Biggest oh fuck moments in manga/anime

Biggest oh fuck moments in manga/anime

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I love kingdom. Wish it was more popular in the West.

Theres almost a chapter every week translated.



Why is Jellal sitting therE?


Why did she break into his house?

This shit right here.

This was better. Plus it was one handed.



The buildup to this was amazing, and then suddenly shit got impossibly real.

I remember this. Awesome.

How has this seriously not been mentioned yet? All that time on the boat plus Berserk turning harem made us forget this happened?


At the time it was oh fuck, then he became le meme man.


>that bottom panel

Name a manga/anime moment more badass than that. You literally can't.


Berserk sure has many oh fuck moments, even the one that is needed to know the context a little more.


General Blue would have been a cool dude if he wasn't a fucking faggot pedophile.


Vinland Saga, this moment stands out for me


How the fuck did Hiro Mashima write something like this then go on to make Fairy Tail?

He just got lazy.

>Continues May 23rd!

The cornerstone of Ito mangas.
Kago mangas too.

Tsugumomo had a lot of these but I think this was the biggest one

Pretty much everything in Gantz. From the 100 Point Alien Boob Monster to the part where the people started growing more of themselves out of their body.

Where is this from? Looks interesting.

Or when the guy in the badass mech suit got killed 5 pages after seeing him.


The names in the filename you fucking plebeian.

this was a good one too

dont hurt me i have retarded


I remember when I first read the Osaka arc my heart was pounding. This was my first seinin manga and to see him get built up as this guy that beat the game 5 times get killed off screen was really an oh fuck moment

Try googling it you dumb piece of shit.

>what is google image search

I remember being so hyped for these two to meet again, boy was I let down so hard.

I Am A Hero has so fucking many


this shit was fuckin dope

I don't think I'll ever get over how great Rave Master is. He literally just sat waiting to get nuked.

It's a shame Fairy Tail turned out how it did. I was stoked for it but fell off reading and don't really care to keep going.

Guts stopping weapons in unconventional ways is great.

This user has empirical taste

I was convinced so many times that it was hopeless for Kei. Like, everyone was just going to die. People died a lot. The 100 Point was probably the best. I hope the movie adapts it well.

Maybe we will see a full redone Gantz anime. With no CGI.


A lot of people give Kingdom shit for the horses but holy shit there's so much detail in hair, armos, clothes and stuff like that.

Yet people complain about fucking horses, really.


>why are you so cruel?


It was a fun ride.

I never thought Hiro Mashima'd make me cry, then I got into Rave
It's been years and it's still my favorite manga

Adolf was fucking based. I'm pretty sure I stopped reading shortly after he died.

Did you read Rain Hard?


Hands down, favorite moment from first stage
Using the battle stage for better quality

that moment in medaka box when they established how OP the new villain was by having him rip another OP character right off the manga page and wiping them from existence

Just when everyone thought he was dead

What the fuck was IIhiko anyway?

Akira. Great manga.


Damn, which characters were these?

Aku no hana.

>The 4Runner disappeared!

Love it when strong characters who mostly fuck around get to show off


you know you shouldn't spoon feed

Minus Arc anime never.


for reference, ajimu was established to have billions of unique abilities and had existed for all of time, she had abilities like "Create Worlds" and such, and the new villain Iihiko just cuts clean through a massive page of all her op abilities she's activating with a flick of a rubber band, slicing her in half and killing her permanently

The doublespread after this page hangs up on 100% so whatever, have this one instead.

This scene spoke to me


I like how the last volume was basically NAD fucking everybody's day up in various different ways.




It was good, it was foreshadowed and it totally was not an asspull
Togashi did nothing wrong.


this scene was great. kanki the absolute madman


Why even bother keeping him alive? That was perfect


I remember seeing that page posted and being disappointed that Neo was some retarded big foot with a creepy smile.

...then I saw the ripped in half Monkey king he was casually holding.



I can't wait to see what happens when Acacia eats CENTER

idk why Toriko isn't popular, it's been hype week after week since Jirou released his knocking

Everything from then on is 'oh fuck' moments

I just wanted to laugh at Fap Note jokes


With all the Toriko, I'm surprised this obligatory hasn't been posted.

This one for sure





Honestly that whole arc what just a big "oh fuck" moment. Shit was so tense.

Can't wait for Murata to get to this. The doujins will be amazing.