Lets have a thread about what happened after Africans had to run their own shit
Post-Colonial decay
Johannesburg, now one of the most dangerous cities in the world
Capital of Angola when it was under Portuguese control, the US helped the rebels turn it into a shithole
Capital of Portuguese Mozambique
Capital of Somalia
Meanwhile in the National-Socialist WW2 victory timeline
Do India.
Goddam I wish I was born in Switzerland.
Good idea
Took a bit to find good images, but i think this makes the point quite well
Might have fucked this one up i don't know shit about india
That is some shity teapot
>all that tea running off down the side
fucking garbage
I don't see anything wrong in the 2nd pic here desu
low quality teapot, what imbecile thought it would be a good idea to film that?
The Chinese moved in and showed us all how to really profit off the continent without anyone even noticing.
Not saying this ain't true but anyone you'll show it to will just dismiss it as cherrypicking.
Yes, Maputa actually suprised me it does look very compared to most african cities but it is still very dirty and nothing compared to it's former glory
t. nu males
Indoneisa looks pretty nice
its because of the banks
I appreciate your efforts, but isn't there a better way to point out this fact? I mean, I can get you an image of any city that shows it's best side, and compare it to another's worst side. Can't we find statistics regarding crime, life improvement and such?
Even the worst Asians are better than the best blacks
>tfw nostalgic for a time I wish I experienced
Nobody has said asians are retarded, the point of the thread is niggers fucking things up dum-dum.
What's the point of this thread? I can do the same with cities from US and more alarmingly, Europe.
Everywhere is fucked, at least in Africa people tried to build something. You only had to keep what was already there.
It's funny that in 10 years this thread will just be photos of Sweden
Dude out of major cities Indonesia look like dogshit. Trash everywhere, tones of shitskin mussies and horrible weather
Still doesn't look bad and doesn't motivate me to circle jerk about the low IQs of niggers
Pay your "Security" Money, you still unpaid those "security" money this year, if you not paid we will let Nigs, Pajeet & Mainland Chinks mass migrate to Aussie through our Shores !
indonesia sucks ass
trust me
there are many slums and the football hooligans here are more nigger-tier than even the spic hooligans all over l. america
LOOK MATE, we had a deal. You sink the niggs and chinks in YOUR waters and we let keep rapeing the Papuans.
You mean PNG. Fix that shithole, Fucking Crimes Capital in The World.
The point is that you should have never ended Apartheid.
you shouldn't have embargoed and demonized us
You have a point and my apology, my South African friend.
Keep it up.... Soon there will be a west Timor
Do you identify as an African nigger? Do you refer to yourself as transnigger?
>not Venezuela.