For socialist and nazi cucks
Daily reminder
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>wtf I hate foods and services now
You forgot to mention how businesses can easily (very easily) brainwash you to buy shit. In fact, governments sway public opinion exactly the same way as companies in most respects. Rationality goes out the door.
Post yfw two fruit shops are competing in the same shopping center with tight margins of 5-10% and one spends 20% on armed thugs to shut the other one down and everyone just freaks the fuck out, goes elsewhere and they go under anyway.
Post yfw McDonalds can't afford to compete with Burger King if it goes into debt to hire armed thugs.
>Free Market Nigger
I would find your presence a violation of the NAP.
Make sense nigga
ancap faggots. I have no responce we both know it would be fucked in ancap
Not ancap
>have access to hundreds of public services
>wtf why do i have to pay for them?????
Not an argument
Negrocap and its negro aggression principle
> extortion is a service somehow
Yeah man sure whatever you say bro, all the way son, up to you Jimbo, solid logic there Jake, right on James, okay mate.
Who do you think is lobbying to government to build more weapons, invest in more NSA spying infrastructure, bail out banks, prop up the stock market with NIRP/ZIRP/QE, and invade 3rd world countries to prop up the petrodollar?
Then they lobby the government to put in all sorts of tax loopholes so they don't pay any taxes. So all of that shit is paid for not from the large multinational businesses themselves but from ordinary Americans.
The businesses OWN the government you dumb libertarian cucks.
Spot the problem
Here's another thing some of you libertards have trouble understanding: Government has always been about generating profit. When Rome decided to conquer Carthage, Gaul, these were business decisions intended to generate profit and protect the investments of Roman citizens. When the British Empire decided to take over shitholes in Africa and South-East Asia, this was done in the name of profit and chiefly benefited the merchant class.
Even now it is easy to see that the central purpose of government is to generate profit.
It's only in the post great depression America until 1968ish that there was anything resembling an adversarial relationship between government and "Big Business". That's when anti-trust laws were enforced and monopolies were dissolved into smaller entities. This was when the profits of government were dispersed more towards ordinary people and less so to large businesses.
>but, but, but the government is the problem if we just let free markets work their magic everyone would be millionaires
No such thing as a free market except in economics textbooks. The government has always used its power to allow certain businesses to profit.
>government is bad
>so government is good LMAO
Where in my posts did I use the words good/bad?
You cucks are always black/white thinkers with poor reading comprehension
I asserted the following:
-The operation and purpose of government is not different than that of a business
-Other business often use "government" to generate even more profit
-If for some reason and in some way you decide to get rid of government, this would be a short-lived vacancy as there is a profit incentive to create a government. Anarchy is a temporary state for any civilization that's developed widespread agriculture and bronze age technology.
When cuckservatives/libertard politicians talk about "small government" they just want to minimize the amount of the profit generated by the government that is paid to ordinary Americans and maximize the amount disbursed to their lobbyist big business butt buddies.
>-The operation and purpose of government is not different than that of a business
Somebody with fancy editing program should make it a Ben Garrison edit with negroes and Jews. That or Negroes and Thots
i just find it funny that lib's are for turning their firearms over to a trump gov'nt.
>be on an island
>claim the only natural spring as your "property"
>kill anyone who gets to close
>demand massive tribute in return for the right to not die of thirst
^ this is you right now OP
Think of a business with a monopoly over a large set of vital infrastructure, with a bureaucratic chain of command similar to any F500 company, and the ability to enforce its company policy on a large number of people.
Now think of a government.
>bs that never happened
wtf I love untle sam now
Maybe we're all brainwashed on here and we don't even realize it!
Really makes you think
It's remarkable that people identify the profit motive in business but don't see how it extends naturally to other organizations—as well as individuals in general. Profit is selfish and evil..... and yet everyone lives "selfishly" by seeking to 'profit' for themselves. Libertarians acknowledge that this *fact is fact* of people, not of some organization of people -- but not that *other* organization.
Damn you have convinced me,i am no longer a fascist,damn how will i ever recover.....!?
Damn you told them
Wow you got me there, wtf I love being fucked by government now
I don't mind business it's just when they start advocating for open borders and multiculturalism that I have a problem
There should be no world companies. That's crossing the line from mere capitalism to globalism
>implying businesses don't persuade government to take your money at gunpoint and give it to them
What are subsidies?
Businesses can have the government take your money at gunpoint and hand it over to them.
source - The Affordable Care Act.
Daily reminder capitalism is dying, tic tac kiddo, you won't even have a pc to troll
And black lives don't matter, never did, never will
The means of production should belong to the workers who use them.
>how businesses can easily (very easily) brainwash you to buy shit.
Pray tell.
Kill yourselves.
Which is why government needs to be limited, in order to minimize cronyism and rent-seeking
Still government
You forgot obamacare where government guns force you to give money to corporations.
No need too capitalism is killing itself.
>cancerous mix of state-led corporatism and socialism is killing itself