Whoops! Sean Hannity Outed as Anti-Gay Bigot



In a tape that was uncovered by The Washington Post, he is heard saying: 'Contrary to what we hear in the general media, you can get AIDS from saliva, from tears...They won’t let you say it’s a gay disease.'

He was later heard saying: 'Anyone listening to this show that believes homosexuality is just a normal lifestyle has been brainwashed. These disgusting people.'

In other tapes, Hannity is heard during the same interview saying: 'There's sort of a brain washing going on if you want my opinion.

'They're afraid of the backlash that homosexuals might receive.'

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He's correct in most regards. What is good about gays?


Holy shit based

Homos are a biological weapon and a curse from God on any society, that is why he burned sodom and gomorah down

We are free from temptation towards the vaginal jew. Once artificial wombs come about, no one will mind homosexuals.

no he isn't. Homosexuality happens in nature too it's not just a human thing. Also AIDS is not spread through saliva or tears. It is not a gay disease.

This will only hurt him if he cucks.

>Homosexuality happens in nature too it's not just a human thing.
It's always an aberration

The real question here is, what are they doing preemptive damage control for? What is Hannity about to come out with that they're trying to discredit him for with something that a lot of people thought back in 1989?


If he ignores it, it'll go away
If he acknowledges it, the sharks will smell blood in the water


Hes old enough to remember when aids was called GRIDS

>Homosexuality happens in nature
So does rape, pedophilia, and necrophilia. Also, murder.

Thanks for proving my point

>Homosexuality happens in nature
So does rape and murder, a lot. Being in nature isn't an automatic pass.


yeah, but I don't mind homosexuality at all. We have too many people on this planet.

what the fuck kind of argument is this?

Much less was known about HIV in 1989. It wasn't common knowledge like it is today.

And yes, HIV is a gay disease. The overwhelming majority of HIV infections are among gays and intravenous drug users. It is a non issue among straight non intravenous drug users.

I agree with em.

>LGBQTA+ flag
>"surely this is the end..."

hate to break it to ya but he ain't fake news

Who didn't think that in the 80s?

"Almost 30 years ago"

But he's completely correct. I know the truth is racist and whatever but fuck off.

Grasping for straws and bringing shit he said over 20 years ago. Are they scared? Is something actually going to happen? Will Hannity deliver?

That gays don't extinct naturally so there is no point in persecuting us? Yeah, amazing to agree!

>what the fuck kind of argument is this?
If homosexuality is ok because it happens in nature, then those things I mentioned in my post must be ok, too.

New AWAN stuff. AWAN and VEGAS is what this board really needs to focus on. This will blow over or be used as a slide thread.

The original name of AIDS was GRID - Gay Related Immune Disease. AIDS can also be carried through bodily fluids. And you'd have to be an idiot to not see that there is pro-gay propaganda everywhere and does brainwash people/ He is absolutely correct and has literally said and done nothing wrong.

>what the fuck kind of argument is this?

The exact same argument people try to make for homosexuality. If being common in nature is an argument then all things common in nature are OK. What makes us civilized is that we DON'T act like animals. Civilization relies on us getting rid of many things that are common in nature.

In nature murder, infanticide, rape, theft, assault etc. are all common.

He's right though

Literal retards don't fuck but they keep showing up

Gay = genetic disorder

Oh shit, the leftists just got another scalp. There's no way out of this for hannity, everybody knows gays are valuable to society and not diseased sex-monsters in any way. RIP.

What about female relatives of male homosexuals having more kids?

You're not a bigot for being anti-gay. Those who disagree with those who are anti-gay are bigots.

Based Hannity

What about them


There is absolutely no evidence that faggotry is an inborn condition, in fact, all evidence strongly suggests that fags are created as a result of sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse experienced during critical stages of childhood and adolescent development.

downs syndrome is natural too.

What about over 70% of faggots reporting being victims of childhood abuse?

So does anal cancer

It's a Sodomites disease, actually. The only reason it's more common among gays is because they are extremely promiscuous, even by Chad/Stacy standards.

this would be the same thing as a white person calling a black person a negro in the 1800s
nothing burger

If it confers more kids to females who have the gene, then only males who are gay are disordered by this logic, and the effects are made up for by straight (or possibly bisexual) female relatives of male homosexuals who have more kids. Sexually antagonistic selection theory.


Another option is that bisexuality produces more kids so homosexuality is the full recessive version of a heterozygous advantage, so then bisexuals are the actual master race and I believe at least some research has found bisexual women have more kids than straight women and have more teen pregnancies than straight women as well.

Really, do you know anyone who works at hospital or department of health? It is in fact a black/gay disease.

>Washington Post = Podesta
>Hannity knows something
>Washington Post leaks 30yr old Tape that is literally nothing.
>They’ve got nothing left

((It’s)) afraid.

The highest figure for that was found in Tomeo, 46% or so I think and that was taken at a gay pride parade so not exactly a representative sample, and the results were never replicated.



Not knowing that "AIDS" was first displayed as "GRIDS"

"Gay Related Infectious Diseases"

>1989 these statements came out
>1995 naming Conventions changed
>News disregarding history that they pushed

"The new disease underlying these diseases didn’t even have a name. Since most of the victims were gay, it was called “Gay cancer” or “Gay-related Immune Disorder (GRID).”

Researchers soon realized the new disease was not gay-specific, so the name AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency – was adopted.

And what followed can only be described as a reign of terror. It would be six years before the first medicine for HIV was approved by the FDA, and 15 before the first really effective treatment was discovered. During those bleak 15 years, most people with AIDS simply died. Gay men who were of age at that time remember going to a funeral every week. Hospitals all had AIDS wards filled with the dying. Hospices sprang up to take care of the overflow.

Everything changed in the winter of 1995/1996. By then, there were a handful of drugs approved for the treatment of HIV, and scientists found that combining three or more into a drug “cocktail” could stop HIV in its tracks. News reports at the time talked about the “Lazarus effect,” people literally a week away from death who were able to leave the hospital after starting the new treatment. Death rates from AIDS dropped dramatically throughout the developed world."

Info from a "30 years of aids" magazine in a leftist network - HIVpositiveMagazine.com


Your brain was re-written by a cat shit parasite to make you spread disease.

More like Sannity

Gay men have a markedly lower risk of prostate cancer. The anal cancer risk is only for HIV positive gay men who are about 4% of our ranks.

didn't read

you're an aberration

an awful one at that

AIDS is a gay disease, and it was recklessly spread to the straight population by bisexuals and blood transfusions.

Fuck yes thank you strayanon...
Wrote this
Before I refreshed to see yours

Is it a gay disease in Russia?

>Gay men who were of age at that time remember going to a funeral every week
Yet they still wouldn't stop fucking and sucking a new guy every single night. Not even the fear of death can stop fags from fucking everything that moves, yet somehow fags are equal to non-fags.

wtf i love hannity now



"new" being the key workd

In other words, there was an outbreak recently.

He isn't wrong.


People who inject drugs (sometimes referred to as PWID) are disproportionately affected by HIV in Russia. In 2015, 54% of those newly diagnosed with HIV where the mode of transmission was known were infected through injecting drug use. However, in the same year 44% of new infections occurred through heterosexual sex.

54% + 44% = 98% not gay

stop trying to defend your degeneracy


fags are mentally sick.
the right thing to do is to gas the fags.

Gays are disproportionately users of IV drugs. Check and mate


I think "I" and the rest of 'some' of us would just wish Sean would tell the truth about history and real statistics but his owners at fox may be tightening his screws as it is and he has to pick his battles...

>Bitch about the obvious high infection rate amongst gay people and the misguidedness of their sexual community (nevermind the degenerate faculties built within it [and before some of you fags start... I've been sin MULTIPLE gay clubs and seen what's taken place with the sisters, the backroom bathrooms and everything] and they are not properly managed (I don't care how many condoms you leave on the counter next to the mouthwash and the sink)... ) you and I both know Sean is right.

(((they))) are afraid. Why the sudden attempt to discredit him?


facts not feelings

I unironically like him even more, now.
>vaginal jew
wew you are certainly a faggot
>simulation results
Thanks for the simulated proof

homosexuals get killed in nature too. Let some beta dog try to hump his alpha doggo friend and he'll get this throat ripped out.

So AIDS is a gay disease or it isn't?

Too bad he's right.


The fact that people go this far back to take someone they don't like is disgusting.

You're probably not even gay... have you looked at the AIDS ratings? Stop lying you cunt.

Oh my trans-mission is fine.
It's just the gas tank failed and magically the engine disconnected from the transmission.

>not referencing sources specific to russia

Eighty percent of Russians said they were against same-sex marriages, as opposed to 59 percent in 2005, the pollster found. According to the poll, only 3 percent of respondents said LGBT people should be able to bring up children. Another 3 percent supported the idea of marriage, but said children should not be brought up in such households.

1,600 respondents in 46 Russian regions. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percent

The number of those who think gay people should be allowed to get married has decreased from 14 percent in 2005 to 8 percent in 2015.


It was actually quite a common belief that AIDS was transmitted through saliva and tears. It was most definitely assumed to be a gay disease at the time as well.
Do they really think Hannity is gonna get fired over that?

In America yes Gay people have a higher rate of infection than Straight people (who are the majority)

>This morning

Good, he deserves a raise for this.

So in Africa, is AIDS spread by gays mostly or straight people?

So AIDS is only a gay disease in America?

This. Fags are nasty, anti-family, anti-soceity and have no reason to exist outside of human welfare.
Animals ass fucking is to dominate, not your gayboy "love."

I looked really hard for this image I hope you're grateful.

To coincide your nature argument, my dog eats his own shit all the time. It's nasty.
Is scat acceptable too now for you fagboy? How much shit do you eat.


>He's correct in most regards

lol I love Trump, but Hannity is the most annoying shill in the history of politics. He was pure cancer during the Bush years.

And absolutely none of his fans will care.

>The anal cancer risk is only for HIV positive gay men who are about 4% of our ranks.

Not for long.

HIV is on the decline in Australia, the UK, and in White gays in the United States. Can't help our melanin friends, but that's to do with race, not sexuality.

Where was I asking cunt?

Correct. It's just ass hurt (lol) fags bickering that some people don't like HIV and sleeping with 40 men a week.

Let's hope he learned from Trump. He was iffy after Charlottesville, he seemed afraid to defend Trump directly. This will be a big test to see if he's truly uncucked.

Vote no. The fidelity of marriage doesn't exist with fags. They fuck anything from kids to 40 year old men on craigslist.

The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”



How many republican conservative gays are there and what are they conserving?

It does for gay men at least:


Women appear to be the issue with marriage fidelity, not sexuality.

Well, where gay marriage is the law of the land, they are conserving that as the tradition and not extending rights further to trannies who want to use the women's locker room.

No one gives a shit about gay people, he’s safe

Isn't becoming a tranny the next step in bottom receivers?
