Make your choice
The nominees are:
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Dennis Prager
>Ben Shapiro
>Dave Rubin
>Ethan Klein
>Other (write-in)
Make your choice
The nominees are:
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Dennis Prager
>Ben Shapiro
>Dave Rubin
>Ethan Klein
>Other (write-in)
>Other (write-in)
(((Donald J. Trump)))
daily reminder Kantbot admitted he was part Jewish in a /lit/ AMA
Brother Nathaniel
Milo FTW
(Dennis is a close 2nd)
I'm refusing to vote until you remove that insufferable KIKE ethan klein.
Dennis Prager gets my pick though.
Rubin is the only sufferable one in that pic.
for the last time milo yiannopoulus is not our guy. He is a filthy gay race mixing kike.
Rubin, because he's harmless. All others are propagandists or subverters.
Write in Harvey Weinstein
UPDATE: Adding
>Ivanka Trump
to the list
This is the only correct answer
Shapiro and Miller are the only acceptable answers.
They look like weasels but are at least somewhat useful in an argument.
Prager is a total scamlord, Rubin is a Sargonite, and Milo is more damaged now than when the priest fucked him.
Shapiro is little more than a neocon propagandist, and the rest are the same or opportunistic attention whores with the exception of Rubin. Shapiro should move to Israel if he really wants to do something useful.
> muh cash
> less than $300
I too am 1/8 Jew. That 1/8 saw 11 of his 12 children die before he himself died. Know that ... I vote Adolph
no stephen miller?
I guess I'll vote for Ben Shapiro. I take issue with a few of his opinions but I'll be damned if he doesn't know how to debate.
Mel Brooks until he croaks, and probably a few years after that
Ben Shapiro
Witty, ecomonically savy, and anti degeneracy
Michael Savage stops just short of naming the jew. Mostly because he doesn't want to be suicided
>makes a thread on Sup Forums
what the fuck
>Michael Savage
Dude is hella gay and kvetches all the time.
and anti-White, yet pro-ethnostate for jews. what a fucking hyporite
pic related is best kike
Where's weev?
Thought some of you guys liked undercovers.
Larry David. Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the ultimate redpills.
The rest of the Seinfeld cast too
fuck off faggot there is only one way jews can be good and that is when they realize that all other jews are evil (brother nathaniel)
examples you provided are subpar at best:
1. a black dick hungry faggot that has the gaul to call him self christian (most likely an insult)
2. dont know enough about him so no comment
3. anti white hypocrite
4. a faggot homosexual (former) leftist
5. literaly the jew stereotype, backstabing gready, manipulative, thief
Ben Shapiro
Wow no strawpoll?
Get kill kike and kill your family too
Rofl... Fischer... sent to prison for playing chess, jews will stop at nothing
crazy isn't it
>book em danno
>what's the charge?
>illegal chess
Where the fuck is bobby, if milo counts then other mischlings cound aswell
Third post best post
Shapiro is a zionist fuck who does little more than engage in level 1 edgelord argumentation. only impressive to normies because of his ability to speak faster than his opponents.
Probably Milo, since he's just an IRL shitposter.
He's the worst of the bunch, though.
technically not a jew
Literally all of them are Nazis and traitors to their own people.
I hope there is no life after death, because if their ancestors could see them, they would be so ashamed.
Milo is also not a jew by religion, how the fuck do you think he was raped by a priest
Brother Nate, one of the few Jews to not only acknowledge the existence of ZOG, but actively fight against it
why did Milo change his teeth? They were find before....
why anyone likes h3h3 is beyond me
Ben shapiro for the being the most intelectually sound
Fuckin' aye. No talent whatsoever. Seems to be edgy 14yr olds that post depressing DANK memes that enjoy him and his gross wife.
h3h3 is an idiot.
Ben has done well
Ok I vote for Milo, please include me in the screencap
Only fucking one. Man makes my pure Anglo pedigree looks shitskin.
He's fat and ugly, so viewers don't feel bad about themselves when they watch his channel, in contrast to many other popular channels which are clearly only popular because they feature a cute twink or hot girl.
So he seems more authentic, but he's ironically only popular for his appearance as well.
Are you really putting that faggot that runs h3h3 on par with Ben?
This one guy I had in my class thought it was hilarious to do the Ethan cough whenever presented with a question, it was irritating to say the least. He was also obsessed with Smash Bros and Rick & Morty
I don't know what the Ethan cough is my dude, but if he's obsessed with Reddit and Memey I can imagine how cringey he would have been, haha.
Close second
>Pic related
gas yourself
I like John Stossel, but I know he's not liked here because of the commies and nazis.
Huh. Had no idea he's Jewish.
Did you know he is 70 now? He looks 40.
Holy shit. His face does have some wear in close-up photos, but he still looks relatively young. I hope I'm that fit at that age. (Incidentally, Larry David was also mentioned in this thread, and he's another who's in remarkably good shape for his age.)
Unfortunately, Stossel will probably start to degenerate faster now that he has cancer.
There are no good Jews, sage
They all need to be gassed.