What happened to Western society?

Please explain to me: what happens to western society? Why sjw fight for reception of fucking muslims, which oppose equality, gay and for patriarchy? Where is the logic? Why I white russian man who wants work in Europe or US, pay taxes, to love western culture and help build a best socity on earth – CAN'T EVEN GET A VISA in your country, but fucking dirty state financed muslims which destroy your culture and fuck your white girls? Can SJW-policy really to destroy Europe and US?

>Where is the logic?

Our schools teach art and feelings now.

We got cucked.

And there is nothing we can do about it.

>tfw when live in muslim country that allows you to be christian, also gays are outlawed

Because we have forgotten that violence and oppression are the building blocks of civilization.

Strike the irritate woman, hang the criminal nigger, gas the scheming jew.

I studied to be a math teacher here and it's hell

the media programmed them

I was a kid in the 90's I remember what it was like back then
It's hard to explain what it was like in the pre-internet era, but it was sort of like the TV was god. Everyone was watching the same shows, at the same time. The #1 topic of conversation was usually TV or movies.

It was like the TV wasn't part of normal reality. It was marching in a deterministic way over the arc of history in a pre-planned, divinely inspired path. The average person had no effect whatsoever on the world at large, it wasn't like the internet where the average person could broadcast a message to thousands or millions.

If you got on TV, it was almost like everyone wanted to touch you, to make sure you were real. I remember a classmate got on the local news, and instantly became the most popular person in school. Everyone asking him what it was like, and wow wow YOU GOT ON TV!!!!

The TV shows were all full of subtle programming and messaging, designed to influence social attitudes in a desired direction. Everyone understood this, and took their cues from it. People found that they were socially rewarded for repeating these messages, and frowned upon when they didn't.

The best way to understand would be to watch the movie Forrest Gump. The way that this retarded man is swept along by the current of history, that's what it was like for the average person back then. They were a passive spectator, their opinions didn't matter or affect anything, the only thing that mattered is what the people in the box said.

Lucky they're Asian. Arab mudslimes would not be so tolerant

Yes, in Russia also many fucking muslims. It is very big problem. They can do everything, but simple white working Russians have nothing. Feudalism. We in Russia look at West like as the society of the future. And we want that you dont have the problems. If the problems will be your, soon the problems will be our. Sory for my English.

you wanna know what's happened?

they are tryn to kill diveristy that is the most beautiful thing on this planet
how can they do this?

VERY SIMPLE, they have killed the critical thinking. nowadays you can't think outside binaries, critic is not allowed and children grow up thinking things are black or white.


You should know better rusky , there is no logic in leftism is like when the urss autistically screamed about western class warfare while establishing an almost caste system internally.
Or when they killed the aral sea to grow crops in the fucking desert.
Leftist are mentally ill and since they are hardcore atheist they want redemption in this life and will hug a lion if it means they can sleep thinking they are somehow morally superior.

TPTB got lucky with crafting post war institutions, using the feelings of the time to write in abusable mechanisms like asylum and refugee provisions, human rights and religious freedoms, all at the same time. we needed the internet to be able to comprehend the implications of this jewery.
We started fighting back.

Navalny is out of the presidential race right? or he still can try defeat Putin?

m8 how can you sing that song and post that image, when your country keeps arresting the man and beating up his followers?

Blame the United Nations.

Besides, the west is collapsing anyways, you don't want to be in this hellhole when SHTF.

Besides, I knew a Russian guy who lived here, weird guy but was alright and harmless.

Got thrown out of Australia and sent back to Russia because he was busted with an ounce of marijuana. Meanwhile niggers home invade and rape but are allowed to stay.
God save us.

You can't get a visa to US?
wtf? I see Russian tourists all the fucking time in Boston.
Fuck, I ran into a couple of Russian girls from Moscow playing Pokemon Go in the Commons just last weekend asking if I knew where to find a Tauros.
As tempted as I was to say, "In my pants" I didn't because they looked like they could kick my ass, and my gf would have helped.

We are under the oppression of Satan, because we have become apostates. We will survive in the form of Catholic culture, but we will likely suffer a century plus of persecution and foreign rule.

God's curse is only for a time though, like the Babylonian Exile.

> birth control
> abortion
> rejection of religion
> socialism
> divorce
in a word: jews

People who support Nevalny are the reason Russia is getting cucked
He's clearly a proxy fag its fucking easy to get a visa in russia

We've got 20% muslims and they all live in Chechnya which no one here visits they don't really cause to much trouble
>Ignoring the fact that Russian tourists are in every country you can imagine other then any aftrican country and that Nevalny has been out of the country multiple times

>what happens to western society?
we abandoned God and are now facing his wrath
t. agnostic

i don't know how else to comprehend what's happening, but it's written into religious mythology.


I straight read your entire post in a Russian accent kek

Western elites drank their own poisoned kool-aid.

The west is run by coked out child molesting psychopaths.

The only thing the west does better than Russia is hiding corruption and brainwashing the public to believe fairytales.

You in Russia, you grew up knowing your government was corrupt. You grew up knowing your media was a bunch of lying fucks. Here in the west, people grow up knowing their government is Just and Right. Here in the west people grow up knowing the media tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I can seriously hear your Russian accent as I read your words.

woah boi time for bed

May be because you're useless for the western society? If you'd have taught maths instead of jumping on meetings against Putin, you'd have eligible skills to get a work visa.

This thread

>took over the world
>the peasants are uprising
>they just need some boots
>EU is a US vassal nation
>enjoy the Vatican's Islam

Russians aren't white. Shoo shoo smelly Slav.

Wealth brings less material problems and enables immaterial problems. If you're poor as fuck you don't think about gorillion genders - you think about your survival

tl;dr: Navalny is a socialist, who supports Hillary. He who supports Navalny supports the degeneracy in its finest.

Now, longer version:

Navalny is a leftist scum. Whoever supports him supports modern western degeneracy, not western tradition.

Navalny's main economics councellor is Vladimir Milov, a prominent Obama and democrat (not republican) supporter, who also supported Hillary Clinton on recent elections, and he wants to see socialist minimum wage implemented in Russia. Oh, by the way, he also believes in global warming and all this green energy shit, which also means he will push the progressivist agenda also.

>Where is the logic? Why I white russian man who wants work in Europe or US
and who is gonna work in cold russian mines and steel factories???


russia, please... get real

you are stuck in russia coz no one wants to work in a cold mine and die at 50 years old

if russia had nice government they would make white russians the BOSS and import niggers to work in the cold mines and dirty factories

say thank you to SWJ commies that fucked russia up

SJW and US/Israel/Vatican and EU are behind all the shit that Russia has been going through.

I feel for the Russian people and all the oppression the had to go through.. even though while Russian were under commie dictatorship.. you did a lot of shit to other countries.. like Lithuania or Poland or Hungaru and Checks etc etc

First you need to fix your Zionist government and make Russia great again.

Russia is the richest with the resources. You have it all

You are just too fucking scared to fix your country

All you want to do is complain and be cucked

Your Navalny fag is up to no good. He is leading you away from greatness

And Putin is a Zio fag as well..

Both Putin and Navalny are fags who are enemies of Russian people

You need to organize your own country

You need to remember that Russia at this moment is nothing but a resourse store-house for the rest of the World

How much resources does Russia export to EU, US and China?? A lot.

And how much do you get in return? Almost nothing. And the little that Russia gets in money for your resources IS STOLEN by the Oligarchs(Putin and his friends)

For Christ's sake Russians.. there are 140 million of you.. YOU CAN MAKE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN

but you are pussies.. unfortunately. Good Luck.. you poor bastards

Don't come to the west.. make Russia Great Again. Don't be cucks.

But Analny is just a turbo-SJW leftist sponsored by Soros to stirr public unrest in Russia.

Because you have useless humanitarian degree and no skills beyond flipping burgers, just like every lobotomized subhuman on Analny flashmobs.

This. Even an Englishman can't get a visa to the USA without skills.

He is the only opponent of fucking putler

Nah, Navalny is making himself look too dumb to be true. Either he's Kremlin agent or just doing this to scam retards for money

Fair point, but I guess most of muslims also don't have the skills in maths.

>You can't get a visa to US?

I've tried to get a tourist visa to US once but was rejected for no reason.

Because they want to destroy the white man no matter what it takes.. So obviously theyre not going to let other whites immigrate to the West

You don't get rejected by USA embassy for no reason you lying piece of shit

Because no one likes coke sniffing Russian incest baboons. Don’t even try to come to EU. Russia should be fucking bombed. Russia is nothing but a place of disgrace. Rot in hell Russian people

But I did.

Ahahaha, Navalny is not for low taxes! He supports minimum wages! How can he implement his socialist agenda without raising taxation? And Milov, his economics councelor, says they will not, I repeat, WILL NOT lower VAT in Russia, which is a huge profit generator for govt right now.

As far as I know pajeets and pakis have special rights in England only on the basis that they once were colonies of the empire and are Commonwealth.

I mean that there're no much privileges for them in terms of immigration. And I'm actually glad that the western countries don't accept useless scum from Russia.

"What happened to western society"
>Liberated women.

SJW's / ANTIFA is powered by gay white boys who like to get anal fucked by blacks, I'm not joking.

Go to omegle and use the tag "nigger" and "niggers". So many white boys looking for a dominator or a slave you'll ask what the hell is going on in this world.

Jews, my (hopefully) ethnic russian friend.

Why are you so buttmad Turkey?

and women who are against white previlege are degenerate and want to be trashed. Those will be single moms very soon.


Russia was never great to begin with, it was always totally dependent on the western countries.

I agree, man. Accept only phd and skilled people.

I think he is talking about a working visa not tourism..

Co się stało, pytasz? Żydy, proszę Pana :(

>Russia was never great to begin with
lol you are just a fucking cuck.. go fuck your self you are not welcome in Europe you pussy bitch.

Russia was Great before communists. At least just as great as any western country or better.

So check yourself you dumb russki idiot cuck

Slavs are Vikings that sailed east, shit for brains. Learn your history, Jew boy

Could you post in English, please.
Not everyone understands Polish here.

Europe is our only hope, europeans must stop being so subsmissive, don't let others shit on us. Europe can't sink or the world is doomed.

Just apply on one of those Soros-funded programs from Open Russia, just like your leader.

(((This))) happened, OP.

Also (((this))).

>Russia was Great before communists.

In what terms? It was a backwards, undeveloped and poor shithole - before, during and after communists. The only more or less decent regions in the Imperial Russia were Finland, Poland and the Baltics.

>used to be on par with the great powers of the West before 1917
>literally lower than african countries now
Just nuke us already. God has abandoned this land.

I dont get why Europe is taking darkies.. If it was only North America being the "land of immigrants" "melting pot" then we wouldnt have a major problem but the rest of you fuckers all had to jump on our cancerous bandwagon

you russians became lazy scared cucked bitches who always complain and dream of running away to the west so you can use our nice system to your benefit

but you never do anything to fix Russia

thats why everyone hates you and we don't want you hear

just get it through your dumb round head you shitfaced idiot.

WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE.. just like we don't want niggers here.

we want nice russians.. like those before the commies fucked you all up

and you are not a nice russian.. you are an entitled commie scum.. i piss in your face your fucking snow nigger(((until you fix yourself)))

Russia was so great it lost war to technically and manpower inferior Japan. So great it entered ww1 on condition of pardoning gazillions of credits.

>>used to be on par with the great powers of the West before 1917

Russia was never on par with the great powers of the West.
It was always Africa-tier except for a couple of semi-civilized places.

fuck off dummie. i'm done with you. russians became too dumb to even try to talk with them

a pathetic piece of shit nation who only wants to betray your own land..

fuck.. you are so pathetic you almost make me puke

you are literally worse then niggers.. shit.. lol

i can't even imagine how can anyone fall lower then russki scum who doesn't want to fight for the better life on that huge and rich with resources territory

everyone looks at you like shit. get it through you dumb head. noone wants you here LITERALLY

why do you even want to come here??
oh.. i forgot.. you enjoy being shit on.. right??
you just want to be shit on while living in a nice country like USA

fuuuuck.. fuuuuuuck.. what a retarded shitfaced people those russkies.. literal scum


They consider us worse than blacks and Arabs.
t. Pyccкий

I agree with you. But unfortunately those are Russian. As the Russian writer Solzhenitsyn said: "The Russians have pathological inability to self-organization." We'd rather kill each other than unite.

just keep shitting on your country and your people.. we'll see where it will get you..

what a literal idiot..

do you see this idiot guys??? lol

so much self hate

from what I've heard Russia didn't even have a War with Japan.. it was a local conflict where Russia didn't even use their full power

..i fucking hate people who shit on their own country. no matter where you are from

if you shit on your country then you are the worst piece of shit and don't deserve to be considered a human

we are not gonna help you russkies.. lol

you think anyone gonna help you, while you shit on your own country you dumb fag??


look at this fool, guys.. spit on him.

You do not understand, Our goverments dont want white hard workers. Otherwise we'd take South african refugees but we dont. Our goverments want to destroy us and so do the upper class people who think they fix the world by letting all the niggers live with the lower class.

you are prolly not even a russki but some lib jew cuck lol

pretty high chance i'm right

All forces which promote secularism, globalism, liberalism, progressivism and feminism (Jewish tendencies) are alien elements in the society which seek to enslave the people to international oligarchs.

Russia is lucky in that sense that the Russian security agencies led by Putin purged the country of most of these oligarchs in the late 90s. Also, the church in Russia appears to be a strong moral force which brings the people together and strengths the national identity.

As an outsider, perhaps I have an overly optimistic view of your country, but this is my analysis in comparing Russia to the west and identifying what the key variables are in explaining the differences.

>Our goverments want to destroy us
no they don't

we all take niggers so the niggers work and white people can sit on Sup Forums and have a nice life and shit

niggers are good for economy

do you really want to work hard at a factory??

what are you retarded??

i recently been to Amsterdam and I love how sand-niggers do all the hard work there

And white Dutch people only do the office work and smoke weed.

no one is destroying Holland.. it's beautiful just like the rest of Europe

I agree that we all have to control niggers and shit.. but I don't agree that we don't need them

we do need workers for hard, dirty jobs

I don't want to see white people working their ass off for minimum wage

stop being a fucking cry baby.

This is what happens when you let a bunch of cultureless, materialist & atheist humanlets to rule your country.
Taк чтo вceх этих oтeиcтoв и лeнтaчфaгoв нaдo гнaть кyдa пoдaльшe или пoдaвлять, пoкa мoжнo. A Haвaлилный - лeвoлибepaльный пидopac, кoтopый """бopeтcя""" c кoppyпциeй. Пyтин - тoжe нe нa мнoгo лyчшe.

why do you think so?

Go back to /po/rasha, дeбилы блядь.

checked. yeah, I remember the TV era. Pretty much what this user said.

>Putin purged the country of most of these oligarchs
lol i don't think you are up to date

there are more Oligarchs that came about during Putin, then there were before Putin

Putin is a Zionist fag who sold Russia out and make a conflict with every country bordering Russia

he is a real fag. no one likes him

the only people who like him are the "right-wing' fags who are clearly reatrded and have never actually been to Russia and don't know shit

Putin is a real fag..

We border with Russia and it's nothing good..

these crazy russian cucks are a real problem.

most of them are dirt poor idiots and Putin drains the country of it's money

..that's why OP wants to run away.. that bitch ass cuck

all russians do is either RUN.. or SERVE

they are literally worthless and have no selfrespect (plus most Russians are not even russian.. they are jews and other shitfaced fags)

Этo пиздeц кaкoй-тo, нa двaчe вчepa читaл, чтo Haвaльный - пpaвoлибeepaльнaя мpaзь.
What for?

>being a math teacher
Wasted career.
Wasted life.
Wasted everything.
You fucked up. Turn around and do something else while you are still young

>we all take niggers so the niggers work and white people can sit on Sup Forums and have a nice life and shit
>niggers are good for economy

t.time traveler from 1700 america

Look at how weak the EU countries are. Where are their warriors?

NATO is a paper tiger. Once the missiles begin landing NATO will show its true colors. These armies have no idea what they're fighting for.

it's mostly the anglos, swedes and germs, but yeah it's fucked.

> top row - good countries
> bottom - totalitarian shitholes

>Russia complaining about Muslims

Putin is not a Zionist shill. He financed all of Israel's immediate adversaries: the Iranians, Saddam Hussein, Ghadafi and the Assad dynasty.

Дpyжищe, тo ecть пyтин нe бecкyльтypный(чeлoвeк, кoтopый нaзвaл вдoв пoгибших мopяк "Кypcкa" шлюхaми, чeлoвeк кoтopый взopвaл дoмa и т.д.), нe мaтepиaлиcтичный(oдин eгo двopeц в гeлeнжикe чeгo cтoит) и нe aтeиcт(ты cepьeзнo дyмaeшь, чтo тaкoй бecпpинципный чeлoвeк из ГБyхи мoжeт быть вepyющим)? Tы cepьeзнo?

>top row - countries run by Jews
>bottom - countries not run by Jews

>no one is destroying Holland.. it's beautiful just like the rest of Europe
You take that back you cuck, You dont know what its like beeing lower class and living between all these apes. How much niggers does Lithuania even have? You dont know how bad this shit is. They dont even work they come for handouts. They get all the appartments so people like me cant move out. They get them for free and they only get more and more money for retarded programms like teaching them how to swim since theyre retarded. And meanwhile jobs try to fuck the white people over by not giving us full contracts. So we dont get many hours and we dont get to build up our retirement fund. I will work three fucking jobs from tomorrow on. And even that wont make me enough money. So the fuck you think youre talking about.

coz most russians are shitfaces kikes.
the chances you are one of them are pretty high

or give your photo with proofs so we can see how white russian you are

may be you are some kike who doesn't want to go and fight for Israel.. and wants to get an easy ride to USA where you can suck off uncles Sam's jew defending tit.. right??

I know that russian jews in US get a lot of free shit/help

that's why you want to run to US lol..

you don't see me running anywhere lol.. coz I have a business here in Europe

but russian jews always run coz they can't handle business in russia coz you are fucked by other russian jew who can handle business

shit.. jews are so fucking annoying.

anyway.. give your picture with proofs so we can see that you are an actual russian

but then again if you are russian.. then you are still a scum cuck who shits on his people and you don't deserve respect

so it's a lose lose situation for you

no one likes you wether you are a russian or a jew russian

just stay in russia and fix it. don't come here please

Wtf I like jews now.

the eternal anglo strikes again

all is run by Vatican. as far as i know

I am russian.
Honesty, would you choose to live in a country from the top row or from the bottom?

Ha (((Двaчe))). Я тaм жe 3 дня нaзaд читaл тpeд кaкoгo-тo зaбyгpeннoгo coц-дeмa, кoтopый aгpилcя c тoгo, чтo нa Двaчe кaк-тo мнoгo либepтapных cтaлo. Любыe coциaльныe пpoгpeccивиcты - гoвнo, ecли чecтнo. Чтo гoвнo c флaжкoм poзы в pyкe, чтo гoвнo c флaжкoм дoллapa.
A peaльнo - Haвaльный и нe пpaвый, и нe лeвый, и тeм бoлee нe фaшгoй. Oн - пceвдooппoзиция, кoтopoй лишь бы шeкeли coбиpaть c пyбличных aкций и дaвaть пoвoды глaвным CMИ и влacтям oтвлeчь нac oт peaльных пpoблeм нa "ooo cмopитe нoвый пpoтecт нoвaльнoгo oгo этoж peвaлюцeя cмoтpитe кaк кpyтo".

Get out of Ukrainian Crimea average Russian white