They don't seem to realise they're falling for jew shit. In respect to the waiting till later for marriage, they claim "nah it's different for men" Do you really think men are going to be virgins till their 30's? (not like they're shilling for that anyway) but still if you're not marrying and still fucking who are you fucking? Sluts. You are keeping the market for sluts alive then complaining about the amount of un-marriageable women out there. Well you are contributing to that aren't you? You fucking women makes them un-marriageable for other men and other men fuck women and make them un-marrigeable for you. Then the plan is to take all the young virgin girls off the men of the younger generations so the cycle can continue? That is a cunt thing to do.
>and after marriage I had a few dozen more.
Man of quality right here. It's sad people admire people like you these days because technically this makes you a "chad"
Probably stems from this
>I had only 3 gfs from 15-25, but from 25-29 I had abotu a dozen more
(pic related)
Horizontal axis
>Number of non-marital sex partners
Vertical axis
>percent of sexually active women age 30+
The graph title doesn't match the data at all. It has nothing to do with 'success rate of marriage'.
and perplexingly, it is trying to claim that 80% of 30+ women have ZERO non-husband sex partners?
i have a 25 year old gf who was a virgin
>tfw know a qt 18 yr old who isnt wife material
sweating intensifies
You're not wrong. After age 10 I was raised by a single mother with severe emotional problems.
Dad was a serial philanderer too.
I'm not saying my situation is ideal, or that past-me was a great person.
Just giving a context comparison for 'the right age'.
If you were a handsome loner when you were young, you will probably want to wait longer for marriage, because once you get older, get money, and get some confidence - you WILL want to use those tools to get the women you were never able to get in your youth.
>I was raised by a single mother with severe emotional problems.Dad was a serial philanderer too.
That is sad, but you should not feel any sense of pride about your disloyalty to your wife and it definitely should not be acceptable to society to do this. Imagine if she found out and left you and took your kid, he/she would grow up in the same situation as you did and the bad cycle would continue.
shut up roastie.
>Your age does not matter
>You should be no older than 28
Nowhere have I indicated pride. Insight is just insight.
And you're correct about the cyclicism of it all.
The effects on my son should anything Go South is the primary factor driving me to overcome these vices.
21 the summer after graduated college..Technically since 16 since that's when met wife. Lived together since sophomore year college though..It's all about the fit..Was really no point for me to wait any longer..
We are ALL going to make it.
Delete this post.
>Also body is not as spry as it used to be, so drinking and late nights whoring around are not as fun.
Saying late nights whoring around (cheating on your wife) were fun. Maybe pride was the wrong word. Seems like you were boasting about how good it was. I do hope for your sons sake you do overcome it and do not promote this lifestyle to him.
It's always 'fun' in the moment. But the cost-benefit analysis becomes skewed as you get older.
Another factor in this is my wife's opinions on relationships. It was her idea that she "doesn't expect to be the only woman in my life just the most important"
I came from pretty traditional Midwestern background, so this way of thinking was alien to me at first.
It took some time to get used to.
but as you can tell from my flag, I'm in Japan, and their ways of thinking about infidelity can be quite different from Western ideals.
You're alright.
I'm not saying that you should give up at 30 trying to start a family, but it should be your goal from your 20s forward.
Planning to start late only makes your life shittier. By the time your kids are old enough for you to enjoy time with them, you'll be old. We only have so much time on this earth and you should make it count. Partying until 30 is the most vapid exsistence you can strive for.
It's not like you can't have fun after marriage and kids, just moderate less.
Get married in your early 30s, but marry a woman in her mid 20s.
>1 post by this Id
>do some degenerate shit like do drugs and fuck sluts
Annnnnnnd dropped. How soon people drop their morals when not criticizing others. You are just as implicit in the decline of our society as anyone else. Congratulations, enjoy your hedonism.
Last thread, there was some dickhead from Norway telling me that America is fucked up and socialism works while simultaneously telling me he pays too many taxes to have children. He was dead serious. They're literally shipping people into his country to breed on the dole and this stroke is telling me that it is financially impractical to have kids.
Not that I believe him. He was just too immature to have them.
Time to grow up kiddos.
>They're literally shipping people into his country to breed on the dole and this stroke is telling me that it is financially impractical to have kids.
Our government subsidizes black fertility desu. I agree with your sentiment, though.
>Want to get married explicitly because it's better for kids
>Know the extreme risks that come with marriage
>Don't like the idea of dating women over two years younger than me but don't have the choice if I'm to find one that isn't a slut
>No idea where I could find a pure gal anyway
>Still live with parents, not a NEET but income is currently shit and getting my second degree will take forever
>Need to get started anyway because female fertility doesn't last forever
>No experience with women
I've never even considered giving up because the thought of having a family is all that keeps me going now. But on the other hand, this is such a complex issue that I have no fucking idea how to navigate from my position
Don't listen to the brainwashed age of consent shills
Yeah, I'm aware of that.
I'm not saying my taxes are too high to have children at the same time though.
>Don't like the idea of dating women over two years younger than me
Minus the no experience with women, it's like I could've written this. Live at home with the 'rents making shit money at a shit grocery store because of the shit job market, and I won't have enough to go back to school until next fall. I'll be 26 at that point, swimming in a vat of 18-21 year old pussy. Can't wait.
>loving every laugh
A variety of reasons. Why do you care?
Because it doesn't make any sense. Women 3 or 4 years younger are completely unrelatable?
Are you borderline jailbait?
Explain yourself.
Right after graduating college or finishing learning a trade.
Marriage license only costs $10 - $20.
Or course, get married in a church ($100 to preacher), small reception there (cost of food), one cake ($150), and maybe photographs ($600).
I got married at 22 and we only spent $2000 on everything...not including the wedding ring (pawn shop).
If the woman you're marrying has to have a bug wedding...that's the wrong girl.
Surrogacy could work in your case.
>I'm not saying that you should give up at 30 trying to start a family
Yeah not at all. Still think everyone no matter when you personally settled in life should teach the younger generations to strive to settle early and not succumb to (((their))) agenda. Since settling young without a previous degenerate lifestyle causing emotional baggage(from past relationships) or physical baggage(in the sense of damage from excessive drugs/alcohol abuse, stds ect) leads to more chance of a positive outcome in regards to your marriage/family. Also society would go back to being family orientated instead of pandering to individualism since by people putting marriage off until later you have a large chunk of adults in their 20's-30's living for themselves instead of a family. These are the people who vote for politicians and laws that arent good for healthy families.
>Women 3 or 4 years younger are completely unrelatable?
At my age, yes. I get along best with people older than me, people that don't consider smartphones and social media the pinnacle of human achievement
And it also has to do with the conditioning. I don't want to feel like that pervy teacher in a porn, so to speak. I'm also kind of an old-fashioned romantic, but that's probably due to lack of experience.
Of course, if I'm to spend the rest of my life with someone, I'd prefer to die at around the same time as her. Only fair.
And it would, as pointed out earlier, help weed out gold-digging whores and freaks with a daddy fetish and shit like that
>living past 25
fucking dont entertain this stupid jailbait, women should be younger and 5 years younger is nothing
>I get along best with people older than me
Such a cliche phrase. So you're early 20s, at best.
>people that don't consider smartphones and social media the pinnacle of human achievement
Unless you're hanging out with people in their 50s+, this is not an argument.
Most people in their 30s are also SNS zombies
> I don't want to feel like that pervy teacher in a porn
>implying girls more than 2 years younger than you would be jailbait...so you're 20.
>I'm also kind of an old-fashioned romantic
And yet old fashioned would imply that women are significantly younger than male partners.
> I'd prefer to die at around the same time as her
you will almost surely die earlier. Women outlive men on average by more than 2 years.
>help weed out gold-digging whores and freaks with a daddy fetish
Not in the slightes.
Gold diggers don't care about age. They care about money.
Daddy issues also have nothing to do with the age of the woman. a woman with daddy issues in her 20s will probably have the same issues in her 40s
I'm not seeing sense in a single point you're making here.
>It's not like you can't have fun after marriage and kids, just moderate less
Not necessarily true. All excess money that you could previously funnel to into fun shit for yourself now has to 100% go to the kids. No splurging on a new vidya game or console, no accessories for your car, no buying brand new designer clothes to look good when you step out, no more guitars, skateboards, sports gear, dirtbikes, whatever your passion is. If you buy that shit, you're a bad parent because that money should be going 100% to either your kid's college fund, paying for braces, vacations, and equipment/activities for the whole family to use. Only niggers do that.
Also, you become chained to one pussy. I know a lot of Sup Forumscucks don't mind that because they don't get any to start with, but it's not fun. Sex with the same girl for the 4th time and beyond will NEVER be as fun as the adventure of hunting and slaying new pussy. That's just a fact.
Fun is substantially lowered, if not conquered, in all sectors. I don't know of a single young man who'd rather be changing shitty diapers or giving out Capri Suns at soccer games as opposed to beers with the boys while playing vidya and watching the game.
*stupid shillposter
>being so poor ALL of your spare income must go entirely to kids savings funds
>caring about vidya after age 25
>sex with the same woman after the 4th time is not as fun as banging a sloopy bar sloot for the first time