Is Russia worried? Or could Russia team up with Europe and China against the rest of the world?
The question is in pic related
Let's put it this way. Russia isn't even scared of the US. Russia doesn't give a fuck. They have the will and drive to fight for their country which is something both Americans and Europeans don't. Russia will lay waste to any Euro army.
>a EU army
i can't stop laughing
Don't the soldiers from the Netherlands have their own labor union? They should strike over this.
Russia and China are already "teaming" up, or using eachother.
The EU army needs some american steel. And american leadership.
We already have conventional deterrence against them, as well as nuclear deterrence. So they'll just do everything they can to destabilize neighbor countries, without triggering article 5.
Not quite true.
It will result in mutually assured nuclear destruction if war breaks out between the west and Russia.
If your country doubled in size overnight that would be scary.
The last thing we need is American leadership. That's only brought the world into degeneracy and destroyed the white race more than the Jews
The EU is by far Russia's most important trading partner and Russia has a large net trade surplus with the EU.
I think Russia cares about Europe, because Russia is economically, politically, historically and geographically linked to Europe. 85% of Russians live in Europe. The World Cup will be held in 2018. Russian ski stars compete in European competitions. Russian girls work in Germany. The Russian president speaks perfect German. The ex-German chancellor was just made chairman of the largest Russian state-run corporation.
>a Brit
Isn't it 'an EU army' but 'a European Union army'?
Just asking, Burger, because English is your native tongue.
That is only true if it goes nuclear.
You think millennials wouldn't surrender parts of their country to avoid a nuclear war? What if the russian used the Anti-Access/Area Denial tactics they practiced during Zapad, as well as in Crimea, and we had no conventional force to take them on?
The truth is that the rest of the world is worried. Russia successfully tested its hypersonic MIRV ICBM multiple times in the past 4 years. No other country has that technology and its considered nigh impossible to intercept. It's what's given Russia the gusto to stomp all over NATO operations without worrying too much.
I'm telling you, they don't give a fuck about getting nuked. Russians cannot die. You can kill millions of them and they will prosper on and their culture will survive. Russians will be here 1000 years from now exploring space while the west is a mulatto Congo circus. Russians are the real Ubermensch, I'm not saying this to shill, I'm not a Russian myself, I'm just saying it as an American, a weaker race watching the stronger one. They are unkillable.
Titles like this are designed to get all the Nu-Male cucks excited with the idea of beating/scaring Russia.
Sorry that OP is such a faggot but that faggotry is unironically showed down our throats in Germany
Yes Mohammad, it is "an EU army." Go back to Libya.
The Russian niggers are a shell of their past. They are as weak as they have ever been in any point during their history with only Nukes as a deterrent, any non-nuclear conventional conflict would end in a disaster for them. They are struggling to maintain their influence in Syria with more than half of that country being split into pieces, they are simply salvaging what they can. Crimea was a last ditch effort for them to maintain a solid Black Sea Port. They are fucked!
russia would fucking crush europe, europe doesnt have that big of an army besides fighter jets.
You should get down on your knees and thank us for having kept UK safe since WW2. Just look at the actions we took after WW2, when the greatest generation of Americans pledged to never again allow a global catastrophe to occur.
The immigration crisis you're facing is your own stupidity.
The European Union was a mistake, and the retarded notion of them having a standing army is yet another.
Well, this is pretty interesting. Intuitively you would think that if every European nation started to mobilize to the extent they did for WWII Russia would shit a brick and a half, but lets not pretend that we are working with the same stock that we had in the WWII era. All of the important people of the war were WWI veterans so they knew what it was like to wage total war, and the only thing limiting the usefulness of their prior experience was the technology gap. If you think about it, there is a larger technology gap between WWII and now, than WWI and WWII.
I am not the hooray patriot type, but all it's life ussr and Russia were preping for big war and building armored machine legions to roll through Europe in a blitzkrieg.
They can't spell honour, so how do you expect them to honour the language, if they can't even spell honour? Let alone grammatical inconsistencies and errors.
>Yes Mohammad, it is "an EU army." Go back to Libya.
Thanks for admitting your mistake.
So anyway, don't you think an EU army would be perfect for Europe? A capable force which could invade a country and occupy it without needing US or Russian backing?
Catholic vs. Orthodox conflict was and still is in the making by (((somebody)))
>more than the Jews
There's no degeneracy without Jews.
A few years ago the Dutch police tried to sue the government because their job was too scary. No lie.
Without a doubt the worst fucking cops in Europe. They're fucking garbage.
You want to be retards and start a shooting war with Russia because reasons, go for it. Leave us the fuck out of it because I'm not dying for any of you.
no reason to attack russia
>new army being formed right after millions of fighting age men that will never find employment outside of government just flooded your countries
I wonder who will make up this army? Surely it will never be used against the native population.
Oh German leadership couldn't be worse can it?
> an EU flag trying to pretend it is against the Islamic brown man conquest of Europe
I hate the EU more than patriotic Americans.
those sand/niggers will never join a Western military
they only want gibs
>The Russian president speaks perfect German.
Fun fact, trees around the Kremlin were bought in Germany. Domestic sorts aren't flashy enough.
its kinda this, why does europe need a giga army anyway, merkel cant swing her country dick for shit unless she wants a russian invasion.
American actions were anti-colonialist and American and soviet influence stopped Europeans holding the suez canal and dealt a harsh blow to the French and British empires. Which led to all the niggers going free
No one has conquered Russia checkmate
I always thought EU army is needed only for waging war against Poland, Hungary and other bad goyim who dont want to enrich their people with vibrant negroid admixture.
Also, why would Russia invade EU? Can you name one reason that makes sense?
>A capable force which could invade a country and occupy it
why would we want to do that
German establishment just dreams of an army again and thinks it can realize that army as a 'defense' force for Europe. In reality such a force will exist to expand the borders of the EU because the options for expansion by purchase & diplomacy have dried up.
Its literally the same mode of thinking that lead to WW1&2. German establishment just doesn't get it- the trick to empire building is exporting capital investment, not continental investment and land armies.
mongols did
economic gain, and defend yourselves because people cant stop screaming muh russia muh russia
MAD doctrine is still intact, so ultimately the answer is no.
>why would we want to do that
Well, a good example is Libya. For years, 800,000 illegals have flooded into Europe from an instable Libya. These illegals cost around 500 billion and result in a spike in crime.
Invading Libya and stabilizing it, would have been a lot cheaper.
Furthermore EU army can't exist while members have NATO status.
Turkey has a better army than France and Germany combined (excluding nukes).
>"mohammed you already know how to shoot so well, promotion for you"
>assume command positions because not promoting nonwesterners would be racist
>send weapons back home as influence increases
>eventually install new EU government
You think white europeans are going to volunteer for the EU army in significant numbers? Most don't want to even fight for their own country, let alone an EU one. The unemployed migrants that already are used to fighting are going to make up the majority in no time.
I can't read a word of what you just said. Are you Welsh?
Europe is being taken over by muslims.
Next war will be the west and it's allies (Japan and others not shown yet)
Muslims and their goat fucking friends
Russia and China the communist brothers
A three way war will break out so get comfy
We dont need to invade Libya.
We just need to turn away "refugees".
>For years, 800,000 illegals have flooded into Europe from an instable Libya.
the EU did a financial deal with Gadaffi to hold them back, they only started 'flooding' in after France and Britain removed Gadaffi to get at his oil.
I like the subtlety of this post, very good.
I regard Europeans as my friends. Europeans, especially the English, are as much civilised people and have the same moral grounds as Russians. The exception only is mudslimes, pakis and pajeets living in Europe, they're animals of different culture and different values.
those sand/niggers didn't fight in their own countries either, much less will they fight for a western state.
they are cowards with no morals.
they only want gibs.
Russia could glass europe in 15 minutes with the RS-28 Sarmat
Do people actually think you could win against Russia?
>EU army
was the Waffen SS the most elite fighting unit the world has ever seen.
Not destabilizing it in the first place would have been the cheapest alternative.
This totally isn't an excuse to crack down on the people of Europe with an army that doesn't answer to anyone but Juncker's kind at all!
>Implying we would fight against Russia and not Merkelistan.
EU can glass all of Western Russia in 15minutes too.
Nuclear war is not an option, and if it occurs, nothing matters thereafter cos we will all die.
Many of them did fight, but they aren't going to turn down free money and german pussy. Eventually they will have to get off of gibs and the military will take most that do. Plus I'm sure a coordinated effort will be made by organized terror organizations.
> capable force which could invade a country and occupy it
Like Poland, Hungary, or us... The real scope of an EU army.
It doesn't matter what kind of an army you got or how much fighting spirit or whatever, it's all about the nuclear arsenal. They've got an arsenal? They can hang with the big boys.
As far as Syria goes, it's hard for Russia to get any work done because it's being watched like a hawk. In order to get *anything* done in Syria (or anywhere) you have to totally disregard things like human rights or treaties and agreements and conventions to ban such and such ammunition or weapon, because only brutality and utter brutality wins a conflict. Just total fucking destruction and horror.
As far as Crimea goes, the fact that UN and NATO is still pussyfooting with their attempts to put troops on the ground in Ukraine means that they did something to deter them.
Russians don't have reasons to blast European friends. We can only crush Poles and Ukrainians in order to defend ourselves from their aggressions only because they hate Russia.
Well, at least all the degenerates and transsexuals will be on the same team.
Just get Canada, Australia and India on board and you're all set.
>Not destabilizing it in the first place would have been the cheapest alternative.
But America and France destabilized it. So there we are, with a destabilized Libya. We just did nothing. With an EU army, we could have sent 100,000 soldiers to occupy and fight the smugglers... and pay for the operations by just taking all their oil George W. Bush style.
These are not people that will ever join a western military.
Understand that.
They only want gibs.
As far as I know Russia's geopolitical goal is a cooperarion with Germany and keeping most of Europe in either the German or Russian sphere of interest, while making sure Anglos and the US get fucked. Of course it's entirely possible that Western sources lie about the influence of Dugin, but that's pretty much his plan.
Who can't see that being a total fluster Fuck.
stay the fuck out of Poland and the Baltics
There's no point in it. You can freely come to Saint Petersburg and booze with us, no one will say a bad word towards you. Russians are friendly people especially in SPb.
>Fight the smugglers
Hey faggot, you realize all your governments want to replace you with the third world, right?
well actually if a/an comes before an acronym you use the way the acronym is said instead of the words it stands for
it's the same for all words... the way you say it is what determines the a/an saying "a Eeyuu" sounds retarded
>Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention:
No two countries that both had McDonald's had fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald's.
Peace through burgers.
What is this bit for?
My point is why do people toy with Russia like they are some joke of a country?
Read above. You guys should have just let Germany do its thing in WW2.
>We just did nothing.
We should never have let in the refugees.
All of them should have been turned away or detained at the point of entry without recourse for movement through Europe until their applications have been fully reviewed and REJECTED.
this will never be a threat because the moment you lock horns with russia your islam problem you try to spin into something positive will sense weakness and will see it as a time to strike and take control, then you'll be fighting a civil war on top of a regular war.
Our police and military only strike over pay and pensions, nothing else.
>was the Waffen SS the most elite fighting unit the world has ever seen.
Not really, no.
>A capable force which could invade a country and occupy it
This is why the US will not allow it.
Yeah that's false. Russia would have acted long ago if the US wasn't standing at the thread to slap their shit.
As much as they stay out of Russia. Can you remember any thread on Sup Forums from Russian about creating and army and destroying a western country? It's you who emanate aggression towards us, if Poland attacks us, we'll have to defend ourselves.
>My point is why do people toy with Russia like they are some joke of a country?
What do you mean by "toying"?
Nobody in EU considers Russians a joke.
>stay the fuck out of Poland and Lithuania
ftfy, nobody cares about non-countries
>everyone gets fat and can't run anymore
>no more wars
You should more be worried about the EU attacking Poland and the Baltics than Russia. You know, they're just not taking enough immigrants.
EU army what do they blow up when you kill them like in c&c generals think they were called the GLA in that game
Unironically this.
EU looks at the US and sees that their defense sector is a fantastic way to launder taxpayer money for politicians and high ranking military leaders.
Most importantly, it allows them to inch EU closer to their final goal, the federalization of Europe, accomplished and led by people whom europeans have both never voted for, and never heard of
Poland isn't going to attack you.
Don't believe the bullshit your media is telling you.
>like they are some joke of a country
Because that's what we were in the 90s-00s and still arguably are.
Кapoчe eби их вceх в poт
I think it's for fume extraction after they fire a shot, so it doesn't fill the turret with gas.
>Or could Russia team up with Europe and China against the rest of the world?
What rest of world? Only america remains.
sinking a few refugee boats would be even cheaper and encourage others not to try