Has he arrived?
What are some warning signs of who he will be and what can we do to survive his persecution of the Saints (i.e. christians)?
just admit traps are gay and you're set.
The antichrists've existed from the beginning of Christianism.
That's a well know fact, Aussie.
The antichrist is the institution pf the vatican. That doesnt mean that all cstholics are bad though
>is the vague big bad guy from this jewish nomadic text written 1500 years ago here?
yeah totally. Abrahamic religion was a mistake.
It is very obvious to anyone who understands Christian eschatology that Donald Trump is The Antichrist.
>1500 years ago
You don't even know what you're talking about lmao
The Antichrist will be someone who presents himself as an alternative to Christ. Think people like Barack Obama or Trudeau.
I would say Hitler was the closest we've come in modern times to what it will be like.
The world hates trump as a whole.
If anything, Obama is a good prototype Antichrist since he is everything that describes an antichrist except for the fact that Obama isn't Jewish.
Oh yea, I've heard that the Antichrist will be Jewish. Apparently, the Jews will see him as their messiah
The modern interpretation of revelations and the belief in the so called "end times" is a heretical and satanically inspired lie purveyed by frauds and charlatans
You trust that bible written by kiddie fiddling priests and makes you worship pedofiliac Jews? Edited by King James the Mason. Fuck off with your superstition.
It was actually written in 1900 years ago by a Hellenic Jew who was not a nomad
There have been many "antichrist" type people. As for best candidate for son of perdition see pic related.
No. He'll come from Israel and promise to bring World Peace. (so yea a jew)
>Fedora demonstrates his ignorance
Many such cases - SAD!
Antichrist is gonna be loved by basically everyone. So none of your names apply.
Vatican can't be it since Christianity is the most persecuted religion on Earth.
Trump can't be it since nobody loves him.
Obama, same thing. Some loved him, most didn't.
Similar with Hitler and Napoleon, not to mention neither were anti-Christian.
Islam would be a better choice, since most people sympathize at least a little bit with it (especially on here). There's also the whole deception thing that leads either to a politician or Islam as well.
We don't even know if the Antichrist is a person or not.
What about the Mark of the Beast?
The AntiChrist was the three, the one who is, the one who was, and the one to come.
These were the Father and two brother Cesars that destroyed Israel and the Temple of the kikes. Jesus was a kike
Hitler was loved by almost everyone in his society, though. And yes, he was anti-Christian. The Church, both Protestant and Catholic, was persecuted in Nazi Germany because some of them defended Jews.
Hitler wasn't the anti-christ though, he;s just the closest we've come in the West to what it will be like.
>Whether the New Testament contains an individual Antichrist is disputed. The Greek term antikhristos originates in 1 John. The similar term pseudokhristos ("False Messiah") is also first found in the New Testament, and, for example, never used by Josephus in his accounts of various false messiahs. The concept of an antikhristos is not found in Jewish writings in the period 500 BC–50 AD.
>Cyril of Jerusalem, in the mid-4th century, delivered his 15th Catechetical lecture about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, in which he also lectures about the Antichrist, who will reign as the ruler of the world for three and a half years, before he is killed by Jesus Christ right at the end of his three-and-a-half-year reign, shortly after which the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will happen.
Zuckerberg is the anti-christ god you're all fucking retarded faggots
>most people sympathize at least a little bit with it (especially on here).
where does the bible say everyone will love the antichrist?
Fucking Hilarious
Chill out bro.
Many people on Sup Forums at least superficially sympathize with the "anti-degeneration", "anti-woman", "pro-pedo" things Islam does.
Kushner is the Omen
Fuck off. If the penis is a feminine one it's ok. Just don't slap your balls against his when hitting it from behind.
Fuck off kike
Yeah, because railing against degenerates and the illness of modern society coincides with agreeing with Islam, right? And Sup Forums isn’t pro pedo.
Are you gaslighting me right now? Because this is some of the dumbest shit I’ve read.
Just admit your faggotry, lying to yourself is worse.
>16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I think some sort of chip would best describe this
Uhh, no we don't. And I'm not suprised to see you defending islam. Noting your flag, I can deduce that you're a typical pathetic German cuck. Go off yourself you pathetic Pajeet's cock-sucking beta. You're what's wrong with your country.
He wont nessecarily come from Israel, but he will take up residence in the 3rd Temple (once built). He will do miracles and bring about a peace for a while, before the final war with Israel takes place. He will deceive many.
I'm thinking more along the lines of tech company mogul (Musk type character) - chip implants, no paper money (hence they control us) etc. Paypal and Tesla style 'miracles'.
People worship tech now.
Archive this for future reference.
Mark of the Beast must be something you accept by your own free will as the literal mark of the beast. Nothing like RFID chips, where the "this is Satan" thing is hidden. No, it must be admitted to, in plain sight and people will still accept it.
>Hitler was loved by almost everyone in his society, though.
That doesn't matter at all. The whole world must love him, internationally. Which is pretty obviously not the case for Hitler. Communism, on the other hand would be a good candidate now.
>And yes, he was anti-Christian. The Church, both Protestant and Catholic, was persecuted in Nazi Germany because some of them defended Jews.
No, he wasn't. And basically none of them defended Jews since Christians and Jews don't mix (you remember who killed Jesus, right?). Don't go all American education on me, bro, I don't have the time for this shit. Just read a book.
>Hitler wasn't the anti-christ though, he;s just the closest we've come in the West to what it will be like.
It's in the Bible. CBA to look it up exactly, but that's the whole point - only the really, really faithful will recognize him as "not Jesus".
Good lord you're an idiot.
Quit shilling you fucking retard. You're not wanted here.
Islam is pro-pedo and always was.
>Are you gaslighting me right now? Because this is some of the dumbest shit I’ve read.
Maybe you should just lurk more, then. Why are you so butthurt?
How the hell am I defending Islam by calling it the Antichrist? Are you okay?
>Noting your flag, I can deduce that you're a typical pathetic German cuck. Go off yourself you pathetic Pajeet's cock-sucking beta. You're what's wrong with your country.
America, please. Take your pills.
Wow, chill the fuck out, nerds. What the fuck.
The whole world won't love him, but many will be deceived and he'll control commerce and do miracles.
Yiff in hell furfag.
>Islam is pro-pedo and always was.
He's saying that Sup Forums isn't pro-pedo. He was taking offense to the part where you say Sup Forums sympathizes with pedos - We don't. Islam and Jews are more pro-pedo, but Sup Forums is a Christian board.
The antichrist is the christ of the bible, he teaches opposite of the gnostic christ.
Youre blind in your fanaticism.
Fair enough. I got a different impression, but that's my problem then. Just get your blood pressure under control, man.
Make me, filthy pedofag
Wouldn't you like that, huh?
Zuckerberg is not loved by everyone, nor is he slated to be the ruler of the world.
The best is when they're embarrassed about their trappiness, but they give in and become little cockfags able to ejaculate from anal penetration alone.
Kiwi IQ right here
Bible = collection of 66 books by 40 authors written over 1,500 years. Old Testament was written in Hebrew (and a little Aramaic) and New Testament was written in Koine Greek. Nothing in the Bible recommends "worshiping Jews" - their own history recounted in books like Judges, Samuel, Chronicles and Kings mentions the incessant failures of their people and rulers. Was James I a Mason? So what? He didn't write the Bible - the translation into English of 1611 was dedicated to him, that's all.
>people genuinely believe this shit
Come on, women are always this stupid but men have no excuse.
>Islam would be a better choice, since most people sympathize at least a little bit with it
They are here to kill and enslave us. Why would I sympathize with that? They fell for the lies about the West being a paradise. All the good Muslims are in Muslim countries.
This. Christ's teachings have made us weak to the wicked ones. We are apex predators, not farm animals!