You think you're hot shit dontcha?
Wow it's literally nothing.
>t. AIDF
Cmon mango theres like 666 threads on thus alreadty
If any of you guys ever get scared, just call on the name of Jesus.
We are living in strange times. Dark times. Those who resist evil will suffer. It could happen very soon. Even if you are a jaded type, remember the cross of Christ, and call on his name.
Don't click. It's CP.
>claims he will disclose ayy lmaos
>can't even disclose his child raping allegations
thanks for the heads up.
I knew based Tommy D wouldn't let us down
WWIII Nikola Tesla split the world in half fusion EM weapons have been found.
if it was aliens it would be much much bigger
Boy, they're really desperate to distract from something, aren't they?
This could be amusing, watching them try. And the following chimpout when it fails.
>Ho look over there !
>The earth is not flat but it's WAY larger than we think
>Antarctica IS an ice wall
>There are multiple sun's and moons
Btw Pedosta of all people. Is he /ourguy/ now?
Russia used Ufos to hack the election or something.
he's still a baby fucking pedophile.
Shut the fuck up. His daughter is married to the FBI agent in charge of the Las Vegas operations and they're covering their asses because they fucked up the last false flag
>I’m your daddy now
i see nothing wrong with this.
>guys, we're fucked, they're about to reveal all of our dirty laundry, what do we do?
>what if we give them some black tech?
>yeah, they were whining about flying cars recently, why not
holy fuck podesta is myziam
That's the tagline for the X-Files show. He's probably going to be guest starring in the next season.
Cross worship is Satanic. The cross is an unfolded cube of Saturn - the same black cube the Jewbeasts wear on their heads and the mudslimes worship.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
Besides, why would you worship the instrument of your god's death?
Don't fall for this Jew's trick.
I love you guys
You and all your buddies are going to jail for treason skippy and no amount of fake Ayyy bullshit is going to change that
nope, it is his friend Tom DeLonge's new company. this is called shilling for investors. or just shilling.
John Podesta is on the CIA's wild ride. I've been onto this story for a while. Let me give you a quick rundown:
>The government has been using the UFO community for decades as part of psyops campaign
>Senior CIA and military (generally air force) personnel select someone every few years to drop a load of "truth" bombs about how we have had alien technology since around the time of Roswell. Really it's just CIA BS and cannot be taken seriously.
>The point is to mask top secret military craft still in development and to give people a drip of information that we are working with aliens (to deter friend and enemies alike from messing with the US of A)
>Really it's either completely fake or a bunch of disinformation mixed in with the truth.
>First it was, then it Bob Emenegger, then was Steven Greer, and now it's Tom Delonge (Blink 182 member who started getting into UFO research and became friends with John Podesta due to a shared interest in UFOs).
Unfortunately, the government is all to eager to talk about UFOs. The point is is either complete BS or it has so much disinformation mixed in, you can never sort out what's real from fiction. If you're interested in this, you can watch this video which gives a pretty good overview (although is not 100% correct either):
We will never know what the government knows until we see it with our own eyes. Even then don't believe it. We are getting to the point where our technology is indistinguishable from UFO tech (AKA magic) - google the TR3B as one of many examples
Honestly what the fuck is this shit
that needs to be the opener for a hardcore song
>Wow it's literally nothing.
False. It's literally a psyop campaign.
Watch this:
Inb4 ayyyys hacked muh election
He's just throwing out diversions to distract people from thinking he's a pederast.
Nope. The only UFO information you will ever find that's worth it's salt is underground. UFOs are literally toxic to the MSM because we have been brainwashed by (((Hollywood))) for years to dismiss anyone who has evidence of UFOs as more of a nutjob than Alex Jones.
This bonger knows what's up. The government is literally using Tom Delonge and John Podesta to release disinformation on UFOs as a part of a 50 year old psyops campaign.
This. Whatever happens, it is disinfo. Look at a list of names involved. Not good.
A criterion for heresy is the rejection of a crucified, and risen savior who atoned for our sins.
Ok flat Earther. Let me simplify it even more. One of Hillary's campaign plaforms literally was the release of secret ufo information- and normie weirdos actually got excited about this fiction. As retarded as that is given the nature of compartmentalized national security, what's much worse is to blindly cling to that a year after the election like Podesta is doing. I believe that UFOs are intelligently controlled craft not of this world but Podesta is mentally ill.
The sun exists. We're playing the irrelevant comment game, right?
Or did you want to make a point, cross-worshipping Jewslave Satanist?
Linkin park style
wtf im now a #podestifile
You'd be surprised. John Podesta is not really involved. The information is being released through Tom Delonge. He is going to make a movie on the subject, so the military and CIA saw a good opportunity to further brainwash the public about UFOs,
in this case they are releasing disinformation to make people think we know everything about UFOs and aliens and their on our side. After all, who will want to fuck with a nation who literally has ayyyy lmaos as part of their military force.
This is the very last person on the planet I would trust a alien disclosure from. Either this is a control tactic or he is literally a reptile
Is this about the new Hannity movie?
>they are releasing disinformation to make people think we know everything about UFOs and aliens and their on our side.
it's literally the opposite. tom proposes that they're beings drawn here by negative feelings (and hence why calling on jesus or other religious figures during abduction attempts seem to stop the aliens in their tracts) and that the world's governments have been secretly combating them for over 60 years now. He even says we were working with the soviets on fighting them and that Op starfish prime wasn't a nuke test but was essentially a joint soviet-u.s. emp strike against ufos within our atmosphere.
You just know this guy is going to introduce us to the evil aliens.
I know exactly what Clinton's platform on UFOs was. I've been following this story before Cliniton had a platform on it. I also know exactly what John Podesta knows about UFOs because his source is Tom Delonge. It's all part of the old disinformation story, which the people involved have admitted (pic related and video below related).
UFOs are real as you say, but the disinformation campaign muddies the waters so much, it's now impossible to tell fact from fiction. Anything coming from military or CIA sources cannot be trusted without concrete evidence. They have been known to lie for years to make the USA seem more powerful than it actually is with alien relations.
where does he say that
careful posting links to amazon-compost/huffingpaint, they might think we're ddosi- oh wait, you're one of them, aren't you?
>shit mentioned in wikileaks with project bluebeam
superfake news
Remember famdragons
Nordic Aliens = Good
Reptilians = Bad aliens
Greys = Biological drones for the bad aliens.
Basically, if they look like anything other than the Tolkien elves, we're fucked.
Dumping too, anti CoSbro
podesta, clintons have been trolling people with this ufo roswell disclosure thing since the 90's.
I know what he says. I also know there is no way to verify the information. He is being strung along just like everyone else. Even he admits it's a possibility, but he thinks it's better to take the information than to not. He is right about that, but don't expect his info to be correct. He is doing the best he can, but it's not going to be the full truth.
Grant Cameron is pretty sharp, but I am leery. Also this pro government thing is bizarre.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Miss Lewinsky.
btw this also seems to give some creedence to Richard D Hall's claims of cold war era NATO black op recovery and investigation teams whose sole job was to collect remains of downed ufos and mutilated human carcasses that would often follow ufo sightings. These black op teams would be given due notice before a "crash" and would know the general area of where a downed ufo will be located before it happened. That could only be possible if we were actively engaging and shooting down such craft
Christ is King. Gnosticism is the ecclesiastical garbage of luciferians.
Can someone post the link to the content in the Tweet? I'm on mobile and Twitter isn't loading for me.
I'm leery of Grant Cameron too. The pro government thing is really crazy. The government has been playing both sides for a long time. First they wanted to discredit everything entirely, which they did.
Then all the sudden in the 70s, the CIA decided they wanted people to believe UFOs existed because it made the USA look like they were in a badass quid pro quo with aliens. The first thing they did was hire an ad firm to produce a documentary on aliens. Here it is, the documentary paid by your tax dollars to convince people that aliens exist:
>spreading disinfo to distract from las vegas investigation
please just go shillpost on /x/ or something.
Sauce ???????
>telling people ALIENS exist to distract people from one of gorillions of shootings
Yeah, I don't think so.
You are literally just making random, irrelevant comments. They have nothing whatsoever to do with what I said.
The cross you exhort people to worship is a symbol of the death of your god. It's also an idol. Revering or worshiping it is literally breaking a commandment. Even making an image of it is blasphemy you disgusting devil.
But taking it even further, the cross isn't a Christian symbol at all. Christ was killed on a STAKE not a cross. The cross is a pagan/Satanic symbol: the unfolded cube. It has NOTHING to do with Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to return to hell, filthy infidel!
You are exactly right. The government has been involved in recovering UFOs. Completely separately, there is at least one group of people within the government, possible one that has no information about UFOs, who tries to convince people that UFOs exist and they are helping the US military because it makes us look like an invincible power. Even if you only believe it in your subconscious through what Hollywood makes, and the Air Force literally gives Hollywood money and access to fighter jets. In return, Hollywood produces alien movies that make the US military look good.
Lol give me a fucking break you fucking retard.
Well known PEDO spreading disinfo.
Gee, I wonder why?
NEW AWAN thread here:
Vegas and Awan are what's important right now! Things are accelerating
but i thought vegas was the distraction? damn government 8d underwater mahjong.
Good knowing your kin will die for the cube
>discloses UFOs
nah, they're just playing the last card they have left in their hand. and they're giving it away too early at that.
damn I'd really like to hear that clip again
It's not even a government reveal.
It's "ex-government" agents, isn't it? We've already heard stories from hundreds of these ex-agents. Why is this so special?
Or is it actually backed by the government this time?
this. if even a tenth of all the past "holy shit ayylmoa revealed by ex cia yadayada" was true we'd have people in Andromeda by now. this is no different.
sketchy connections
The whole "UFO" thing is just lies they will use to try to "unify" with one world order.
This is what all the anti-racism propaganda and shit boils down to.
Anyone have that bluebeam document?
We already know they are among us.
The only person here who knows what's up.
Isnt Secret spelled wrong?
>American education
How exactly do you mean too early?
What’s this picture all about?
too early as in they weren't planning on needing to do this so early and they aren't prepared. same thing with what went down in vegas. they haven't had time to spam the msm with their message to make it easier for the masses to accept. hell, i'd be surprised if they've even officially decided on how they're gonna do it yet. This is the equivalent of a blind hail mary as a last resort before losing. If it works, they're back in business but it's very risky. They just have nothing left so they have to throw the ball.
Coded bullshit laid out as a plan for the new age
A cabal of men controlling public opinion
A chosen figure, herald of the future
Magic rituals
Give me a drug and I'll take it
Watching you sharpen knives
You give me Hell but I'll make it
I've still got one good eye
Blind as a fool, I can fake it
Telling the truth with lies
It won't be long till I break it
'Cause you know, you know
You weigh me, you weigh me down
It's on YouTube, goodday mate.
TFW no nordic mummy to feed me tendies and breast milk
LMAO digits dont lie
You think you're hot shit doncha!
If enough people believe something is real, it doesn't matter if its real or not. It becomes a social reality.
Its a mythology at this point, and they want you to partake.
The person levitating in the box was what stood out to me. Interesting picture. Any source on who made it?
I see, this is pretty much how I feel. They’re making last resort attempts to stay relevant and trustworthy to the younger generations.
Oh shet.