spaniards >>> anglos
Spaniards >>> anglos
>t. has never been to spain
protip: it isn't much better than Mexico
Yes and one of the only country's to kick out the muzziys .
Too bad you're not a Spaniard, you're just a fucking spic.
>be a Mexibeaner
>see te news
>another dude appears cutted into pieces in a bag of trash
>no one considers it strange
Just a little worse than in Spain, according to American intelectuals.
Too bad you're not a European, you're just a mutt american mongoloid.
Both are niggers compared to Rhine Reich
Great painting.
>hidden flag
ok faggot
Be Anglo, fuck aboriginal people
Your mom >>> Your mom
Spaniard and fuck Amerindian
You're American
I can be black or a spic
Imagine the worst, ghetto, and scummiest neighborhood in Mexico City. Now imagine that ghetto the size of a fucking country. You now have Spain
Pedro got wrecked.
homicide rate in 2015
Mexico: 20, 525
Spain: 303
... yeah, worse.
Retards like you are why the Burger education meme is so popular on this board
>Pic unrelated
>there's a difference
Non-Whites are not real Americans.
Did the Ameri-papist get upset? Yes, go and help your Mexi-papist relative, Vaticanophile.
>to kick out the muzziys .
yeah after getting cucked by them for centuries and resulting in spaniards looking like half nigs forever
Go suck a Kike off, you Protestant fag
spanish german mutt checking in