Terry Crews says the Harvey Weinstein scandal has given him PTSD because he's getting flashbacks from the time he his genitals were groped by a Hollywood executive.
Sick stuff that goes around in Hollywood.
Terry Crews says the Harvey Weinstein scandal has given him PTSD because he's getting flashbacks from the time he his genitals were groped by a Hollywood executive.
Sick stuff that goes around in Hollywood.
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If touching genitals is so fucking traumatic to americans maybe they could fix that by not sexually abusing all their children and amputating sexual organs all willy nilly
Terry Crews says he didn't speak out at the time because of three reasons.
1.) The executive called and apologized.
2.) He was afraid of losing his career.
The 6ft3 245 pound strong black man was also afraid to kick his ass because he was afraid of the ensuing headlines which would ultimately land him in prison.
I didn't know it was considered normal in Australia to have your nuts grabbed by someone without their permission.
Then again, you guys are penal colony descendants who fuck kangaroos so I'm not surprised
I'm surprised this thread didn't get more attention.
Black cocks don't matter?
why would we care if some nigger got molested? do you care about stallions getting handjobs from cute college girls studying animal husbandry?
niggers are animals, they don't have rights, if some jew feels one up who cares
i think the significance of this story is that a strong 6ft3 245 pound black man was afraid of speaking up because of the career implications.
this just screams volumes about how powerful the hollywood gayfag mafia is
He wasn't sexually assaulted , it was a male powermove.
really is sad that Sup Forums is making jokes about the inhumane crimes of the open-secret gayfag mafia that exists in Hollywood
Is that what you used to tell yourself when your dad made you suck his cock?
Hollywood is fucking creepy.
Molesting lesser humans like women or children is despicable.
But, molesting a gigga nigga like Crews, that takes balls. Whoever did it must be a real life Metal Gear Solid villain.
So, he was afraid of being blackballed for his black balls and being black and bald?
i mean, that hollywood executive got away with grabbing a black man's cock and balls. just gripping that shit with a grin on his face according to the article.
any average joe would get his ass kicked like i did back in high school. i was the water boy for my football team. one time i was in the shower room and i was caught staring at this one guy's huge black cock. hell, everyone was looking at it. you couldn't miss that massive swinging piece of meat. i was the only one caught eyeing it though and i got the shit kicked out of me just for looking
you're amazed that power isn't purely a physical phenom?
>do you care about stallions getting handjobs from cute college girls studying animal husbandry?
If this is code for cuckoldry then yes.
O P I E ?
opie definitely seems like the type of fag who loves black cock but i don't think it was him
besides, this was a hollywood executive. opie is a loser now that his radio show is gone
No. He foesnt do leg day and has little school boy legs for the jews he a good boy
>245lbs black man gets cucked by gay jew
>tfw just right
Gregshells would blow a dude
I had a similar experience in high school. During class I just had to duck off into the toilets and it was just me in there and two other black guys who were showering. Both were refugees so they were 100% Nubian and holy shit my eyes just gravitated down, you see it in porn but in real life its a whole different thing. Both were about the size of a babies forearm, it was honestly hard to believe it was the same organ as my penis. Anyways they both shouted some shit at me for peeking and I scurried out of there.
shitted.com nobody believes you
B-but Terry Crews seems like a really nice person...
The watermelon fears the Matzah ball
ME: I go way back with the dick..... SNIFF
The only time I ever had my nuts grabbed was back in grade school but that was just Genitalia inspection day
Lol believe what you want but I know what I saw
lol mad bro...
High level clueless or low level troll... really spinnin my noggin!
>three reasons.
>list only two
fucking faggot cant even count fuck off
What a fag, should have knocked that Jew cunt spark out.
>has lots of money anyway
>gets arrested, but is a famous celebrity so kind of a cop out excuse
I hope Kim nukes LA. What a clusterfuck.
Shaq also had his cock grabbed by someone powerful
gotta seriously wonder how big his cock must be
Because we can get rid of some jew exec.
>its real
PTSD is when you get strong thoughts/emotions flashbacks and reliving of traumatic shit that happened to you.. So he's not lying
nothing more pathetic than a fully grown hulk of a man playing the victim card
big fucking deal, that shit happens to everyone in nightclubs
the guy grabbed his dick in front of his wife
but user, he did list three reasons
>t. Asian faggot.
>"see honey, im so desirable even (((they))) want this big bad monster here in my pants"
>goes home and rams his wife
solved, no need to cry and write a drama on twitter
>no need to cry and write a drama on twitter
It's like you don't even understand how social media works.
t. sensitive nu-male who thinks his junk is worth as much as a vagina+hymen
for a confident alpha chad a dick grab is like a handshake, just water off a duck's back
This pretty much
When guys get raped this is what it comes down to most of the time. A display of dominance, sexual favors and out right cock sucking. Giving up your ass or taking someones ass
It happens in the entertainment industry and even in sports. For example Pro-wrestling, many wrestlers in the wwf/wwe had to turn gay just to get a title shot
In football it's probably worse, it's straight up pedophilia. Check out Jerry Sandusky and the Penn State cover up. Even fabled coach - Joe Paterno knew what was going on
>Mfw I hear even Terry Crews was molested by Jews.
Bet you was lovong the news of all the celebs who supported clinton. Yet she had ties to weinstein and all her history? Try joining the dots
Making my way downtown walking fast
Faces pass and I'm home bound
Staring blankly ahead just making my way
Making a way through the crowd
And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder
A trip fag with a meme flag. You have to go back.
The jews love their niggers don't they?
>Kuwabara, kuwabara
Nothing quite like a hollywood scandal to draw public eyes away from serious issues
Your flag is possibly the biggest meme right now throughout the world. To the point even americans arnt sure what to do with it.
Btw take a note from my i.d.
I queef on your comments
>kicking criminal authorities
Nigga would suicide with his wife next day.
You are not even showing your flag
Im from the u.k. robin hood country mate. Nottinghamshire to be exact. Ask and you shall receive pleb
>going out of your way to specifically imply black men are stronger
Go back to T_D.
Btw you totally got another queef
Based Hans.
Can’t be true. Were I a black guy and some Jew groped me for package size I do believe I would whip it out on him and invite him to have a puff. For luls. “And no goddam teeth, Shlomo, or I’ll break your fucking neck!”
Terry Crews is awesome. I wish I lived in the timeline where he snapped that guy's neck and then became Trump's VP.
/pol pay attention. This is courage.
Yes, he should have come forward sooner. However, we all know there are plenty of actors in Hollyweird who would lie for their producers in a heartbeat. He would have been painted as the bad guy. I wish he would name names though. Protecting these guys is shameful.
Football. This comment made me think back to a documentary that explained the origins of the phrase "keep it on the down low".
Holy shit-
Is that President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?
The trouble is if President Commacho names them without having either proof or a vagina they will sue his Black ass back to the cotton fields.
He was groped by a man. He even said he would of beat the living hell out of him, if it wasn't for the fact that he would of destroyed his career. If anything, we need to ban the homos.
This. Fucken this.
What do you think the Rock let harvey do?
WTAFF are we supposed to do, faggot? Oh wait, I know, let’s have a drum circle and sing kumbaya!!
KYS. Hollywood is a giant fucking cesspool for which I give zero fucks. The douchebags knew this shit was going on, from more than just Jabba the Jew, and couldn’t care less. But your delicate sensibilities are offended because (((WE))) aren’t offended enough?
G. T. F. O.
thats some next level trolling right there
imagine if this happened in any other industry
>be successful ai researcher, make some big breakthrough
>at a conference, everyone who's anyone is there
>bill gates walks up and grabs your dong, gives it a few tugs while looking you in the eye and smiling
I second that emotion.
Terry Crews is a class act and I legit want to fuck that groper's shit up.
Thank fuck you missed the get
I wonder how it would have gone down if he were young and not yet established. I'm grateful he felt far enough along in his career to refuse the advances. I think he is courageous for telling his story regardless of when/how it happened.
Humans preying off pyramid structure power dynamics are weak and sad. Nobody should have to endure that in any for. Sexual or otherwise.
Hollywood movies suck ass majorly anyways, russia should nuke california and jew york.
The american cuck empire is taking wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy too long to fall, they need some help
He's great in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I love how he references himself in the third person because it's so silly. It makes OP quote sound like he's actually making /ourjoke/.
These incidents will only be used to further demonize "white" men.
The particular men in question behaved like demons how should they be characterized?
>Willy nilly
Weinstein and the demons who run Hollywood are not white, they're Semites.
>Two guys having "Run in's" with black guys in the shower, one being australia where the only population of blacks is so insiginificant it's statistically rare to run into them and they both sound extremely homosexual wonder what's up here
I fucking love Terry Crews man ;_;
what we should be doing is create more chaos, and start calling those roasties antisemites, that'd be fun to watch how everyone starts picking up their own fights
Sup Forums should take this opportunity and divide & conquer the left
At that point it is fuck my career i'm whooping some ass. But he was in the NFL so he is used to old white men treating his body like property. Alot of gay shit happens there.
>imagine if this happened in any other industry
>sexual harassment only happens in the entertainment industry
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
I was talking about this to my dad today. The women in Hollywood who failed to come forward with info on this abuse act like they have it the worst. But what about all the boys that have been molested? It's much more embarrassing for a man to admit he was molested than it is for a woman.
MEGA BUFF nigger - gets groped
you know you fucked up when a musclebound giga nigga is crying about how you raped him too.
This weinstein guy is a madman