Paddock, a video poker player, checked in to Mandalay Bay on Sept. 25 — three days earlier than initially reported.
Lombardo said Paddock spent those first three days in a separate room, and the hotel provided that room free of charge for unknown reasons. Paddock spent the remaining days in the corner suite where he staged his attack, and he paid for the suite himself.
“We’ve learned that there’s a difference of comp days versus personal pay days,” Lombardo said. “We were going off the personal pay days.”
Though Paddock checked in about a week before the shooting occurred, he did not remain in Las Vegas. Authorities believe he traveled to Mesquite several times in the days leading up to Oct. 1.
Throughout his time in Las Vegas, Paddock did not interact with many people, the sheriff said, dispelling rumors the shooter had met with a prostitute for at least one night.
Bellman helped with bags
On at least two occasions, a bellman helped Paddock bring bags up to his 32nd-floor suite. After poring over surveillance footage, authorities have yet to spot any red flags about Paddock’s actions leading up to Oct. 1 that may have signaled his planned ambush.
Sheriff Shares New Details
Wait, he wasn't comped a room!??!! What about his meals, sushi, or drinks!?
He paid for that corner suite.
There's definitely something sushi about all this
you guys are cancerous faggots and do nothing but detract from the discussion. congratulations. Sup Forums is back the way you came.
(other thread got archived, but for the user who asked)
>that's me. can you tell us why they were not good?
I'll start with a few very basic points.
First of all he's basing all of his calculations on a very "general" speed of .223 rounds.
The barrel length and brand of ammunition can easily vary the speed of a .223 round within the range that he's claiming as being two different shooters....and given we've already seen 2 of the 20+ something rifles that were used in the shooting, it's already evident that there was a HUGE variety of configurations that the shooter may have used, not all of which were even firing .223.
Give this a quick skim.
You would need to know the exact weapon he was using and the ammunition before you could even begin to start calculating anything.
Secondly he's assuming that the second shooter was using an identical weapon also firing identical .223 rounds, what's he basing that on? Literally fucking nothing. If the second shooter was using a rifle with a longer or shorter barrel with different loads, that magical "250" yard circle of his would increase or shrink in radius by several hundreds yards making it absolutely worthless.
Thirdly, and this is the most important part, his calculations only work if the audio is being recorded at the point of impact and all the bullets are hitting the exact same spot, they're not.
They're being spread over a huge area, he's not taking into consideration the time it takes the sounds of those impacts to reach the recording device, he doesn't even have any data to prove where the recordings were taken, just a general vicinity.
There is so much margin for error in everything he did that all he proves is that bullets were fired in the general vicinity of the shooting, that's it.
I could take his same "scientific principles" and distort them to fit any ballistics narrative I fucking wanted.
>the didn't check the comped bookings
>the room was comped
He also doesnt show his work and deletes any comments on his youtube channel to avoid criticism.
And he ignores the height aspect claiming erroneously that it isnt a factor.
And he is a known fake health-food scammer, pretending to be part of some kind of high-end forensics lab (lol id love to hear what he uses spectroscopy for while peddling healthfood snakeoils... not to mention what KIND of spectroscopy as there are literally dozens)
You don’t understand
You don’t know what it’s like to be comped like this
I'm getting dizzy
So, considering he was planning this for a while, this means that the hotel fucked up his room reservation for some reason and he had 3 days less for preparation. He could have had enough time to bring even more firepower, maybe rig the room with explosives and so on.
He was there to sell guns. You don't rig a room with explosives when it's just a gun-buy.
It's why he was so casual in the days leading up to it.
It's interesting that Trump didn't visit with the hero of the story, the security guard. Isn't that interesting?
why would he be selling shitty over the counter guns? its like trying to sell asprin to a pill head: they dont need you.
Who arms trades legally bought guns with your name attached to them? I don't get this logic.
You don't understand. It's a whole other level being comped the way he was. He had a gold card. Not everyone works at Taco Bell.
moreover, why would he sell a bunch of guns at a fucking casino?
I mean, a few kilos of drugs? sure. But your odds of getting caught with a large number of rifles is really not worth the risk.
Do you want to understand Paddock better? You have to understand he did everything mathematically.
Unless, he was selling shitty over the counter guns to the Mexican Gangs MS-13 / Cartel as a straw. At least the profile of the shooter would make sense then.
If you want to meme like a faggot, fuck off to Sup Forums.
oh yeah, I'm sure he was the #1 high IQ rick and morty fan too. Might as well have been Blaise Pascal
Theyre just releasing increasingly trivial mintutia about HOW he did it to distract people from the fact that nobody has even half a clue about WHY he did it.
OR, maybe they know EXACTLY why he did it and the powers that be feel its too inflammatory and provacative for the current unstable political climate, in which case its just placation and distraction while they cover it up.
I'm being serious faggot.
>((Sheriff)) provides new disinfo
Because he thought he was untouchable there and knew that he had people on the inside.
so one minute the room was from Airbnb, the next minute it was given to him for free by the hotel?
are they just making shit up?
they originally said they knew why he did it but then smashed their own story because it was too polarizing, the only other reason is because his buddies are still out there and if they disclose everything theres gonna be too many wackos to sift through to find them.
>they originally said
sauce that
interesting. thanks for sharing.
have a COMP.
>Paddock spent the remaining days in the corner suite where he staged his attack, and he paid for the suite himself.
Having to pay for the last room you'll ever sleep in. wtf?
From the first or second news conference:
Paddock’s motive remains unknown. “This person may have been radicalised, unbeknownst to us, and we want to identify that source.”
Lombardo added: “It’s an ongoing investigation and when I say I don’t know, I may know. I assure you this investigation is not ended with the demise of Mr Paddock.”
>dispelling rumors the shooter had met with a prostitute for at least one night
So that brings us back to who was the guest?
They're releasing information and disinformation little by little
Remember the report about the phone charger in the room? (Pic related) but then it wasn't related.. well guess the FBI somehow traced the owner of that charger and the man has since killed him self and his daughter. There will be more info released in 10 days about why the FBI visited his house followed by toxicology and an autopsy report. Remember this guys name.
Snopes states this story is fake but has no basis of that only because the news story doesn't have solid facts. Then snopes confirms the charger referenced is used by CIA.
>no fun allowed!
Fuck off back to cripplechan
>posting fake news
this was a guy that had nothing to do with vegas that anhero'd in Maryland I believe.
Paddock was prescribed diazepam in June
>Records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program obtained Tuesday show Paddock was prescribed 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets by Henderson physician Dr. Steven Winkler on June 21.
>A woman who answered the phone at Winkler’s office would not make him available to answer questions and would neither confirm nor deny that Paddock was ever a patient.
>Paddock purchased the drug — its brand name is Valium — without insurance at a Walgreens store in Reno on the same day it was prescribed. He was supposed to take one pill a day.
>The Nevada state monitoring report also noted that Winkler prescribed 50 10-milligram tablets of diazepam to Paddock in 2016. He also filled that prescription the day it was written, this time at Evergreen Drugs in Henderson. It was for two tablets a day.
When you book a hotel room, you put down number of guests. I always put 2, just because. The 2 on the receipt means nothing other than 2 guests were put on the check in, not that there were actually two people. Room service doesn't do a headcount and put 2 after the fact.
It's called muddying the water, who knows what the fuck happened at this point and pretty much who cares. It's all insanity and corruption.
Wait. Why did he pay for his suite and his food? Did he do the shooting because they stopped comping him?
Fuck me. All you faggots talking about comped sushi makes me really want some sushi.
How far does the comped hole go?
This comping is the CORNERSTONE if the case!
really no security footage of paddock doing all this remodeling inside the hotel? Like sealing the stairwell door shut? Lol stupid fucking nigger jews
We're going to need some more expert witnesses on that
That's the theory.
It reaches pretty high up
Show me one source that refutes what I said. You have 5 minutes nigger.
>But your odds of getting caught with a large number of rifles is really not worth the risk.
I don't think he was selling guns in the first place but If he were, it may have been worth the risk if he believed his life life to possibly be in danger. Selling out of a suite could make the buyer less inclined to kill you with the thousands of cameras, security and cops around.
I also think the risk of being caught with the firearms is overestimated. For one they weren't illegal. It also isn't illegal in NV for a private individual to sell firearms. If he were caught he could literally tell security he was showing his collection to a potential buyer.
Also, it isn't unusual for people to bring dozens of large boxes into their suites. There are always conventions going on in Vegas and smaller vendors who can't afford to exhibit in the convention halls to show their lines of upcoming products to potential wholesalers/retailers will often take meeting in their suites and show product there. (it is very expensive, both the spot and the union contracts that only allow union members to do any work on the booth at exorbitant prices. tens of thousands of dollars for a tiny booth. Over 100k easy for large booths)
Again, I don't think this is what happened but it is possible I guess.
> Paddock spent the remaining days in the corner suite where he staged his attack, and he paid for the suite himself.
> and he paid for the suite himself.
> he paid for the suite
> he paid
Motive established. The comps stopped so the gats popped.
I wonder what happened to Antonio...
>Sheriff Shares New Details
>Paddock was a video poker player.
Well things certainly appear to be moving along quite well. Any word on if he enjoyed rainy days or not?
I think someone mentioned he liked sushi at some point. Free sushi, I believe.
Those numbers don't add up.
"You can stop the comping now."