National-socialists & Communists
We both want a dictatorial socialist state, why can't we all just get along?
National-socialists & Communists
Change your meme flag to the nazbol one then kys you total faggot.
Nique ta race et ton pays
you guys both fucking suck
6 million times this
But commies are the jews
Because both commies and nazis are the scum of the earth and they should both be shunned. Only a sith thinks in absolutes.
National socialist are only socialist in their name. Nazi Germany privatized large portions of its economy.
NatSuccs are not real socialists.
>he says while thinking in absolutes
this post is just too much
Its another jewish trick. Jewish bankers and capitalists fear the communist.
Because commies want to send people to mines but we want to send them to gas chambers.
Fuck off #Harry potter. Whenever I see Merkel or the Eu flag I miss Hitler and the nazis.
There is literally nothing wrong in making prisoners work for the state.
as a gommunist I have a lot of respect for fascists. at least they have convictions unlike centrists or other liberal filth. I just wanna see the (((system))) burn it doesn't matter to me who does it. Anyone who disagrees with me isn't a real gommunist they are just a larping faggot.
Well, I don't care if we're partially capitalist. Communist China wouldn't be where it is today without capitalism.
More proof that nazis and commies are the same.
Sure we both want to build roads
At least the nazis are not kikes puppets like you and the ancap fags.
Commies hate beautiful things. What drives them is envy, not love for their own people. Commies want impossible equality in everything. Commies are intellectualy lazy. Commies are pawns of the zionist jew.
soviet union was based on social democracy
third reich was a republic
there is nothing in a name. masses of people require a seemingly democratic structure of society. dictatorship is just a meme word for a figurehead persoanlity cult overlaid on the same structures that existed throughout imperialism, renassiance, back to ancient times
>tl;dr government type is meaningless we're a chaotic mess of a species shit happens all the time despite governments supposedly be well adminstrated and orderly
>NEETsocs realize they are almost the exact same shit as commies
Took you long enough
Marx was a jew, over half the soviet goverment was jewish, 12 out of 13 of communist leaders in Wiemar Germany were jews, kys kike.
We can't get along because Communists are savage animals who steal all property and eat eachother.
>Communism is a global ideology, flaggot
Is this an attempt to give validity to the NazBol bullshit? Nice try, flaggot
You all three get the helicopter, liberals as well.
so you attack the proletariat?
>you folks need help
I still don't know what difference you anarchist faggots want other than a smaller military and more corporate power.
You faggots are just useful idiots for the status queue
all people in communism are prisoners lol
Marxism is control by the state for the benefit of a few at the top, bogged down by red tape and prison, it always leads to a dictatorship.
Fascism is a dictatorship that benefit the few at the top, bogged down by secret police and unequal justice.
Socialism shares in the wealth of the state, but bogged down with red tape.
National Socialism shares in the wealth of the state, but only by its natural born citizens.
>Nazi Germany privatized large portions of its
Who cares? Compared to what communists want, it leads to a soulless, economically stagnant system that has all the backstabbing trappings of capitalism they whine about, only that everybody gets to be poor and miserable in the end.
>NatSuccs are not real socialists.
Good, 'real socialists' are controlled opposition, and despite all the memes about getting rid of 'foreign rulers', they were all led by kikes and other foreign scum in Russia until the purges of the late 30s and 40s.
how about we all just live on private farms with dental office and surgery available and a couple of brain implanted docile slaves?? huh?? is that possible?
communism is slavery.
Communism is a inhuman, antisocial, and unnatural ideology.
National Socialism is natural law applied to politics. Literally the opposite of communism.
National Socalism/National Communism POWER GAP>>>Cuck corporate """""Natsoc"""" >>>>>Subhuman internationalist commies