He's right....
We can't compete....
He's right....
We can't compete....
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End all of them. They need to die. They cannot be allowed to rule us any longer. Hitler was right.
Why do Indians have the shitties names?
Hey, go poo in a loo Mujibar.
no, they lost us.
We got Kanye and Tay. We're good.
>You've lost all of these democrat celebrities who have been against you from the start
Nothing of value was lost.
>You've lost these people who have never supported you in the first place and who you don't support either, checkmate!
Nothing of value.
Of course hitler was right what are you a newfag
We didn't lose them, they lost us.
oooohhh nnooooooo.. that suuuuuucks..
>base your worth around celebrities
already lost
can't lose something you never had nor wanted, thanks, sage.
Shitty streets, shitty names
>lost nigger, nigger, niggers, jews, niggers, niggers
There's literally no artists that will be remembered in 20 years that support Donald Trump. Your meme culture is as temporary as the caked-on shit in my toilet bowl I'm eroding with my piss while trying not to piss on the rim.
Mayweather and Alveda King
>listening to Jew-produced nigger hoots
>Jew-manufactured pop "culture" products are of any intrinsic worth and you should be sad these brands are against you
oh god what ever will we do
All people I will never meet in my entire life.
>Lost hollywood(kikeland). nba(niggerland), nfl(niggertown), jayz(nigger coke dealer), eminem(original wigga).
How can you lose your opponents?
>implying we need wiggers, jews or inferiors
Classic case of foreigners coming to the US and telling us we need to throw it all away for them. Fuck off.
>salam sandniggers are taking shalom sandniggers' twitter jobs
sandnigger civil war when?
muh celebrity sockpuppets
I loved him when I was 15-18, listened to some of his shit a few weeks ago and didn't like it at all
Never liked him
Haven't seen a movie in cinemas all year. Hollywood is dying a slow death which is a shame because I used to adore film but they're trash now and arguably have been for decades
Don't care
Don't care
Can anyone actually name a song other than "Dirt off your shoulders" or "99 problems" from Jay-Z without looking it up?
Why is the left trying to divide the country?
All of these people are extremely bigoted.
Oh no...
Oh wait, republican run almost the entire country.
>Stopped wasting money and time on niggers
The only one I'll miss is the NFL but Trump is winning that battle. They can have all the niggers and cucks.
“Lost the NFL”
That’s so absurd
*mic drop*
When you've lost Eminem you may as well just commit suicide.
Is he trying to say celebrities were right wing before Trump and now suddenly they're leftist? I seriously don't get what he's trying to say. We were never on the same side as Hollyweird or (((Celebrities))). What the fuck is he talking about?
Oh you mean Senator Kid Rock.
Nobody has even kept up with Eminem or Jay Z and now you fucking care. Eminem and Jay-Z never supported Trump so who the fuck cares. Eminem actually trolled you fuckers and made you watch his shit performance.
Wait, we lost niggers? We couldn’t get so lucky. Don’t tease my dick like that.
I haven't listened to the radio since before 9/11 and I haven't watched TV or movies for almost a decade now. None of that shit is important to me at all.
What does he mean by this
These things are not the major population of our country
Anyone with half a brain doesn't give a shit about these icons
Meanwhile Kanye West is the only artist in 20 years that has mattered.
and look at how all those thing lost money! wow like amazing how that works!
Who gives a shit about those losers?
If having celebrities and over-paid athletes was the way to winning, they wouldn't have to say President Trump.
>Look at these famous people who don't like this person.
>Aren't they so smart and wise to look up to for decisions?
Oh no, what will i do without violent and degenerate negroid music that destroys the character.
And how will i live without paying good money to see the 658th childrens comic adaptation that has one dimensional characters and retarded easily forseeable plots made by an industry that mainly consists of pedophiles.
And how can i even exist without wasting my precious time watching negroids throwing leather bals through steel hoops.
>Your meme culture is as temporary as the caked-on shit in my toilet bowl I'm eroding with my piss while trying not to piss on the rim.
fucking what?
But we won congress, the supreme court, and the presidency.
NFL and NBA? Congrats no more millionaire niggers.
um sweetie Trump is winning the battle with the NFL and the NFL won't likely recover from it.
>muh entertainment
Read a book
It all makes sense now
Oh no, not all these rich celebrities completely out of touch with the voting public. Anything but them.
>all niggers
and now all of those things are losing ratings and business
yea, we are totally losing lol.
Anyone notice anything?
Wow a whole bunch of useless goyim entertainment. I'm not even white fuck this guy
I never liked any of those things, besides eminem when I was 12
>not listing big pimpin or take over
They can keep Harvey Weinstein.
>jay z
>millionaire out of touch people acting like bitches.
This... This just won 2020 for Trump. 2016 Trump was a backlash against PC politics... 2020 will be against PC culture. Jesus they are playing right into it. Top kek....
>not realizing that all of this is free advertising for Trump 2020
>all of it.
>trash poets
>people that play pretend in front of a camera
>muscular ape men that give each other concussions
>whites still have all the doctors, engineers, scientists, farmers, etc
How can I lose something that I never owned? I thought slavery was dead
oh no! what will we ever do?
i wouldn't wanna be in the same side as these nigger and snow coons anyway, the triggering will continue.
When the tide turns they will be crawling back looking for acceptance and absolution.
We will remember.
>NFL and NBA
wow such a huge loss I don't know how I'll ever recover
oh no the left is filled with airheads who are hired because they can sing or throw a ball, the horror
anyone who has strong opinions that go against the mainstream dont reveal that in the public eye either way.
All of them can go straight to hell. I don't give the slightest fuck
Damn, we lost Eminem, Jay-Z, Hollywood, and the NFL and the NBA, AND PEOPLE of color!
What will we ever do now!?!?!?!
H-he's right. We've got no one on our side. It's over lads, better just give up now.
Eminem is only going to be remembered for his inevitable suicide.
>jay z
>cast of hamilton
>nigger ball handlers
oh wow, i don't have a molecule of respect for any of those mental giants, however will i find the strength to go on
The GOAT instrumental
>gay z and eminem resort to pseudo woke shit and political content to stay relevant
>drake has never said one word relating to politics and has been running rap since 2010
Damn we lost people of color?
I won't be losing any sleep tonight
I'm missing what you're trying to say.
>we stand for the little guy
>lol celebs are against you losers
>drake running rap
Makes sense.
You can't lose what you never had or wanted for that matter.
Jay-Z, fucking really? Fucking former drug dealer, Illuminati wannabe nigger? What a loss.
I like how everything that's mentioned is so far past it's prime it's not even worth paying attention to anymore.
Speak for yourself.
Self-Confidence doesn't require proof. Actions prove things.
The weaker animal attacks first out of fear.
You notice Liberals attack Trump on a daily basis. So, who the $#@% has a "weak" side?
it's funny how everyone on the left is an entertainer who says whatever they are paid to say
know your pedo symbology
you've gone full niggerfaggot. you should never go full niggerfaggot.
you're no better than inbred white supremacists in apalachia. you are literally no better than the paki's in london who fuck their cousins.
Kid Rock is objectively better than all of those things.
How out of touch can they be?
This message is for people who already hate Trump not for those who are on the fence about him. Seems one side is losing and it's not the side these fucks are on and they are panicking to keep their numbers.
i want to kill myself
Reminder we don't care about any of those people. Except for Tom Brady, who is a crypto-Trumper.
>eminem and jayz
old burnt out rappers, not even people who like rap give any shits about them anymore
who cares what lefty fags think
>nfl, nba and people of color
ie. niggers. listing them out is really just redundant.
Why do lefties think we care what lefties think? its like they are so self-absorbed and close minded that they think everyone ideolizes the same worthless faggots they do.