46th President of the United States
how badly would he destroy drumpf in a debate?
>Aspie Jew
Hard pass
I like Shapiro now and again but I would never vote for a jew unless it was a hot grandma.
>mfw there will be a manlet president in your lifetime
shit if he did, I think I would vote for him.
Shitty slide thread OP
Would he still wear the gay hat?
Shapiro vs Sanders 2020
Just put it all out in the open that the ones fighting over our country are Jews
El Rato was a mass debating champion and he still got rekt by le orange Hitler.
He would get destroyed in debates.
>Mr Shapiro, what are your opinions on Jesus Christ?
Boom. There goes the religious right vote.
I'd unironically vote Bernie. At least that way we would stop sending millions of shekels every year to Israel.
Cruz is brilliant at formal debates, not yelling over people and claling them funny nicknames.
One of the biggest disappointments of the Trump presidency is that it will never be as funny as it was when he was just a candidate. He has no Jeb figure to humiliate in every public appearance
He'd just take the money we send to Israel and give it to niggers instead.
Trump has proved that the most retarded people can presidents.
Jeb is a mess
Jeb is a mess
I think Jesus Christ is a great man who had great teachings, and sacrificed so much for the people around him. I have nothing but respect and love for Jesus Christ.
Boom, the religious regained.
it was a remote control aircraft guidance systems company, not a remote hijacking company. that kike needs to hang but at least get the facts 100% correct
He's perfect against SJW's
But what are his border/refugee policies?
I had a dream where Ben implored me to work with him. Just saying..
Has a manlet ever been elected president?
"So why did your people kill him and never accepted him as the Lord and Savior?"
don't know but look who's even a bigger manlet
He’s a really small guy.
please let shapiro vs zuckerberg happen
>mini bio
this would 404 Sup Forums
First off, I cannot be blamed for the wrong doings of my ancestors, nor am I responsible for what they did. You and I can both find the answers as to why my people killed him in the same ways, I know just as much as everyone else about that. Again, Jesus is a great and selfless man and it is the free choice of every American to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and that right will never, should never be taken away from them.
>mini boi
>his employes make rather amusing and biased cartoon in opposition to the very unamusing and biased anti-white Columbus narrative
>takes it down and apologizes on behalf of his employes for it
this cuck won't win shit
> First off, I cannot be blamed for the wrong doings of my ancestors
one can only dream
>the virgin roach
>the Chad merchant
I'm a liberal but I would vote for him anyways just for happening
>manlets have the greatest aspirations because of their need to compensate
>accomplish great things because of this
Really makes me think.
stick around maybe you'll gain some sense
Would vote for him.
Two people can never be President:
Manlets and jews
No one should be blamed for what their ancestors have done. I'm sure we can all agree that all of our ancestors at one point have done things that we are not proud of. The point is, we live and we learn. We don't hold the grudge, we move on and forgive. It is important, however, to ensure that we do everything in our effort to work towards healing. And it is important do everything in our power to counter groups like ISIS, the North Korean regime, and other regimes or groups that have caused suffering to innocent people around the world currently, to make the world a better place for all who seek to live in a safe and free country.
Somehow this Jew is different enough to hand the country over to them entirely?
Fucking newfags
>he runs as Unity ticket president in 2020
>his vice president is Ted Cruz
He was a revolutionary and a threat to the stability of Empire. We know not what we did.
>First off, I cannot be blamed for the wrong doings of my ancestors
Yes you can, because they said that the blood of Jesus be on their hands and on their ancestors. Matthew 27:25.
Children* not ancestors
Well, that verse could be perceived in many ways. I personally, know of that my father, or my great great grandfather were not responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.
Don't forget the Bible also preaches forgiveness in a variety of verses. Will you all take it upon yourselves, to forgive where forgiveness is due? Thank you, and God bless you all.
Anybody but this kike
hi i'mBenShapiro andimJEWISH
But there already is, user...
Any sub-7'10" retards should be shot.
>>the virgin roach
>>the Chad merchant
But first I'd like to give a word about our sponsors
Sorry Ben, you're too short to get on this ride.
The future is bright, Lambright 2020.
By that picture the roach is obviously the chad though while Shapiro literally is walking like a virgin
sorry but he's too short, actually not sorry
>I personally, know of that my father, or my great great grandfather were not responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.
They still have the guilt of shedding his blood though. Unless you don't feel guilty or bad that your ancestors killd Christ...?
>Don't forget the Bible also preaches forgiveness in a variety of verses
The Bible also preaches repentance unto salvation through Christ the Messiah.
>Will you all take it upon yourselves, to forgive where forgiveness is due?
Forgiveness comes after sincere repentance, and the best way for a Talmudist Jew to repent is to come to Christ.
What are you talking about? Trump has been bantzing all over people since becoming president.
manlets have only ever accomplished great evil
for you
Except for him being a jew and will probably suck more if not the same amount of Israels cock than Trump has, I would be okay with it.
Right wing on pretty much every topic and a lot more composed than Trump and presents himself as an intellectual with logic instead of spouting "WRONG."
>height 5'4"
>mini bio
My fucking sides
If he does it will be more as a trial run like Trump did in 2012, then in 2014 he'll do it seriously on the Republican ticket
He’s not going to run in 2020. Maybe 2024. Id like to see him run but not win.
Ben is too short for women to imagine themselves fucking him, therefore he has lost the entire roastie demographic.
He's paying pretty good odds, if he ran with the right backing he'd be in with a hell of a chance.
Doubt the guy has many skeletons in the closet, but he'd be better off running in 2024 as competing for Trumps loyal base could be difficult, even for Shapiro.
Me too
What the fuck is wrong with some people?
he would have no chances because of his height, I'm serious
especially in USA, check out US presidents' heights
>even considering to back a literal kike and nu-republican
>that flag
Of course
A president that literally admitted he would side with Israel over America
USA is KEKKED at least all the others kept their mouth shut about it, use the entire military to ANNEX IRAN FOR ISRAEL
Shapiro was completely wrong about the 2016 election. Prick didn't even vote.
Now he just whinges about Trump all the time because he proved him wrong, and you Shapiro can't be wrong right Sup Forums?
> Why do you even listen to this guy?
what about the 6 gorillion though?
God I miss him. I hope he's not too sad he lost.
ben shapiro is based
Kek trump wouldn't stand a chance against Shapiro.
With what fucking money? Nobody wants to fund a capitalist kike.
He would never be voted based on looks alone
No matter how great a debater you are; if you loot like a constantly pissed dwarf, you're not going to be elected
>doesn't meet minimum height required to ride on Marine One
I'd vote for him. I'd love to see him in a presidential debate. His robotic, smug and annoying little voice might alone be enough to wear down his opponent.
>I'd love to see him in a presidential debate.
Ben can't debate, though. He just contradicts his opponents with "no, you're wrong" and doesn't engage the argument.
Shapiro is more intelligent that Trump while also holding true to his political beliefs. Shapiro has never been a democrat. I don't fall for the "JEWS ARE ALL EVIL" bullshit Sup Forums tries to meme so that's just me.
I'd vote for him since he wouldn't be a lameduck like Trump is. Is he really a manlet though?
A Jew could never be President, especially that one.
Christianity teaches forgiveness for those who ask. Be baptized, and accept the Lord as your Savior and you shall be forgiven for being a Christkiller.
I'd vote for the cheeky Jew
well he'll have plenty of big fat US LAW books handy to sit on
did you guys know his wife is a doctor?
>Oy Vey goyim
>I'm such a jew that
>I wear TWO watches!
Ben could be president, but he should be smart enough to wait until at least 2024.
If he won't do that, fuck him. Trump would obliterate him in a debate as he did Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz didn't sponsor himself, but Trump did.