a lot of Sup Forums tries to hate black people
How can you ever hate this man
a lot of Sup Forums tries to hate black people
How can you ever hate this man
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Patrice dropped red pills left and right, always told it like it is. Rip
I don’t know who he is and he is black so until link is posted OP can get on the ship back to Africa with him
Patrice was amazing rip
Patrice was woke as fuck
I spend my days as a NEET on GTAO, listening to old Patrice/Laszlow/OnA, and lurk pol
It's really come full circle
>hating on Patrice at any point.
You get the gas before all.
But according to this echo chamber blacks are all the same and violent savages
how could anyone hate black people?
yeah there's no way anyone on this board can possibly hold a different belief. the post you're quoting must not exist.
>Muh strawman
Just because one recognizes that niggers are a net loss for a country doesn't mean that one can't accept and appreciate the fact that once in a while they produce some gems
Patrice was a man of many faults, but a fucking hero nonetheless
patrice is an honorary aryan.
his standup was awful
Sup Forums also hate fate people
wojak is chip
>I don’t know who he is and he is black so until link is posted OP can get on the ship back to Africa with him
>being proud of your own ignorance.
That sounds really fucking black of you, user.
Trust us for once and look him up on YouTube. Anything from O&A or Black Phillip is good.
Patrice transcends race, he's a walking skittle.
I miss him desu
He was truly, unironically one of the funniest people to have ever lived
He's the only stand-up I ever really wanted to see
Fucking rip. I wish he was around for the 2016 election he would have been great.
The Romans had a wish for each new emperor, "May he be as lucky as Augustus and as good as Trajan." Emperor Trajan's righteous qualities were not lost on Christian Europe for centuries to come. The Catholic Church even venerated Trajan as a "virtuous" pagan.
I guess I feel the same way about Patrice.
>it's another "how can you dislike subhuman apes that destroy civilization when this one dancing puppet celebrity nog that i watched as a retarded kid existed?" thread
tssss fuckin home run chippah
And RIP Charlie Murphy too
omg fucking chill you fucking edge lord. Your life sounds so fucking sad. You probably over analyze every single thing that passes your senses to check if it coexist with your stupid outlook on everything.
>I am incapable of understanding nuance
>I must hate everything or nothing, fuck ever acknowledging exceptions that don't conform to overall trends
>if I like ONE of them, then that must mean that I have to love all the rest of them even as they rape and murder their way across every city in this country, because I can't hold two thoughts in my head at once
Pretty easily since I don't like comedians in general. I don't get people who are obsessed with stand up comedians.
If I want to laugh, I watch russian dashcam videos. Now that stuff is genuinely funny.
Based cumia
>If you're so concerned about security, why is the front door unlocked?
>tfw the current generation doesn't have Run DMC
>I'm too much of a brainlet to judge people as individuals
Sup Forums doesn't hate blacks. people on Sup Forums hate blacks.
to pretend that everyone who posts are the same, is to be full retard, which none of us should be.
and if you believe in genetics, you should understand genetic variation, and how both mixing can be bad, but also singling out one single genetic strain as well. there must be balance.
day of the rope.
>I don't know who Patrice is
Well you should newfag he's been posted on this site since 2008
There's a difference between a nigger and negro.
this doesn't have enough necks
Patrice was the closest we get to a prophet
plebbit fuck off you nigger loving fags
Bumping for Patrice, God rest his soul
Reggie White was a legend.
drunk cumia with guns and ghetto boiz
you mean plebbit t_d faggots don't hate niggers
but /pol does hate niggers.
Amor Fatty
Fuck off, Patrice is an honorary human
You should try project cars 2. It has a big learning curve but I'm a neet also so have plenty of time
>le Sup Forums is one person maymay
I hate most niggers but I can make certain exceptions. There's room for nuance.
You don't know what an outlier is do you. The mean, the average, the bulk, can be shitty. But thanks to a normal distribution, you've got outliers that are great.
Like Patrice O'Neal and Thomas Sowell (the guy who wrote basic economics) and the based sleepy doctor.
It's similar to how whites are generally good, but you have outliers of commies, cucks and other shitty people at the edges.
Fuck you for hating on Patrice.
BASED Pepsi cola rapist
RIP Patrice. Fucking loved that guy
Oneal in the nasty show , best stand up ever RIP
what I hate it that you faggots defend niggers like if they give a fuck about you.
I unironically don't care for Patrice O'Neil
I had project cars, was pretty cool but seems like it'd be much more fun with a wheel. GTA has me hooked with the creator desu fsmalam
He wasn't funny, just rode the coattails of his brother and got lucky he was friends with Chapelle
POST more Patrice queers
Maybe collectively they don't, but like I said, I treat people as individuals. I don't think Thomas Sowell or Ben Carson has an inborn hatred for all white people.
he's had a lot of fucked up shit with women. The biggest was when some bitch called the cops and claimed he raped her which wasn't true. He had to go like 6 months in jail which scarred him pretty much for life. After that, his redpilled analysis on females are quite painfully spot on. If you ever going to dismiss his opinions because of his skin color, you should unironically kys.
there are so many great vids/podcasts with him. RIP to the fucking legend
I recall him saying you can't understand your woman until you watch her get fucked by another guy. Dropped him after that. KEKED
Meh, he still was a degenerate negro.
I think he was great n sheeeit, but still not quite /ournegro/
i loved patrice and he was redpilled but he still had a chip on his shoulder and had a big nigger bias
Listen to his speech on Fight Club. You'll learn to hate the nigger because he hates whites. I dropped him right there. That's why he hung out with Spike Lee.
> There's a difference between a nigger and negro.
That's because "nigger" is a behavior.
I've asked same questions, 99% have chosen to define themselves as a sexual utility.
Where has the nuance fled to?
>pol hates niggers, not blacks.
Because he is a nig nog
I hate niggers.
When I meet a nigger, I am expecting the worst.
But I can acknowledge the existence of exceptional niggers.
They are few and far between, but they are real.
I don't see them as a credit to their race, I see them as sitting above their kind.
If the puppet nog is the same on stage as he is in private, he is the exceptional nigger.
>implying there is a difference
Kys redditor
That Nigga told the truth. More than any white or Jew ever did. He even saw that Jews weren't white.
desu bro im black myself, and i agree with your statement wholeheartedly.
There is a difference between a nigger and an African -American person.
back2reddit newfag
he was racist against white people and saw every white person as a slave owner
Soon, soon Paul Mooney will be dead. He'll probably die on stage as they're dragging him around America right now trying to make money out of him even though his dementia has left him in a incoherent rambling mess unable to perform.
The guys who like Patrice are really just admitting that they are tacky bottom feeders who is looking for equally tacky and low-class women. Patrice was legit dating pornstars, prostitutes and strippers and hence his opinion and advice on women are valid for legit sluts. Following his advice would lead you nowhere with an educated and mentally stable women. So instead of complaining and bitching about how slutty sluts are, get some class and meet women with some class.
I thought I'd seen every good clip of patrice ever. Thanks for linking this uploader. Going through his entire patrice playlist now