>Publicly raped by son of husbands second wife
>drank her blood
>all for serving fish
Couldnt find the video on liveleak, maybe its somewhere else.
>Publicly raped by son of husbands second wife
>drank her blood
>all for serving fish
Couldnt find the video on liveleak, maybe its somewhere else.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ah, you may claim your superiority as a race based on the fact that your race of people don't act as such. Well bigots, the average penis size in the congo is 7 inches and I think there is a lot to admire in that. All around good solid people who just happen to have larger average penis size than other races. So think about that next time you claim superiority based on every bit of evidence you find.
>Assuming that your culture is better than theirs
Check your privilege
>New thread
>Still no video
What has Sup Forums become?
What's the average IQ?
What rich and exciting culture!
is he ok?
Sounds like a typical Tuesday in SubSaharan Africa!
>those two little hops to get out of the way of the tank
Ah, you may caim superiority as a race based on penis size , so elephants should rule over you ?
>people will fall for such obvious bait
what happened to this place?
kikes on dmg ctrl.
Fake as fuck man. fully capable of escaping (the tread), feigned escape, smash cut before injury.
Was this supposed to be real? like from ISIS?
I thought they were going to shoot him point blank with the cannon.
Why didn't he move, though?
The post.
Im disappointed with this mongolian origami crafting board. Figured the link would be found by now
He moved to the middle of the tread.
The cuts were dumb as shit but if that's fake then his feet and legs are crushed.
Source for that please
Yes. Four stitches though
I think there was a genuine "lol wait seriously?" moment that the guy went through when it dawned on him that they were going to run him over with a tank.
Truly a rich and empowering culture that would enrich us all with diversity if we open our borders.
>literally muh dik
hey man, it's a Democratic republic, it is what it is
top kek
these are the red pills I have to slurp back up from my own vomit.
let us pray...
Some people are saying it's fake. I searched for the video yesterday, couldn't find shit.
It's not just Sup Forums's fault. It's also Liveleak's fault for turning soft. They don't even upload ISIS rekt propaganda anymore.
Am I supposed to believe that these """"beings"""" are equivalent to a normal person, just like you and me????
>Liveleak's fault for turning soft. They don't even upload ISIS rekt propaganda anymore.
Who are we to judge their diverse and vibrant culture, based on our bigoted western view of the world?
>le 0% face
damn sound like he got rekt
>diverse and vibrant culture
but its not, they need more whites to enrich their culture desu senpai.
see Sup Forums this what happens when you have homogeneous society
Liveleak is filled with left wing cucks, I’m not even sure how it happened.
The comment sections seem pretty right wing
Mate, they really aren’t. Go on a few videos, they constantly bash trump. It’s patnetic.
can’t find what don’t exist. funny how all these rapes that happen never have a video. in fact i don’t think i’ve ever seen a legitimate rapevid, not counting child pr0ns
trump desrves it
The entire normie internet is being controlled and censored.
Those ISIS quite inventive when it comes to killing the infidel..