Let's talk about the Native Americans Sup Forums

Let's talk about the Native Americans Sup Forums.

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Which part, the alcoholism or casinos?

They're Chinese sans written language or brick/mortar buildings.

The buildings.

ooh leta di how they butchered each other for hundreds of years
that native americans were native isis

Does anyone have a source of the US military experimenting with the Natives as soldiers during one of the wars?(pretty sure it was vietnam). I remember hearing stories about how they used them as scouts because of their inherently keen situational awareness but realized that their long hair had something to do with it. Does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about?

How about not, I prefer to discuss things that actually have any relevancy.

Fuck prairie niggers

Yup my Uncle has a friend who is Native and was in Vietnam. That's true.

No clean drinking water, sanitation, libraries, written language, scientific method, etc...

They just ran around in their underwear for thousands of years accomplishing little.

>Does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about?
/pol assumes no responsibility

I think the US military started using Native Americans in Vietnam as trackers, they still do to this day iirc

>A great civilzation
still living in the stone age to europeans gave them steel.
>A peaceful people
constant war and popularized scalping
>another victim of white genocide
90% of population died accidently from foreign illness.
>peaceful nation that was persecuted
Indian wars literally went on for over 300 years.
>Proud people
Drunk people
>In tune with nature
Hunted many animals to extinction and almost wiped out buffalo.

I'm native. Fuck you guys. Fuuuuck you

Dead native is a good native

You mean chugs?

You know Mexicans are native right?

Easy there Cortés

Both of you are shit anyways.

What tribe if I may ask?

Prairie eskimos

My fathers come from Estonia.

Native shitty blood need be deleted.

Fuck off Monkey Tree.


I was did an accounting of all the indians killed throughout all of history and it came to about 24,000.

Racists are shit

I have no idea. I just learned this a month ago

Fuck off settler trash

I'm republican and Indian some of us are based

Every Native I've ever met has been worse or as bad as niggers. Stop asking me for money on the street!

Native American scouts in Vietnam weren't forced to get army haircuts because it effected their abilities to scout properly

It all connects back to the germans with their Vrill society, and how longer hair gives you better precognitive senses

No, Natives are the fucking scum of the Earth.

t. Feathernigger.

>pic related
average native american

>precognitive senses
This was the term I was looking for, thanks user

Elizabeth Warren is 2.5x as native as me and is blond

anyone know anything about the artaman league? basically the nazis were founded from a bunch of hippies.

>I remember hearing stories about how they used them as scouts because of their inherently keen situational awareness

I think you're thinking of that "Predator" movie again...

Fun fact: there was a native american city the size of London in Illinois before the europeans arrived. It is theorized that the arrival of the europeans was the second wave of deadly introduction to foreign illness. Scientists believe that the Vikings brought the first wave of disease which would wipe out as many indians as the disease spread during the age of exploration.

Most were sent in infantry units during ww1.
During ww2 they could fight with whites in non-segregated units.

these natives in my province went 4791+ fucking years without euro contact and were still living in fucking huts and made barely any noticeable markings or stone work that can be seen today.
to put that into perspective
>jesus lived and died
>the empire of rome rose and fell
>muslim conquests
>various other events of historical relevance


>made some boulder walls along a river canyon

should of just genocided them all desu

The whole hair thing is true. Stop cutting or coloring yours and you'll notice a difference. As far as finding written evidence for it, good luck. Some super spirtual people of all ethnicities call our hair our antenna. Most people just think it's ridiculous. I mean it makes sense tho. Military cuts hair, when women go through a break up? What's the first thing they do to feel better? Usually cut their hair. You can detect tons of shit in the hair long after its gone from the body. Hair has to have some energetic value at least, if not much more than that. Also would explain why there is so much pressure for women to color their hair and men to keep theirs short. If it did assist in any energetic or enhancement of abilities it would fit their agenda to convince us we don't need it and should destroy it.

>be prairie nigger
>walk everywhere
>no horses to ride because ancestors ate them
>build a casino
>it fails because no white people
>doesn’t matter because no meth or booze to buy with profits
>decide to jerk off
>fail because masturbation hasn’t been invented by my people
>get eaten by a bear

land taken by donkeys of jewish heritage. mainly the absolute principle across the world. history does repeat itself. jews promoted everything from the spanish inquisition upon molmecs/aztec/mayans} to everyone else. It's just cultural enrichment.

Why don't they move to a single state. with a coast line, and everyone else could leave.

What people hadn't butchered each other for hundreds of years?

>I'm native
>-what tribe user
>idk just found out yesterday wypipo ree

The wife beating, not working or paying taxes?

Also their language was used to communicate in WW2, see the movie Wind Talkers

My only comfort is that no matter what happens to the white race the redskins will be extinct in a century.

did you know seattle was practically given to white people by the natives
chief seattle welcomed whites into the pnw
he implored them to settle there
you faggots disgrace your fellow white man when you disregard the city of seattle and let liberal cucks reside there, the city was given to us and you just want it to be nuked like a lazy nigger
we are taking this city back

That pic is an Italian nigger


No shit, Einstein?


you don't have to use french words when english ones of germanic descent are available and have the same meaning, you pretentious fuck.

REAL NATIVE HERE: in North America there were thousands of tribes organized into Several distinct ethnic and cultural groups (Pacific Coast, SouthWest Desert, Plains, Eastern Woodland) etc. Some of these groups were indeed peaceful to an extant and didn't fuck with other tribes. While most practiced a form of "tribal warfare", no tribe ever drove another tribe to extinction. One of the best known warrior-nations, the Sioux, believed that the bravest act was to "count coup" on their enemies, which was to touch them without scathing them.



Ww2 and it was a code they created that ultimately won us the war.


They all live in inherited trailers with no hook ups and spend their inheritance money on cheap alcohol. Also beat their wives like a rented mule.