>Libertarianism ought to be appealing to black Americans, who have suffered greatly at the hands of the United States government. So why isn’t it more popular?
Why, pol?
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How do they get gibs in a free market?
For the same reason that atheism isn't prevalent among niggers. It usually requires a higher degree of intelligence than the average person
>InB4 fedora
Because libertarianism is an ideology for autists and only smart races produce autists.
because many libertarians ignore state and local government oppression, or favor it in the name of "states rights", plus they oppose stopping private businesses from discriminating
>Select all images with roads
>Click verify once there are none left.
Btw read the article and tell me what u think
Y are libertarians outcucking liberals?
>Not even blacks are stupid enough to fall for lolbertianism and anarch-cuckalist.
Most American blacks can barely grasp the nuances of mainstream political viewpoints, let alone have the wherewithal to question mainstream political thought and arrive at ideologies such as libertarianism.
Hol up. So you be sayin, that the fine gentlemen in pic related may not be able to fully grasp the political importance behind free market philosophies and classical liberal principles in determining future anti-government regulations for our country?
Libertarianism makes everyone a nigger. They don't want us appropriating their culture
you sure?
Barry Goldwater, generally believed to be the most libertarian major party presidential candidate of the past hundred years, famously voted against the Civil Rights Act, the most liberating piece of federal legislation since the end of Reconstruction. He had his reasons—he didn’t believe the federal government had the power to compel private businesses and individuals to accommodate those they didn’t want to. Federalism and freedom of association guaranteed by the First Amendment compelled Goldwater to vote his conscience. On paper, it is a defensible—perhaps even laudable—act of principle, absent of context.
But those principles had been used as weapons against black Americans, and esoteric concerns seem less important than being unable to eat or get a hotel you’re willing and able to pay for as you drive across your own country. This sort of adherence to principle at the expense of the tangible freedom of millions of African Americans sent a clear message of whose liberty received priority. Fairly or unfairly, holding such a man up as a hero of liberty sends a mixed message, at best.
Subsequently, libertarians have been associated with the Lost Cause, Civil War revisionism, and the politics of white resentment. The infamous Ron Paul newsletters of the 1980s dripped with racist, homophobic rhetoric in order to drum up support—and fundraising—for the Texas congressman. Separate from that, Paul has given speeches asserting the South was right in the Civil War, preposterously arguing that chattel slavery was not the catalyst for the bloodiest war in American history, and repeating the canard of “States’ Rights”—an argument often used to also support state-sponsored segregation. Paul’s ascension to standard bearer of the modern libertarian movement in recent years invariably calls into question the motivations of its adherents and their dedication to civic equality of minorities.
You think 85 IQ is a lot? It used to be considered mentally retarded.
Even if you were correct, you have to ask yourself what you think of a group of people who won't vote for a party because their view on anti-discrimination and affirmative action laws are that no race should be given special privileges.
It is pretty selfish.
Most of the black guys I know are libs but they're also former military.
its not me, its the lbertarian website saying, see their arguments
basically "be more like liberals"
I dont know. Why aren't there more black librarians?
most librarians are black
Because no gibs.
blacks cant read, what would make you think they can soft and catalog books, let alone check them out o people???
Way too difficult to spell for them.
Being slid.
Cos gibs come from big daddy gubmint
As much as I understood from this babbling he seems to be declaring the desire to delete his FaceBook and lambastes his fellow people for giving up their privacy voluntarily and committing stupid acts like sharing irresponsible or criminal activities online in public sphere.
Kudos for that - it seems that sometimes even an illiterate (or semi-literate) might have more common sense than an average social-media user.
Nigs don't even understand what libertarian means. Plus, as user said, a libertarian world be much less forgiving to them. Without gibs, and having to compete with whites for a job, they'd all die within a generation.
> too dumb to grasp the concept of self-owmership
> too dumb to compete in a free market
Most libertarians are high IQ. Need I say more?
Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but voted for the 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Act.
Comeon now, who wouldn't want geniuses like these in your movement?
>Too often, libertarians discuss rights and what people will do if the government gets out of their way, but before government was active in furthering racial equality, history shows that both public and private actors worked in concert to deny equal opportunity and truly free markets—often under the guise of “freedom.”
Heres your reason why blacks arent libertarian. Because freedom is racist.
These, and thinking for yourself is libertarian to the core. It's why nigs are well behaved until they congregate in a group of 10+
Because you'd have to survive without violating the NAP
Also, there seems to be a hellish double-think going on in this article. As libertarians, they know everyone is not equal and should not be paid or provided for equally, but the entire article seems to presume that blacks as a group are exactly as equal to whites in capabilities and outcomes.
> Unfortunate associations, political alliances, and duplicitous rhetoric have diminished the libertarian message of equality of opportunity and the power of markets in a free society.
Hell, even blacks are smarter than this author, since they know they will be hurt more by equaliy. Sure, a few big brained brothas will be unimaginably rich, but majority of their own cousins and kin will be thrown to the wolves. Blacks know they are disadvantaged in an equal footing, hence why they dont want equal footing.
why aren't there more Jewish Christians?
>actually read ithe article
Being a contrarian takes effort, son
>not being a lazy fag
There are plenty, and growing
No it doesn't
how the fuck did you understood anything, maybe its because ingles isnt my first language but fuck it, im an interpreter and i didnt get shit out of that.
do dindus really speak like that?
Not saying it's bad, just exceptional
surprised no one has posted this liberal comic.
any black libertarians get called uncle tom by the other negros still on the dem plantation
Libertarianism and gibs are mutually exclusive and the philosophical foundations which form the framework of the ideology are beyond the intellect of 90%+ of niggers.
I doubt most coons even know what libs are. All they know is they get non-stop free shit thrown at them. Their life strategy is: bitch = get more gibs, rinse, repeat
>For the same reason that atheism isn't prevalent among niggers. It usually requires a higher degree of intelligence than the average person
What about "the down low"? it's the nigger version of gaythesim
I'm half black, does that count
I think you should double check that stat, because I keep hearing from black comedians that books are from white people.
I live in new hampshire, so there arnt any black people who havent gotten their "black card" taken away already anyway, but I've never met a black librarian.
>that books are *for* white people
>So why isn’t it more popular?
Because they know that they'd fail in a purely merit based system.
This should have been the end of this thread. What the hell are the rest of you all still discussing?
just a reminder that Jews love to say "I'm not Jewish" to mean "I'm an atheist Jew".
You're right, not everyone is equal. We understand this by looking at variation among individuals, which is the smallest reducible denominator.
Your mistake is collectivizing people into racial groups, and assigning a competency metric to said groups, ignoring the competency of the individual. Libertarians aren't always inclined to do so. It isn't double-think, it's just a rejection of racial collectivism.
>it's a "comic" that is all about delivering a fat chunk of text
>the drawing is basically irrelevant
aren't we lucky to have these amazing liberal artists?
half this board then
>Government that doesn't have the power to give welfare
Basically black genocide desu
This. Libertarianism doesn't really recognize racial communities at all, and black community leaders don't see an advantage in a government that doesn't recognize racial communities. They're oriented towards the government rather than towards productive engagement with the market, so in a reduction of government, they see only the loss of present opportunities rather than a rise of new opportunities.
Libertarianism is essentialy a way for white people to signal they dont want the government to force jigaboos to live around them and have their tax money go to gibs. It is white nationalism lite
Intelligence or (((education)))?
Truly intelligent people larp as Christians, at least for now.
Okay Sup Forums, Im at the point to where Im thinking about purposely getting a girl pregnant just so I can lock her down for life.
Im a good looking white guy, and every girl ive been with has been super easy except for one girl who is based af. Dad is a marine, mom is stay at home, the dad had his daughter when he was 14 so like the parents cant get that upset if she does get pregnant. Blonde hair, blue eyes, not a degenerate, holds traditionalists views. I was her first. Tell me why I shouldn't have a kid with her, get married and flee to wherever the military puts us. I dont want to go to college and sleep around with whores all day, I cant get a co sign for a loan to go to college cuz im a lower middle class white guy, nor is there many scholarships for white guys.
Besides the fact of us being 18 why is this a bad idea if I know I love her? Cuz seriously am considering this.