10,000 dead?
holy shit this is actually another shoah
haha i knew the jews wouldn't live in the cities.
Weinstein flees the country, Las Vegas official story coming apart, now fires wrecking commiefornia, seems like one giant cohencidence.
mfw they saved the scrolls
It says 6 million you anti Semite
Don't worry you can rest assured they'll claim twice what was lost in insurance claims.
>Jewish camp turns to ash
It writes itself
Oy vey, all the feels. Camp Newman is where I had my first serious crush on a boy. I followed him everywhere. He was so cute.
think all the cali jews are cashing in and checking out before the storm gets em?
that's the post i was looking for
why arent we posting more pics of this to show how racist they are while we post BLACK LIVES MATTER and watch the fun ensue.
there are tons of camp group pics, if we go on a social media blitz we could start shutting them down and any jew who doesnt agree we label a nazi.
they will eat themselves just like with this weinstein mess
This guy looks like my dad, haha.
guys dont let the jews destroy the white race, if we dont put them on the defense with this shit then they will stay on offense attacking us because were white.
its shit like this that can make a difference.
i thought summer was over
This is a tragic photo from the scene of the fire.
>I've had the time of my life
>No I never felt this way before
>Yes I swear, it's the truth
>And I owe it all to you
The best thing about it is jews going willingly to camps