>A Giant, Mysterious Hole Has Opened Up In Antarctica
>A hole as large as Lake Superior or the state of Maine has opened up in Antarctica, and scientists aren't sure why it's there.
>The gigantic, mysterious hole "is quite remarkable," atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto's Mississauga campus, told me over the phone. "It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice."
>Areas of open water surrounded by sea ice, such as this one, are known as polynias. They form in coastal regions of Antarctica, Moore told me. What's strange here, though, is that this polynia is "deep in the ice pack," he said, and must have formed through other processes that aren't understood.
>"This is hundreds of kilometres from the ice edge. If we didn't have a satellite, we wouldn't know it was there." (It measured 80,000 k㎡ at its peak.)
>A polynia was observed in the same location, in Antarctica's Weddell Sea, in the 1970s, according to Moore, who's been working with the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modelling (SOCCOM) group, based at Princeton University, to analyze what's going on. Back then, scientists' observation tools weren't nearly as good, so that hole remained largely unstudied. Then it went away for four decades, until last year, when it reopened for a few weeks. Now it's back again.
>"This is now the second year in a row it's opened after 40 years of not being there," Moore said. (It opened around September 9.) "We're still trying to figure out what's going on."

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Geothermal event mebbe?


ice freezes, ice freezes, ice melts

/the end

It's because of global warming.

as interesting as this topic is, this can get you banned on pol.



Man imagine how disgusted the ice Nazis will be with the state of modern life.

Nazis are coming back.

This is the REAL disclosure.

So we got caught testing our newest toy.
>What are you going to do about it? We can literally turn 80,000km of ice into water overnight.

Jews will finally perish from this world forever.

R'lyeh rises
Cthulthu cometh

if there was a super volcano in Antarctica would we know?

it's this

Same hole?

There is something releasing bubbles on the ocean floor. Said bubbles rise and cause the water directly under the ice to move around as they the gas looks for a way to the surface. This causes friction and just enough heat to melt the ice (this is why you can find pictures of rivers running in the middle of the winter).

Don't believe me? Look up the term "bubbling a slip." I used to do it as part of an old job of mine... Literally just pumping bubbles under ice at docks to melt it.

How soon do you go to join?

How do you know you havent already been recruited? through Sup Forums

What does this hole have to do with nazis?

New Swabia.

Finnposters are the best posters.


Can I be Santa?

Could just be volcanic activity

Sweet, now sit on my lap kiddies



And this as well

I'd like a 4th Reich for Christmas please Santa

I'd like to have all of your Kangaroos settled in my country.

BUmp you flat-earther faggot

Build an artificial floating island dome heated by the steam from an underwater nuclear rig

Yeah, global warming is pretty much unstoppable at this point. The real question is - who gets to colonize all that sweet new land that'll open up? What plants and animals should we spread there?

Mind you, Antarctica is rife with resources, and would be a vital shipping lane between Australia, Africa, and South America.

maybe the earths gonna fart and suffocate us all.

That shitskin clearly isn't white. Cosmo can stay.

It's now "climate change".

Trump just made Evangelion real. 2nd Impact confirmed.

What fucking sheep is not good enough?

Also, European colonization probably won't be a thing because the vast majority of (wealthy) Europeans are getting fucking niggered by the rising oceans. Paris and Madrid are pretty much the only large European city that'll be intact. Amsterdam, Antwerp, Copenhagen, Bruges, Brussels, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Aarhus, Stockholm, Hamburg, Lisbon, Porto, and Barcelona are all going to get BTFO. Even lesser cities, like Riga, Tallinn, Odessa, Volgograd, and, (mercifully) Istanbul are all getting purged.

Spain and the New French Caliphate are in no position to be colonizing the opposite end of the world.

I haven't gotten a present for years so anything would be great, really...please, Santa...

>tfw the ice melt sea rise makes it a mere island chain
Otherwise WW4 could be battle Royale for the southern world

All the euros have to refugee out to Africa to avoid the tides of death

>Mere island chain
The land will be connected by oil rigs.

They'll flee to the mountains. Austria and Switzerland would be wise to invest more into border security right now. Wouldn't want those filthy Germans and Swedes flooding into your country and turning it into a feminist paradise.


Aww :( Santa feels bad.
Here have a nuclear bomb.
Be careful now.

> The real question is - who gets to colonize all that sweet new land that'll open up?

This is not how it works, mate. And to your other question, Antarctica is already split anyway so that shouldn't be a problem.

second impact

Pls be real.

Next Minnesota Governor right here; Neel Kashkari is based

>you mean weather


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Why the fuck is this png named adam. you fucking nigger of the americas

I hope I'm fucking recruited, so fucking tired of all the bullshit. I don't care, even being in a neet work camp would be better than watching the jewish world order destroy everything I love.


It's called a worker's tan

It's your mom spreading her legs


mystery hole?

well thats wrong lol


I want to prepare for a strange journey.

Three hurricanes, a mass shooting, and now UFOs…

Antarctica is the next challenge


The USA just tested a new weapons platform, the great powers especially Russia and China just shit a brick.

Imagine that. Imagine 100% genetically engineered, uncucked, 1930s thinking, Ice Nazis walking through the streets dragging antifa out of their hovels by their rainbow hair.

>tfw for the first time can unironically say "what a time to be alive"

As you are the second person to ask for this
Which I already granted, you can join as a general.

This shit happens all the time. Just go to sleep.


Why can scientists use the refrigeration of Antarctica to stop global warming?



>I know it's true cause they said it's true.

>burger education
Ice freezes
Water melts

its about to be summer in the summer hemisphere

This is the moment flat-earthers become sink-earthers

flat earthers are shills it is all about the hollow earth. Journey to the Center of the Earth type shit.


Reminder that million years old bacteria are trapped down the ice also lake volstok

oh no it has begun

Is that seriously the Island name?
Could they make it any more obvious?

>This is now the second year in a row it's opened after 40 years of not being there
They were shilling global cooling back then.

Coming soon

They even have their flag

Melting Ice wouldn't actually significantly raise World Sea Levels dumdum.

Don't worry about it, Goyim.

There is also a giraffe called Rothschild. Thanks for signing up to Jewraffe facts.

Looks like 'space invaders'

kek, would laugh hard if it would be some kind of sleeping super Vulcan and it wakes up now.

Anomalies, bacteria and metals deep down lake vostok, how is this not news?

water freezes
ice melts

at least english is your second language

o.O crazy
I knew it! The Giraffes will invade us all soon.
Day of the neck when?

Ummm wut
St Petersburg maybe?

You faggots are seriously demented, how many times have all of you been dissapointed when you saw that bs stories like this never came to fruition?

TOP KEK you retarded basement dwellers

- there are no aliens
- trump won't imprison pedos
- earth is not flat
- etc

What are the most plausible causes?
>hollow earth people (how are they called anyway?)

>Water melts

Lithuanian education everyone

Are you implying a methane explosion. Methane trapped under the ice?

I dont think about ayys there, couldnt give a fuck about cheeto bandito, earth is round

I just think that something shady happens there, a whole continent big as us that is never been spoken about besides climate change, possible mass exctintion bacteria lie in its depth, weird circles and blue lights happen. I think its probably some military advanced technologies goin on there.