That feel when
>OP's face when everyone with an IQ above room temperature agrees that Communism doesn't work.
but this is a 1post shit thread so whatever.
but it doesn't. that's the catch. even your starling commie child China is a capitalist spinoff.
always remember to sage and guaranteed replies itt
??? Communism is an excellent tool to get population growth under control. It's needed more than ever. Africa could need some communisms right now.
no. africa needs a full-scale dictatorship to completely unify the continent. literally everybody needs to be shipped off to weapons factories to fuel the war effort.
they already don't produce anything of value individually and are also retarded. what makes you think banding a bunch of retards together will perform better?
Hitler LITERALLY wrote about this in chapter 3 of Mein Kampf. Just sayin'!
that tfw when Sup Forums gets
Do you think it's cool to execute 80 million of your own people?
>when someone points out a fact, don't argue against it. just use physical violence. just like how communism always murders dissidents.
>literally everybody needs to be shipped off
Why ship them off anywhere if you simply can let them starve?
yes, forgot to put in that part. we need to let those mothers who easily pop 8 kids each understand the value of quality over quantity. this in conjunction with a properly implemented dictator will resolve a lot of problems.
the only thing remaining to do is to get them all onboard despite the different cultures and languages to hate something together. jews and chinese is a good start
>tfw people confuse state capitalism with communism
Unless the means of production are directly controlled by the people who use them and not the state, it's not communism
Christ the left can't meme.
Is this what 10 year old consider funny?
There's been a few Commie African countries already. Think of how garbage every country in Africa is. Now think of the worst 10. I guarantee at least half the ones you can think of were Commie.
The left can't mem-
holy fuck lmao breeders are a joke
Must suck getting angry and not having a valid argument
Go be a retarded edgy NEET back on reddit or leftypol
these cats get beat the fuck up by whatever they are marching toward so yeah pretty good meme. proving once again that communism doesn't work
Reminder that in this episode the two cats got their asses beat by Jerry. Can someone make an OC of jerry with the Capitalism sign beating the shit outta these two cunts?
Also, he's fittingly the ancap colors in the episode.
Posting the cat who always gets BTFO by a fucking mouse is supposed to make you look like the winner here?
wasnt it jerrys older sister?
Somalia was one of them. That alone is case fucking closed.
>Unifying Africa
It's the largest continent on earth. It is probably the most culturally diverse continent on earth and there is a massive share of the population controlled by unacknowledged governments or rebel groups.