Who else daydreams of leaving behind (((the west)))

I find myself constantly daydreaming about leaving behind everything and living "Innawoods" In Poland or other non cucked nation.

>Low cost of living, can have a COMFY house with only 50k
>Ethnically homogeneous
>Only problem being low wages so you would have to prepare beforehand/find another income source.

Am I the only one? I think about it every day, just started learning polish to prepare.


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How about instead of coming to a nice foreign country, you make your own country nice, huh? FUCK OFF

no please let them leave, we don't want them here anymore!

>have some patriotism
>globalist flag

I'm visiting family staying outside Europe, I don't want to be mistaken for them

Ignore this post please my shame is too great

There's plenty of American expats everywhere. This thing is called "expat" and they form internet communities to share experience.

South America is a much comfier place to move to than Eastern Europe I imagine.

We are full.

But If i am white/ with a B.A. in Comp sci and experience with linguistics? Come on, don't you have enough brain drain to the rest of Europe to justify letting little old me in?

No joke answer? If you are not coming here because of love or some other nonsense like that culture shock will send you packing in less than 2 months, period.

>South America
Except you know, the unwashed hordes of brown people.

He wants to settle innawoods. Pick up a god forgotten place in Southern Argentina or Chile and you're good.

every fucking teenager growing up as felt the same way.

since the beginning of time. you are no more special than the dudes invading europe.

I have a love of learning new languages, polish is my "4th".

I'm culture shocked every day by the shit hole that i live in. Can't even turn on the radio without getting ass blasted for being successful and white.

We are also full.

>Ethnically homogeneous
Then do not come here you disgusting 52% mongrel.

I don't want to be special, I want to be a part of a group that is like me and proud. and those dudes invading europe are part of the reason i want to get away from the mass cuckening of our time.

My country is a shithole, go to czech republic instead

Its nerds like you that are pushing up 23 and me stocks and creating that huge database of dna that totally isn't going to be used against us.

Fuck off, I know my lineage.

Well good luck them. Guess we will see another "i am american in Poland and omg they are so weird i would go home if not for my wife".

I like czech, it has some very beatiful men.

I did it. Moved to Prague six months ago. Barely any niggers, much better living conditions with same salary,... Confy as kurwa.

I agree

Claim your pepik waifu anons.

See this is the kind of smug superiority I want to remora my way onto. Not get in the way of or hinder like paki's in london. No enforced shame for who you are. Sounds like heaven.


me too

fucking damnit

wouldnt mind watching best korea burn it to the ground

>czech em

im good thanks

I really want to get my girlfriend on board, But i feel she's a lost cause. It's a shame after 5+ years and meeting in high school/ making it work.

If not a proxy fag, you have it easy to just pick up/go there. at least for now.

Not a chance. Propagate conservative values. The death of judeo Christian values will be the death of the west. Get back to our founding principles!

Proddie cuckservatives can get fucked.

I am of Polish descent and speak both languages, German and Polish, fluently. Unfortunately I do not have the money to buy a house in Poland. And do not get confused, living in the Polish outback is different than in he US. You will see poverty and misery, a lot of it, it is undeniable. As an American, lookup "Karta Polaka" for permanent Visa.

Poland has that already and has been less corrupted on a higher level, despite being in the E.U.

Would you fight at the Alamo if you knew it was lost? or would you fall back to where you might have a chance.

Bless you.

My life is misery now, however I see your point and will take it to heart.

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out. They leave the West behind. And Moscow girls make me sing and shout. That Georgia's always on my mind.

Fulfilling the Greek stereotype?

>living "Innawoods" In Poland
not possible, sorry, not enough woods
also hunting is heavily permitted
best case story you build home innnawoods but work either through pc or drive to city to get shekels
but you won't see any niggers if that is your thing

ive thought about using "23 and me" but i dont want to give up my DNA so it can be sold to the highest bidder.

atleast on the upside i pretty much trace back my ancestry about 300 years to the motherland. The down side however is that southern french heritage, that olive skin, black hair and brown eyes is common in the family.

even though the rest of family history can be linked back directly to.
>Specifically the black forest of Germany.
there is another french ancestor who was born in Haiti in 1762. He has a french first and last name and i dont see a negroid moving to America in that time to marry a white woman. but still not great.

how prevalent is it in the family? My dad was convinced my mom cheated on him, because my oldest brother looks just like him but when my brother was born with blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin he became suspect. He was even more dubious when i was born with Blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

he grilled for months about it but she denies it. I doubt she cheated on him. But i should say that i can go back 3 generations and their is no blonde hair and blue eyes on either side of the family. going back farther is harder because of a lack of pictures.

23 and Me would atleast give me some more info.

You gonna make it. Head to the region around Zakopane and Bielsko Biala. Beautiful mountains, cheap land and absolute zero niggery. I am in the train right now, all I see is one German grandma and five ugly black niggers, probably smalian scum. Germany is done I am telling you.

I'm also learning Polish so that I may move if this country becomes Brazil. I don't give a fuck about stupid conveniences Americans prize because I was raised in a podunk farming town anyway.

lol kolejny Polak w niemcach
volksdojcze everywhere
t. Podlasiak

I could telecommute, i would love that. But my dream job would be translating novels. English/Polish/Japanese/Spanish and get by on that. To bad no one fucking reads and A.I. will make that obsolete.

t. Kamil z podbloka, kamienica A 32

so you plan to move to another country, not knowing language but trying to learn, and wanting to live from job that may or may be not be obsolete soon?
I do not mean it as an insult, but that is retarded plan
at least talk to some language schools and get native speaker job
ez for foreigners

Lets go halfsies on some land while its still cheap and have an escape just in case.

It will be romantic. No homo.

The United States is the only free country. Yes there are a ton of problems like minorities and SJWs but ultimately it's the only country in which citizens grant powers to the government instead of the government granting rights to the citizens.

So no, I don't have any desire to leave. This is the only country where "illegal hate speech" is impossible, and we have to stay here and defend that.

pizda a nie kamienica, na wschodzie nie mieszkamy w żydolokalach bo po prostu nie mamy
I just believe being poor in Poland is better than being rich in germany

I'm not being unrealistic, I know my limits and what preparations i must make.

If you can read you'll know this isn't my first soiree learning this shit niggie.

I've actually dreamt about moving to Mexico, Brazil, India, or to one of their neighbours.

>The United States is the only free country.
how is that pizza thing going?
swamp drained already?

why is he in a british trench?

You don't have to type out the word "period" at the end of a sentence. You can just rely on the actual punctuation mark.

>thats one spooked looking fuhrer, it looks like he already knew the future.

someone told him that Poland will prevail


>You will never learn the language.
>You will never learn our customs and traditions fully.
>You will always be viewed as an outsider.
>You will earn about 50% if not less of what you'd earn in the US doing the exact same thing.
>You will never find a proper female to settle and if you somehow do she'll be viewed as some sort of a race traitor by marrying a foreigner.
>You will get depressed by ever impossing commie greyness.
>You will hate the fact that a lot of public servants and politicians were or still are communist.
>You will probably get beaten up and robbed by our chavs at some point.
>You will hate the weather patterns, it's raining or snowing half of the god damn year.
>You will quickly discover that starting your own buisness is exhausting and the buisness being succesful is nearly impossible due to stupid amount of retarded laws and regulations we have.
>You will hate the fact that most of media is in foreign (kraut) hands and is spewing leftist propaganda daily.
>You will hate the fact that most shopping places are also foreign, slowly leeching the polish money abroad.
>You will not be able to live comfortably outside of the biggest cities since our rural areas are closely resembling Detroit, without the niggers.

Don't bother burger-san.


this is good. btw I'm also thinking about going polish.

praca tu jest bez kojnca, sprytne niemcochy kucze.
jedynie po niemiecku musisz umiec aby dostac dobra oplate
ja robie 46 tys € , 29 lat jusz tu jestem, informatyka

all of this sounds like America... do you have gun rights?

Fat ignorant Americans are not welcomed anywhere

>South America is a much comfier place to move to than Eastern Europe I imagine.
Much higher homicide and crime rate.

Why do you, Americans, always have to make these threads
Why can't you leave us alone, at least for a little while
Why won't you migrate to Denmark, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal or Switzerland?
Why do you keep bothering us with your nonsense.

I will take one Czech over 1000 westerners any day of the week.
Westerners will never adapt, they will never assimilate. Slavs can assimilate in other Slavic countries within weeks or months.

Kurwa kolejny zjebany maniak pistolecików i karabinków.. Szkoda słów

I don't like to pull the 'Ur just mad' shit.

But the fact is that I can come in with a comfy 200-500k usd. and live comfortably doing what I want despite the "commie grayness" and you have to struggle to work in a lagging economy to start with.

I don't want to be a carbon copy polish clone, I want to support them as they are the least cucked so far. If things change so be it but for now it seems safe

już nawet nie mówisz poprawnie po naszemu
nie wracaj
for everybody across the globe who wants to feel Polish, listen to that vid over and over, and when you feel certain "kurwa" inside your heart you will be ready

There is a whole state that is nothing but innawoods, true innawoods where you're hundreds of miles from any road and you have to make your own furniture and your clothing and skin and eat your own food that you hunted with your own rifle or rifles that no government can restrict. But I surmise you are just one of those innawoods-lite people that want to live in a comfy cabin 10 minutes from the nearest village and practice your broken Polish with the closest Kinga you can find, hoping her family will accept you because you had no luck fitting into your native homeland so you wander from ideal to ideal like a drifting paper bag, until you squander all of daddy's inheritance and end up in your third Slav country with no way of getting home. Well, good luck, kid, you're gonna need it.

you want to be an immigrant and move to a poor country, take a rare high paying job, and "fug a slavic qt"


Rolls Royce Sup Forums

I can become an alcoholic gopnik if that's what it takes.

Are there any niggers in Alaska?

>fucked up pistols and carbines?
... can we import them?

>Alcoholic gopnik
Russia and Ukraine are next door

no guns

As if your "rare high paying jobs" that aren't being filled because people go to where the pay is higher just magically are going to fill themselves.

also no u.

I said
" Bloody hell, another fucking pistol and rifle maniac.. Waste of breath "

unless you get hunting license, but no full auto either
not even necessary, we resolve our disputes through talks and fist fights


>Not milling your own weapons/casting your own bullets.


fuck yes! Los Anchorage. Everywhere else is fine.

also machetes in some cities

I do, but I won't.

I live in the midwest, and I constantly see califags fleeing the collapse of their home state. Most will even claim to be conservatives, and to be disgusted by the liberal policies that wrecked their home state, as evidenced by their leaving it.
If that where truly the case I would be fine with it, but what I have found out over time is they may have left the big problems in california, but they brought all the little leftists thought pollution with them. They are just 1990's californians who can't stand living in 2017 California, so they leave, and practice the same lifestyle and vote the same way that californians did in the 2000s and expect a different outcome here in the midwest. They are infected with a terminal political disease, it can't be cured by moving, it can only be spread.

I feel the same way about Poland and the other Eastern bloc countries. The US, the Western european countries, and all of us here are infected with a political virus, and if we go there we will just infect it and turn it into the same shit.

If anything, we ought to quarantine Poland. Allow any leftist in Poland to leave at anytime, but kill anyone who tries to get in.

He's right, I suspect this kind of post is designed to frangment and disperse anyone willing to further homogeneity and nationalism in our original country.

>we need to take them back

They are quarantined in Anchorage.


Mega kek

Haha just kidding.

pass phys test and you can get a gun

Easy for you to say, based nip

I reload my own rounds.

Poland is a meme. Just google about their women marches, gay prides and so on. Plus Poland is quite blacked and a lot of girls have nigger fetish.



machetes, sticks, bricks, sztachety etc
basically all melee that could kill if applied with enough force, but somehow never does

this, dont come here

he is right we are meme leave us alone

Being Slav is very different from being Germanic, you will not understand people around you, trust me.
Slavs have very different sense of everything.

Being shitty is kinda praised and if you are too good you are considered an enemy.
Polish sense of humour would be a mystery to you.
Here, 18 million views, almost half of all Poles:


Poland is a half-independent, western colony. If you think Poland will stay very different from the West, then you're delusional. Even dumb polish chavs of Sup Forums won't change that, no matter how desperately they would like to control things and threaten others with violence

Dont forget that most poles on the internet are kids and teenagers