Eminem lets loose the cringiest political free-style rap rant of 2017.
Literally sounds like a child throwing a temper tantrum
Eminem lets loose the cringiest political free-style rap rant of 2017.
Literally sounds like a child throwing a temper tantrum
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i dont get it why is this homeless man goin viral
lol he kills it
Why is he acting like a nigger?
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He's american.
dude lost his touch decades ago, he seems like he will be the next ozzy ozman
from an objective standpoint the freestyle was terrible and cringey, but it will get extreme praise because its "le fuck drumph" shit
All of the random cuts to the jive lookin black guy with the fro kill me
Do these celebrities literally not understand politics? Or do they just have jewish handlers who tell them to push emotional appeals to the 85-IQ public to mobilize them into chimping out?
he did the same for bush, I don't get what's the problem
Trump is an incompetent president, we're literally going to war for some gook country, he didn't even deliver most of the promises, and everyone hates him because he makes our country look stupid, any other republican candidate besides Jeb would have been fine
What a sellout.
The more celebrities do this shit the more it makes centrists sympathize with Trump
>black people with sunglasses in the back
Who on earth would like this? It just lionizes trump and makes him look cooler
Think of all the children and teens watching all of these celebs meltdown... things like this are what is going to push the next generation hard right.
lol remember when eminem was relevant tho
He's doing fine. All of the repubs took huge donations from wall-street so they were as good as dogshit
Trump's EOs have been great. He's been stonewalled by congress because they are globalists paid off by wall-street, but we'll see what happens in 2018
His career, yes.
>he didn't deliver
Nigger he hasn't even been president for a year, you're a moron
somebody is deleting comments on the video, post comments of how cringey and old em is
He sucks dick.
What a fag.
top kek
So eminem is cool with all of us who aren't fans with him and support Trump? What is he trying to say?
2017 has been the greatest year in a long time.
You ok?
Itll be over soon
Did he get fired from his job and take up rapping or something? he looks like a homeless man.
In case anyone got overly sidetracked by the Russian spy drama, Vegas, hurricanes, taking the knee......the following House Resolutions HAVE been introduced:
1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 National Right to Work (this one is devastating to the working class)
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran
Please copy/paste and share widely.
Call your House Representative and ask them to not only vote "NO"...but to speak up for our rights, health & safety, and our beautiful country."
that almost might have been funny if it was just the first panel instead
you fucking cocksucking dogfucking leaf faggot
He’s probably going broke.
Damn that's fucking based
I love when I see hysterical progressives post that shit
I'm guessing he's still relevant & just follows the YouTube agenda
He has a lot of skill but he is so fucking gay now
Slim shady would have supported trump more than Hillary Clinton tried to smack me and call me a pervert, I ripped her fucking tonsils out and fed her sherbet
Your time is up eminem just fucking fade away and stop the embarrassing shit, makes me not want to listen to his older music
is he ok?
flouride/mindcontrol stare
Not since 1997
Yeah, what happened to em being about vulgarity and offending everyone he can? Now he cares so much about politics?
They should have learned that only braindead lefties give a fuck about what celebs say when they tried that shit during the campaign.
He should stick to what he does best. Belting his mother up.
Trump hated on Kapernick bro
This next line is for my boy Kapernick, FUCK TRUMP A RUMPY FLUMP BUMP
So we're destroying the nfl ,hollywood, and now the rap industry?
good god he needs a shave.
also never forget that 8 mile was all about debunking white privilege.
eminem is clearly going against his base.
guess hes got to love blacks cause dre got him signed.
>he don't like his war heroes CAPTURED
top kek, I like people who weren't captured
Am I seriously the only one who sees that he neither looks anything like Eminem, or raps like him?
Wow. This is fucking terrible. I wasn't actually expecting cringe since you spergs usually call everything you hate cringe but...fuck...this really is cringe. It seemed like he was doing a parody of himself, lampooning himself as a shitty rapper.
this is shit
How could he do this...
cringy as fuck, and I'm a big fan of his first few albums.
both lol
I thought rapping was supposed to flow and have rhythm and melody, that was pathetic
>H-hey guys my music isn't selling like it used to
>I gotta spice things up
>Whats a hot topic right now??
this wigger will do whatever it takes to promote his shitty music.
Fuck, he's so washed up.
I mispelled no. I accidentally told mine to vote yes on all.
>be a washed up rapper / drug addict
>be pushing 50
>gave my daughter's virginity to Rosenberg in exchange for a record deal
>now she is a broken used goods slut
>fuck drumpf and fuck white people
I had absolutely no idea it was him at first.
Is this a replacement actor or something?
When is the old irrelevant wigger gonna die
> Eminem Rips Donald Trump In BET Hip Hop Awards Freestyle Cypher
> Freestyle Cypher
> Cypher
Literally a character that betrayed his kind under the pressure of being redpilled.
Why is he wearing makeup?
Fantastic, the jews let their yodeling junkie out of his cage again.
Sure looks like it. I wasn't convinced until I was sure they wanted us to keep fixated on the fake fucking eyes.
>44 years old
>surrounded by coons
>implying it's a free style
>implying Donald Trump ever suggested nogs should return to Africa
>pretending to give a shit and be relatable when actually a multi millionaire who can go wherever and do whatever he likes matter who is leading he country
Yeh this was shit
He spent most of his time working out the choreography and working on his makeup
>bb... but that list is outdated!
em thinks trump is a woman?