I go to college with these people, when did it become okay to be racist towards whites?
When did this become okay?
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There's your answer
Just call them kike apologists you normie
>burning our flag
>Thoughtful response by francefag
>hurr durr fragile white ego
financial aid for college was a mistake.
OP here. this is the "white devil" dude's profile pic baka.
why am I not surprised. hope he gets deported
Thats why we cleanse now
Within the past few years. Those in power want us gone and try to convince others to hate us and get rid of us.
I don't know why, but its the sad reality we live in. We cant just live in peace, they want to destroy everything we have ever built and ever known
MAYBE they'll grow out of it. theyre college kids.
who is emanuel louis conderas, Jon?
How can you have "white fragility" and "white privilege" at the same time. Isn't that a oxymoron?
MK Ultra checking in. Prognosis: positive.
Whites have always been lame. Just more obvious now. White dinosaurs. Twirps.
I don't understand leftists and niggers, they keep saying 24/7 how dangerous whites are, how many genocides and shiet whites have commited and the next second they proceed to shit on them and try their hardedt to piss them off.
when we started letting them.
Nathaniel Louis Contreras.
nvm. got him
I would actually agree that it's lame to use the inert power you have as a white dude to try and get a bunch of free blowjobs from people that are burning out and need to advance their careers, or are afraid of retribution. You can't just grab people's vaginas.
holy shit OP what a trainwreck.
if you troll him you'll only further convince him that he's right. let him stew in his ignorance.
Nothing like a bunch of tone deaf prejudiced shitskins to help build the idea that multiculturalism is a failed utopia that only an ethnostate can fix! Yes! Build the coffin of your own expulsion! Tap tap another nail!
Facebooke /oscarwildeboy
Welpst. Do your worst.
White people are allowing it to happen. When someone says the word nigger in public what happens? Black people literally attack you. That's why they are the "protected class" right now. Because they have no problem with violence. Easier for the government to attack a bunch of rational, obedient white people than rowdy unreasonable non whites.
Wrong user, the flag picture is from
We can totally read Nathaniel Louis Contreras by the way, there's no need to hide it.
I'm not wrong. You literally quoted me twice in one post. His profile is facebook /oscarwildeboy. Check yo privilege.
Yeah but did you find the Facebook OP
Christina Nour
These people literally don't want to hear you defend your viewpoint, they think you don't deserve to, they will only be satisfied if you completely and totally submit to their Marxist leanings and apologize profusely for being white
Saw pic related in my dorm today
It's like they're trying to start a race war.
Sorry it's sideways, idk why Apple does that
I got Whitney Joy
Pictures are captured in landscape and then an exif field is used to rotate it. Maybe in the upload or transfer that exif data was lost.
He’s burning American flag to lit a cigarette?? Man if it happened in my country he would be beaten to death or at least got his life trolled hard times. Why aren’t you doing anything about it?
Since when spitting on US National symbols became cool?
found the nigger
She looks like a real cunt
it should never be okay.
just like it would not be okay to do so against any other people of any background. even if they are an oligarchy.
any people promoting themselves like this need put in their place. once we get into space, you can colonize your own colonies.
Unable to check privilege, not white.
I was thinking the same thing.
Also our OP unfriended the Radio DJ
Jonathon Wil??
>the pendulum swings back hard as fuck
>see we told you they were evil!!!!
this will be so fucking annoying even though they're going to get crushed
4chins scrubs exif. it would be hilarious if they didnt.
That makes sense. Sup Forums strips exif data on uploads
It's time to bring back segregation.
If you're white and you hate whites people and think they are the devil, then you need to kill yourself. It is the only way to make things right.
Why are you so weak? What are you even doing looking for dialogue? Lift and kill.
Democrats popularized the notion of demonizing white people for the past few years, because they were trying their hardest to appeal to non-whites that despise white people themselves.
Some idiotic white people believe they can somehow be friends with non-whites that hate white people simply by becoming racist against white people themselves. It of course doesn't work, but many of these self hating white people don't realize that the divide between non-whites and whites can't be bridged by promoting hatred between the races.
It seems like just a convenient lie they tell themselves, that white people are the root of society's problems, because the alternative is to tell these pet minorities that their groups are as fucked up as they are due to their own actions.
As soon as we gave the nigger welfare, the nigger decided whites were evil. And it makes sense. No one wants to be a nigger, and all our welfare keeps them alive too long.
Last but not least, based Jonathan Wilson
Back in my day we called white privilidge something else.
We called it white power.
>when did it become okay to be racist towards whites?
Just ignore them. They will go their own way, or go away. As a rule of thumb, the louder your opposition screams, the closer to the mark your bombs hit.
Watch a video where a black gets arrested while trying to fast talk the officer....This is the same tactic. These people are busted, they know it, but they will fast talk and say they are a winner.
I found it is terribly insulting to tell people that you will give them the last word, but you won't be back to check it. Let them know that they answered your questions when you do it. They hate being ignored worse than being engaged.
wow. OP even looks like a faggot
Jon is bro tier
i mean, good sleuthing but i doubt it helps us to dox /ourguys/
LOL welcome to america. O avatar of hitler, may you visit your scourge upon this country, when you are reborn!
I was just enjoying the hunt and showing off what I found
Replace "white" with "black" in all bullshit they spew at you.
Ignore any real conversation. They are mentally ill and deluded freaks.
They want to injun'ed.
They're jelly of the treatment the injuns got and want their women, men, and kids slaughtered.
Or maybe they miss the lynchings of yesteryear.
>Day of the Rope
70s when supreme court ok'd it as "free speech"
I'm not going to wait until we go out like the Boer.
>Nathaniel Louis Contreras sounds like a spic faggot.
lmao wtf is up with this guy's profile. one picture is him with a bunch of kikes and rabbis, another is his family at christmas.
still based.
Same user.
I didn't post it though after finding lol
>amerikikes too soft to purge the niggers
Kill those niggers senpai. Not worth to live with you in your nation. Complete scum.
What is this civil engineering? Is it like social engineering?
Kys nigger
Omg I know the last poster too and that guy is a fucking idiot- 90% of his input is asinine
University of Spoiled Children.
Kill them
When they make these comments it makes segregation all the more attractive
Pic related- I saw he posted this in the 9th. Columbus was Italian and was funded by Spain...clearly race was not an issue to him- money was. Fucking retardeds
just identify those people as Jewish and watch them go silent in fear :^)
look at her, you can just TELL she's Jewish. Every time.
lol white fragility, whitey so upset
>bum shaking, drug addicted, criminal retards are great though.
>using facebook
>expecting anything but braindead self hating liberals
He was a Jew. That's kind of the shit they do, when they can get away with it.
no it's like civil projects, bridges, roads, shit like that.
You should learn yourself up on AWAN:
HERE for new AWAN scandal info:
Not an argument at all. Just inferior pussies mocking their betters for reacting to mistreatment with displeasure, as the pussies themselves do over any tiny made-up thing.
The time for conversation came and went years ago. The time for words is over. It's time to start killing these people without hesitation. There's nothing else to be done with them. Kill them all.
Found the racist
Harvey Weinstein isn't white
He's a spic, he has to leave
>when did it become okay to be racist towards whites?
When Jews took over our society after WWII.
And were paying for these ungrateful faggots to go to school here?
We need to throw them out on their asses.
Imagine how eternally butthurt they'd be
If white people are the devil then we should be the devil.
When are we all finally uniformly going to decide to take the velvet gloves off?
Thanks Chris!
>I was just enjoying the hunt and showing off what I found
You did a great job of covering their names mate, I can clearly read out Emmanuel Louis Controras
Content aside, it's a skillfully-taken photo.
U wrong though
Nathanial Louis controras sorry
Still wrong
Oh im so sorry that I spelt nathaniel wrong
I don't give a shit, Russians aren't white. Fuck white men and fuck your dad and fuck your brother, subhuman trash.
Generation Zyklon will gas them all