Guys who watch the NFL might as well watch cuck porn. Seriously watching millionaire niggers exercise and perform athletic feats is sad and pathetic. It’s sad that so many of American’s white men think it’s manly to watch this NFL cuck porn. White men would be better off exercising and learning. Seriously you know I’m right. Only people who disagree are Spucks so deep in the matrix of BBC that they will fight you for pointing out their cuckery.
NFL = Cuck Porn
This is a beta take. Guys who were afraid to wrestle in school because theyd get a hard clitty said that the wrestlers were all gay. Pure projection. Thats how you feel when you watch nfl fag.
They also prance around in $400 replica jerseys with their favorite bull's name on the back, like some kind of high school girl who desperately wants everyone to know her boyfriend is on the team.
I know, its pretty hot to see my girlfriend wearing some elite black man's name on her back.
110% true. I broke myself of sports worship a long time ago. It's just a distraction created by ((them))
Trips speak truth.
I could kill all three of those Cucks with one hand.
Greeks invent wrestling and they were super gay.
Professional sports is the opiate of the Nationalist.
I grapple daily and i think sports are for cucks
>If you dont like it it must mean your gay for it
>If you dont like spiders you must want to fuck them
Playing team sports is alpha. You cannot mental-gymnastic your way over that 20ft high FACT.
Many Sup Forumsastics watch team sports, because the play them too. Also, team sports are a crucible of male camaraderie.
The reason why cucks and feminazis and sjw betas are a thing is because kids today play video games not sports.
i hate to break it to you but wrestling is the most homoerotic sport possible
Wrestling is gay and so is football
OK Sup Forums I need your funniest and most politically incorrect fantasy football team names about Kaepnernick and the sarcastaball protest
>Based op
Learn hunting, fishing, workout, eat healthy, build civilizations, you know white people things
The only sports worth watching and cheering for are international competitions. At least then patriotism plays a large part of your excitement. You cheer your fellow countrymen on in hopes of victory. And of course those competitions can only truthfully be winter sports because they are white man sports... and maybe swimming, archery, tennis, shooting, rowing and water polo.
>a crucible of male camaraderie
oh ya a bunch of illiterate nig nogs who diminish the value of the entire university gang raping the white coeds is the ultimate male comradeship
ROLL TIDE (you) faggot
Except winning a sportsball game means literally nothing
Cheering for economic victory makes sense, that's a real "fuck you' to your enemies, but cuckball? Who the fuck cares. What a waste of time.
If enough anons really want it, the thing to do is for us to get #takeaknee trending again.
If you want proof look at all the fags replying to this post.
Not only that, the league is 80% black, the cheerleaders are 87% white, and the females on the sidelines flirt and ogle the niggers when their on the sidelines.
All while white men cheer in the crowd. Literal cuck porn.
I like combat sports since i like two peole fight for my entertainment and 99% of the time i have a better salary. And i bet and get drunk during it.
I agree though. Sports is a cuckolds hobby. I have more respect if you play video games that watch sportsball.
Yeah guys do something more productive like post about jews on Sup Forums from your moms basement all week long instead of watching a sports event with your friends once a week
There's nothing wrong with being a cuck, since losing my job to automation I survive on craigslist gigs where I fuck bitches while their boyfriends sit in a comfy chair and pretend its a real world porno starring their girlfriend and jerk off at their leisure, and half the time I just want to switch places with them and relax and enjoy the show without having to fuck hard. Same deal with sports, it's usually more fun to watch then to play if you have to play often.
Miracle on Ice
>complete amateurs
>facing seasoned Russian pros
>they were not paid
>they were not millionaires
>they did for the love of the game
>for the love of their country
>to bring glory to themselves and their nation
>and they beat those commies
Almost time for your next cuck porn game.
It's good to go support your local University teams though
>Stop liking what I don't like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
it's something to do, it's either that or play sports, which is probably better for us anyway. men do active shit. it's either sports or something work related, or drinking related, or a combination.
Football is the one thing that keeps American-loving citizens from fighting back.
I'm pretty sure their mentality is "hey, we may have lost our culture, but at least we have FOOTBALL!"
And I'll be happy when they lose their football, and finally have a chance to look around them.
He said your a cuckold for watching other man bounce balls for 4 hrs. No reeeeeing at all.
As opposed to watching other men bounce posts for 30 hours a week?
I described you perfectly
OP's just watching the wrong sport
Who said they did that? Sounds like you have two shitty hobbies.
People who have never played do not realize how much skill this game takes. Ball sports are cake walk compared to hockey.
All the niggers on pol fucking do it. Even if it's 1 hour a week that's still 1 hour you spend watching people post blacked threads or RED PILL ME ON HOW MY BUM WORKS FELLOW OLDFAGS
watch thugs TOUCH