why are women so entitled when they don't bring anything to the table anymore?
Why are women so entitled when they don't bring anything to the table anymore?
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I don't know, Satan.
I just don't know...
Could you lay off with the jews?
>fast food and Uno date
Sounds like a good way to weed out the greedy bitches and princesses. Pretty genius move, actually.
not a duplicate thread faggot look at the catalogue
ill stop sending jews until you have enough diversity
really gets the almonds activating
I smoked wings tonight, too me about an hour to cook them. This doesn't count as a date??
It use to be women knew the way to a man heart was through his stomach. Todays modern woman would never think of cooking for a man on a first date, and now they are treated like whores.
I knew a guy that matched some chick on tinder, she had no car, and she told him flat out she wound't have sex with him, but she wanted a ride. He said cook me dinner at the end of each trip and he would pick her up from work and drive her home.
This dudes longest and most meaningful relationship from tinder was with a girl that would cook him food. The sluts didn't last as long as a cook.
Damn the tits on #2.
>not happy with a game of UNO
Literally smartphones and nightlife.
Both are tools for them to get easy sex from a bunch of thirsty betas and the occasional alpha, and this fucks with their brain and makes them think they're more valuable than they really are.
Literally you can tell that a girl is a keeper within two seconds if you see her pull out a shitty old Nokia flip phone
If you are really into each other, who gives a fuck.
no, now be a good beta and buy your gf a Porsche so she can have something to drive to jamal's house while you're working.
Bring the goddamn waifus already
Also shows that you're not there to impress her, which is, of course, alpha as fuck
>millennial men never know the difference
No wonder so many of your girls want daddy's dick.
ahh, another Sup Forums quality thread, discussing the comments of random whores on facebook
If you don't like the date, why not organize where you want to eat, and you pay for him for a change?
>t; entitled roastie
How dare you cis scum
>the same women who push for equality would never think to do this.
all bitches love mcdonalds
i cook together with my gf when we date. she's also paying for groceries. we don't exactly split, we just do as we feel.
Sounds like an awesome date which also avoids giving away too much hard earned money to kikes. A home-cooked meal and uno would be better, but this is ok too...
Women are whores now, their value has dropped dramatically. Thats why no one wants to waste hundreds of dollars taking them on dates.
I'd never serve my gf fast food, absolutely disgusting.
What they don't understand is that they get what they give. They give nothing, they get nothing.
But the concept of give and take might surpass their brain capacity.
Why the fuck is nigger speak everywhere online now?
You'd be bullied everyday if you speak like that in a German school. Dumb-shaming is what makes German so educated (but also indoctrinated).
Satan, they are dating niggers.
the comment section
Also, its funny how women fell for the sexual revolution meme and they dont realise that nothing has actually changed. Men dont want to marry whores who have fucked 20 guys and have nudes all over the internet. By the time theyre 25 they have fucked away all their value and the only way they will get married is if they can hide their past or find some beta that will tolerate it because he has no choice. Once sex robots are a thing its literally over for roasties. Then they will have their precious equality they seek so much.
Dafuq they doing?
Women will post something like this on (((social media))) then go out to a nice restaurant and order chicken strips
They know that pussy is still more valuable than cock. BUT the tides will turn eventually and men will be using extreme life like dolls or maybe even artificial wombs.
>Fast food places aren't real dates
None of you cunts deserve real dates, 98% of you roasties can't even cook for fucks sake. Guess what that means after coming home from a long day's work, that means either I'm cooking because you're mentally retarded roastie ass never learned how or we're going to McDonald's to eat something cheap and fast. If you want to eat at a fancy restaurant, you're ass better be splitting the bill.
anyone else turned off when women eat junk food?
Fatty extremist stuff.
Are the middle two prego or just fat ?
also wtf is even going on with this picture
What an interesting get...
fast food (Mc D's, Burger King, etc) isn't even cheap anymore. a meal at my local pub cost the same amount of money.
This. Only fast food places still cheap are the taco places and Carl Jrs
>Also, its funny how women fell for the sexual revolution meme and they dont realise that nothing has actually changed.
Things have changed for the worst though. Many women don't have anyone that loves them or cares about their desires/needs at all. They were sold a lie that they were "oppressed" and had so much "untapped potential" both in society and sexually, so everything became emotionally charged when dealing with relationships. A woman today has far less than women 60 years ago: no children, no loving partner, no future- just a job that doesn't pay much and even with money, no one to share it with. The old feminists(usually nasty lesbians) told teenage girls that there was this magical "sexual fulfillment" awaiting them in promiscuous behavior. All that was there was guys who had sex for 5 minutes and left shortly after, because who stays around a whore except for cheap sex? No one in these feminist circles is going to tell girls that only a committed partner will care for them, nor will anyone mention all the lies that girls were told. It's only in middle age that the stubborn ones figure it out because by then nothing will have worked out as the feminists proclaimed and they must accept it was a lie, but by then it's too late.
This is why I am glad I met my girlfriend before I had anything
>Was 19
>Worked at grocery store
>No car
>Lived with mom
>Met her
>Got together
>Save most my money was broke
>Got a car
>Used car to get a better job further away
>Got us a place together
She didnt care one bit. She just liked me for me. Stuck with me the whole way even when I was broke as fuck starting off.
sounds good. best type of gf is a woman who's not perfect, but also not a skank. being normal is very desirable.
Damn I wish I was in your position. From 17 to 23 I have found exactly none that fulfill my requirements. Doing engineering at university and the fun part is I got so much attention from females the second I got a job on the side. All of a sudden they have a use for me. It fucking sickens me
sounds like wife material desu
I love how the author tried to do the worst he could imagine and fell short to reality.
In the comic fatties use a wheel to support the belly but still move by walking, in reality the fatasses just ride a scooter all day.
Like any of these useless bitches are worth a McNugget meal. Blow me or gtfo of my car skank.
maybe you have to get in touch with your feminine (receiving, accepting) side more. if you are too much of a man, you'll become a counterpart for a "too much of a woman" woman. and "too much of a woman" means she'll need you to pay for everything.
if you have to offer more feminity, you might attract a woman with more masculinity.
this is the only way to have ballance in a relationship.
my gf is feminine, but she doesn't wear makeup, doesn't talk about shoes or other stupid crap, she's into gardening, has a job and more.
if you are looking for a "cute, feminine, submissive" woman you are in for trouble.
it might sound strange, but that's what i've figured out.
it's also hard to do, because you have to let a woman do the work (she has to make effort to build a relationship with you) which most woman are way too lazy to do.
it's not that easy to do nothing. men tend to get into self improvement and pua to "gain control" over their success with women.
when i got in contact with my current gf i was so much in this control mindset that i couldn't get receive anything (getting loved, getting care, getting attention), i was a lot in this "doing, doing, doing" mindset which made me unable to enjoy anything.
but i'm getting better and better at it. receiving is not as easy as it sounds, because you can't control receiving.
just some different perspective.
>tfw glad I'm dating a nice QT black lolbertarian
could be worse, could be dating a white woman
add: i was already out of the pua and self improvement mindset, when i got in contact with my gf. i was at my mgtow stage and about to drop even mgtow, because believing you can be fully happy without a woman is deep denial.
mgtow should teach you to avoid bad women, not women at all.
Even the trashiest of white women can still give you white children. The best you can hope from your black girlfriend is a half black nigger who identifies as 100% Black and has to take extreme action in order to gain acceptance from other blacks.
Lmao you're literally at rock bottom dude. Might as well open up your dating pool to other types of animals
I hate women
Because men keep giving in to their demands to get approval and sex
Check em. Also, men have willingly cucked themselves into making pussy the most valuable commodity on the planet by giving it a vote.
Fucking faggots need to go.
>mgtow should teach you to avoid bad women, not women at all.
this, having a girl who supports you is nice, and being able to do the same to her is even nicer
Just avoid the ones that want to suck you dry without giving anything back (sex doesn't count) and you'll be golden.
So, is cooking and hanging out with a girl not considered a date anymore either? My first meal I made for my gf was pic related, and it didn't even cost me 10 dollars.. I already had everything except the lobster tail.
Those look like dates to me, not sure what those bitches problems are
1st date for my 7+yr ongoing LTR
>Burger King Double Cheeseburgers when they were 2 for $2.
>Avatar 3D
>Went Dutch even on such a cheap date, she volunteered.
BK reminded her of when she was younger, and even though she couldn't enjoy the 3D it was the closest we'd ever felt to someone on a first date. No fucking, no BJ, just enjoying eachothers company and some making out.
Thanks for making me remember it all. 7 year itch and all that, sometimes makes you forget the things you appreciate.
Black boys unironically take girls out to McDonald's and Popeye's and shit for a serious date, I'm not even joking. Not only have I seen it happen to other girls plenty of times but it happened to me the one and only time I gave a black guy a chance, because he "talked white" and I thought he wouldn't be a stereotype. Wanted to go to fuckin' Popeye's. Never again.
also bad women teach you to become more loyal and caring for yourself. if you really care about yourself you could never be tricked into a bad relationship, because you don't compromise.
i also observe men being attracted to shit tier women and then complaining how shit women are. they basically are unable to even be attracted to good women. it gives women the message "doesn't matter if you are an asshole, as long as you're hot enough for me".
you have to be able to be a mgtow, but not a complaining one, rather a truth searching one.
>Once sex robots are a thing its literally over for roasties. Then they will have their precious equality they seek so much.
Women would much rather have men fucking robots than them. Women already have dildos, catch up
I'm not super heavy into MGTOW but from what little I've seen, most don't say avoid women at all cost. They say you can still have gf's, fuck prostitutes and engage with women, they just DON'T GET MARRIED, along with the fact that you and other men don't owe women anything. There are some good women out there but most get snatched up by 19-20 and end up getting married. If a woman is 25+ and not married, something is definitely wrong with her imo.
I enjoy cooking and I've had girls over for dates where I just cook and we enjoy a meal together, drink wine, and talk. I've made lamb chops, french onion soup, mushrooms, carnitas tacos, etc.
It never seems to go over well, I guess the girls just think it's lame. I know it's not the food because I have dinner parties all the time, and people seem to enjoy them. My friends keep coming back; the girls I ask out never do. Sometimes I just want someone to enjoy a meal with and talk to, I don't think it's a lot to ask.
don't trust anybody who's not getting the results you want. if you want a loving, caring partner, you shouldn't listen to people who suggest visiting a prostitute.
just because almost all information out there is shit, doesn't mean mgtow can't be shit too.
I'd date you, bro.
Who the fuck says this is a first date though? How does she know that it isn't a month into their relationships and they're just eating food like a normal couple?
So lame, it's something you put your time and passion into.. I don't get it. Luckily my gf really enjoyed it and agreed to date me when I asked her..
I absolutely love cooking too and I get a high why someone's face lights up when they taste my food.
>and it didn't even cost me 10 dollars
Sure, but what was the opportunity cost of that date? I bet you could have made at least $40 in that same span of time doing something else.
Good shit user
>could have made at least 40 dollars in that same span of time doing something else
Explain? It was a date, how does one make money on a date?
Those broccoli stems are culinary rape.
Pretty good for a kissless virgin though. I bet she was satisfied before taking her leave of you and dropping by Chad's for a booty call.
sounds like a mark zuckerberg meme
Fpbp made me laugh
There are no women on Sup Forums
Well then they are cunts. You actually put some effort in to make something nice for them. Because it didn't cost a lot of money, they aren't interested? Then they are whores. Keep plugging away. The right girl will be blown away by that shit.
She spent the night on a work day, you dick.. And we've been dating for 5 years, I've tried every opportunity to find a reason to leave her at this point, going through her phone, pics, fb, everything, got nothing on her. Wew, 5 years with the same woman is hard, user.
And my broccoli stems have been said to taste better than the main plate, so I've kept what I do to them a secret. I make unhealthy foods too
i'd never take out a woman without getting something in return. splitting the bill is a must have, because i don't want to pay a woman for sex. (what else could the common modern women deliver?)
basically no reason to even take a woman out if you don't want her pussy desperately.
if a woman doesn't want to split the bill, she's a leech.
my gf would hate to feel like she took more than she gave.
I actually forgot I was on Sup Forums and thought this was /r9k/ since this was an /r9k/-tier thread. I only lurk here, never post. I'll take my leave now.
They want you to spend money on them. Through years of social conditioning and flat out greed that is what they equate a date with. There are exceptions but most women think this way - if you aren't spending money on them then you aren't worth their time.
>Carl Jr
Shits like 11 bucks for a combo.
>uno and alcohol isn't a date
I disagree
why all niggers speak like that?
>I dont want to cook or clean for you or raise your children
>please pay for my meal
That's weird, girls here love it if you cook for them. I usually have the dynamic of me cooking the main meal and her baking something sweet. If she can't or doesn't want to bake, she's not really worth anything anyway.
It's not just the cost of the food, because I don't use cheap ingredients when cooking for guests, but also the time investment for preparing. When I do French onion soup, i start in the morning before I go to work and set it in a crockpot after caramelizing the onions. My lamb chops I marinate in crushed garlic and greek yogurt for at least a day prior to grilling. I genuinely want to be a good host and show off some cooking skills I've practiced.
Last time I made the lamb chops, I watched my date slice open a picture perfect cross section of the meat, the coloration and tenderness was spot on
"Yeah they're alright"
No, they were perfect, the best I had ever cooked. I'm not expecting anything in return for this shit, but the least you could do is show a little appreciation.
That's not a real dish, it's just a few things you cooked separately that take no skill to cook and threw onto a plate.
Palette-wise, very boring.
Shit plating and presentation.
I rate it a 4/10
Below average.
Not terrible, but not so great either.
>me and my husband does this
and some people say its progressive to let nogs speak ebonics
they weren't cooked into a brick like their mom used to make. unless you do a lot of cooking yourself, you probably have no idea what real food is. and that is most women
>take some food to work
>used a bit of cumin in it
>blow everyone's minds
Just realized the hamplanet on the far left is nearly eclipsing a grown fucking man behind her. Can barely see there's a person back there if not for the backpack and feet. Jesus, I shudder to think what awful smells were assaulting that man's nostrils.
I love making French onion soup. I could eat a whole pot of it by myself.
If you want the extra wow factor, add slices of baguette or any similar bread and gruyere cheese.
Why the obscene amount of chili flakes?
A dildo can't lie to her about how fat she is or buy her shit she doesn't deserve. Women need men for attention, men need women for sex
>i was at my mgtow stage and about to drop even mgtow, because believing you can be fully happy without a woman is deep denial
This is the biggest misconception about mgtow... You should still bang sluts & date women (keeping in mind cohabitation laws and such) as much as you like, just say no to being a provider for used goods.