>thinks race mixing and multiculturalism is bad because it turns everyone into one mixed mess
>thinks it's great how whites raped and killed most of the native americans
Thinks race mixing and multiculturalism is bad because it turns everyone into one mixed mess
Should have killed them all, clean slate.
Rape + murder = Canada
Rape + no murder = Mexico
It isn't great at all. Every piece of shit savage on this continent should have been put to the sword.
If anything the spanish were incompetent fucks for not cleaning the continent, look at us, most of our native population got reduced to mere thousands and we are one of the best latam countries
>Eats chicken
>thinks it would be horrible if chickens ate humans
thinks it is paid to make shill threads. sage
Yeah? What's your point, faggot?
>raped the natives
No. That's terrible. That's where beaners came from.
>tmw race mixing destroys white DNA
>tmw multiculturalism destroys culture
>tmw muslims have been raping underage little girls since the very first day they built their first sand hut
>tmw Native Americans brought it on themselves
It's a game of wombs.
White seed in wombs is good.
Non-white seed in wombs is bad.
>>thinks it's great how whites raped
Stopped reading there
>he thinks criminal Cholo mestizo mutt is better than a cute nature loving indian
>My ancestors forced natives to eat shit so now it's our turn to lie down and eat shit from immigrants until we're in reserves.
cuckthink - not even once
No amount of cute anime pictures will change RACE REALISM.
There's no such thing as a cute indian. All the cute Indians mixed with superior white men.
>says the 440 lbs amerikike
looks like an Asian,
>natives be like we wuz chinese an shiieeet
>fucking leaf
They are asian
>far right one
Why is her snatch so high up?
90% of natives were wiped out by disease
I wouldn't mind a light skinned n*gger gf
God is real, and I know this because he put little brown girls all over the planet.
Her tribal pantsus are so tight
Wouldn't std's or some for of them be very much possible if mixing with tribal women who eat I guess bugs and rodents that they find in the desert and or bush? Also, hygiene is basically non existent.
The strongest should survive you pussy. It's your fault when the aliens win the intergalactic war because we have been breeding garbage humans.
Yes, and?
Natives are cute as fuck don't you dare compare them to niggers. They're the same waifu tier as chinks.
Most of the deaths of the native americans were experienced due to the accidental spreading of European diseases. The idea that the Europeans gave the natives infected blankets to purposely spread disease is pure nonsense.
Weren't the native americans pretty tolerant of the new migrants at first? Just like Europe of current year.
Then the amount of new Americans became high enough for them to just take over.
They thought they were gods because of the armor and guns
Probably a good life lesson for people to think about when it comes to immigration.
no, not proud of that
Shalom goyim, remember libertarians are your friends
Most of the natives were savages who raped and murdered early settlers and their own. They had to be put down and exterminated, so that is exactly what we did.
And we treat the rapefugees like kings.
Tfw no white mexican gf
No it happened, but it was just a few isolateted incidents, maybe one incident. It definitely happened once at least.
But it wasn't some regular thing. Diseases spread through trade basically.
My ancestors brought families with them when they settled the continent. Why didn't yours?
i like what you have brought up, are lesser races better with white blood in them? i can confirm , that yes! they are. i am better than my so called blood, by the fact that i have germanic and slavic blood, whereas they do not
so does that mean, that the half cast octaroon, will be masters overseers??? i think so
Its not great, i don't think It is great, should have done like the british and americans and systematically genocided the natives
No because they brought niggers in
The main difference is that you didn't bring women or families, and much less people in general came and settled.
>thinks race mixing and multiculturalism is bad because it turns everyone into one mixed mess
>thinks it's great how whites raped and killed most of the native americans
How are these contradictory? We up here in the North genocided the fuck out of the Amerindians and shit worked out pretty well until 1965. America and Canada were white as hell and the negroes were contained and tame. Meanwhile in Latin America shit got derailed by the mestizo, Indian, black etc. populations fucking over the attempts of whites and castizos to civilize their countries. The two biggest tragedies of the Americas are what pre-Columbian civilization could have been and what Latin America could have been.
I'd BLEACHED.com Kuruminha too but following your dick isn't a good way to build a society, contrary to Marxist and libertarian dogma.
Literally no one thinks that. We don't want what happened to the native Americans to happen to us. Why would anyone want that?
enough with the "white" meme. Spaniards and Portoniggers did. Not "white" people.
How many Danes killed and raped the native Americans? Stop talking shit you meme flag faggot new worlder cunt.
Varg, go.
nej. Fuck you and your "white" race shit. Its a pure multicultural hellhole definition which have no place outside that sticking pile of shit that is the new world.
I will fuck off when you stop using such disgusting terms as "white" people. FUCK OFF
European. There, how's that, you flaming autist?
God forbid your people should be associated with something great that another European people did.
and no rape + no murder?
again fuck off. It was not the Swedes, Russians or Greeks that killed and raped the native populations away in the new world. Stop collectivise different people that are not the same.
and stop posting with that pathetic meme flag.
>God forbid your people should be associated with something great that another European people did
like I give a shit about greatness that my nation was not involved in. Do not do me any favours proto mutt.
do you also say
"Europeans invaded England during the 900s" or do you say
"Vikings invaded England during the 900s"
stop mixing different peoples into the same shit. When talking about China you dont say "Asia this" you say "CHINA" you fucking mongrel.
>raped and killed
It's OK if you cut the bitches throat after you finish. just think of it as a preemptive abortion.
>It was not the Swedes, Russians or Greeks that killed and raped the native populations away in the new world.
You're like lolbergs trying to claim fascists and national socialists aren't right wing because they're terrified of being associated with them. Because they, and you, buy into the leftist meme of their being bad. You're pathetic, only asserting your national identity as a way of escaping shitlib slurs; we see it all the time here in the new world and it's fucking disgusting every single time it crops up.
Kill yourself.
>You're like lolbergs trying to claim fascists and national socialists aren't right wing because they're terrified of being associated with them
>Because they, and you, buy into the leftist meme of their being bad.
nice strawman and no fuck you.
>You're pathetic, only asserting your national identity as a way of escaping shitlib slurs; we see it all the time here in the new world and it's fucking disgusting every single time it crops up.
what the fuck are you on about? Your national identity is A M E R I C A N you cunt. Mine is the same as my ethnicity; Danish. Being danish is not just a nationality its an ethnicity as well. New worlders are fucking disgusting. Go die in a ditch you subhuman.
>Kill yourself
if the nazis had won my people would have been viewed as 2nd class but still part of the good race (brother people) while cunt mutts like you would be gassed. And I would gladly be the one to gas you freaks.
>intragroup distinctions mean that the wider group doesn't exist
Where have I heard this argument before? Really activates the almonds!
Yes. Racial and ethnic identity are not the same thing, I'm not arguing that. But you're buying into their thought patterns. Do you not know what a European is? Do you not know what a fucking Asian or an Arab or a nigger is? I don't believe that you actually see "Japanese," or "Libyan," or "Somalian." They're fucking Asians, Arabs and niggers. There are two levels and you're totalizing one because you're a coward with shitlibs living rent-free in your empty head.
>what the fuck are you on about? Your national identity is A M E R I C A N you cunt
Correct, but Americans will go on about their ~Norwegian~ or ~Spanish~ or ~Polish~ heritage (i.e. their fucking surnames, we're all Amerikaner euromutts here), especially when leftists go on the offensive. "WE didn't do the genocide, WE didn't do bad things, pls don't hurt us!" It's, as I said, fucking disgusting and ovenworthy and you should be ashamed for pushing that garbage when there's not even a leftist sperging out ITT.
>Do you not know what a European is?
a person of Indo-European descent aka hailing from the European continent. A very vague thing just as vague as "Asian" for instance. Try and ask how Koreans and Japs feel about being called the very same thing. Sure they will both agree that they are Asians but they will agree that it is secondary and not the primary identity. Same for Europeans. You are aware how "Europeans" have tried to genocide each other for generations right? How we hate each other and so on. There is no "white" unity and sure as hell is no European unity.
>Correct, but Americans will go on about their ~Norwegian~ or ~Spanish~ or ~Polish~ heritage
Truly cancer and just another reason to despise you mutts. You are the living avatar of everything Sup Forums hates; the true melting pot of multiracial and cultural mix.
>you should be ashamed for pushing that garbage
why? I am a Dane first, Scandinavian second, north Germanic third, Germanic fourth and European as an afterthought. Not my fault you mutts have mixed and blurred the lines so much. Deal with your own shit new worlder.
Going by your shitty broad terms means I could say "Asians did the rape of nanking". Only a complete idiot would say that.
Over 90% of the Native Americans that died were killed by germs before there was a germ theory of sickness. Not exactly the genocide it's painted to be.