>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump welcomes Pitt Penguins to WH 10/10/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Kissinger 10/10/17
>FLotUS Melania visits infant opioid treatment center WV 10/10/17
>VP Pence gets update on burning commies 10/10/17
>Proj Veritas - America Pravda NYT pt 1 10/10/17
>Dep SoS Sullivan @Blockchain Forum 10/10/17
>Trump TV Weekly Update #11 (Lara) 10/10/17
>Ivana Trump interview on F&F 10/10/17
>StateDep Spcl Press Brief on hizballah (Heather, Amb Sales, NCTC Dir Rasmussen) 10/10/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/10/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/10/17
>WH Video: VP and 2nd Lady in PR &user islands 10/10/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in LV 10/10/17
>DepInt video: Natl Wildlife Refuge Week 10/10/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
>Obama leaf is back to get rekt
Go ahead and post your pasta dude, let's get it over with.
too slow, you werent the first post on your own thread, the circle jerk is ruined now
Could you NOT be the consistently worst OP for once and occupy the first post?
This bad boy just showed up in South Korea ready to fire Tomohawk missiles
War confirmed?
where you goys findin your Melania pics I want sum
Make your post before linking the thread dummy. There's about 30 seconds between posting the thread where it can't be seen on the catalog. OP should always get first post or you're doing it wrong.
>we're still doing this "a source said" shit
He's been spamming it for about a week now. This is all the left has when Trump just keeps winning.
>Trump makes the NFL bend the knee in record time
>H-he's dumb!
I'm making a new Moonman album
>not being signed up for the WH news letter.
Democrats amirite
Why didn't you vote for Bernie?
What showed up? All I see are a couple of tugboats fucking around.
You can be OP then if you'd like
Is the skellington lover finally gone?
>I..I thought we were cooking
I'll feed you something if you know what I mean
lmao Bernie would've destroyed America. We'd be Venezuela 2.0
OK, I think I've hit all the major points from my notes. It was more substantive than what I included but I cut out a lot of stuff that's "basic knowledge" to anyone following these stories in the Daily Mail since the beginning even though I hadn't i didn't want to be reporting redundant news now. Any questions AMA and I'll tell you what I can from what was said in that video including their speculations. Biggest take away for me is to keep following this story through this guy Luke's reporting in Daily Mail.
Tfw communism never ever.
Thanks for baking
Fire Shulkin
Murderin' Joe
Fire Kellyanne.
I was just joking, don't be upset lol. Just occupy the first post.
Fire Pruitt.
cap for reference
Fire Mnuchin.
No questions from me, only a thank you for the TL;DR for this whole thing. Meant to keep an eye on this myself but life decided to say "fuck you".
Most important question is: does it look like Awan will take the fall or he’ll roll over someone above him?
Fire Zinke.
Credit to another user, but reposting anyways.
Our friendly Obama leaf (EU flag poster for newfags) alleges that the stock market is flat due to deflation. This is simply untrue.
DJIA November 4, 2016: 17,888.28
DJIA January 20, 2017: 19,827.25
DJIA October 10, 2017: 22,830.68
U.S. Dollar Index November 4, 2016: 96.89
U.S. Dollar Index January 20, 2017: 100.81
U.S. Dollar Index October 10, 2017: 93.27
USD to EUR Exchange rate November 4, 2016: 0.89790
USD to EUR Exchange rate January 20, 2017: 0.93449
USD to EUR Exchange rate October 10, 2017: 0.84671
DJIA November 4, 2016 true value (Dollar Index):17,331.95
DJIA January 20, 2017 true value (Dollar Index):19,987.85
DJIA October 10, 2017 true value (Dollar Index):21,294.18
DJIA November 4, 2016 true value (USD to EUR):16,061.89
DJIA January 20, 2017 true value (USD to EUR):18,528.37
DJIA October 10, 2017 true value (USD to EUR):19,330.97
By even the worst measure, which is using the USD to EUR exchange rate and taking the DJIA from Inauguration to today, the market is up by at least 4%, which is still steady growth and certainly not "flat".
Nothing is going to happen to anyone huh? He'll get deported on some bogus charge and they'll just pretend it never happened.
Seems like ICE isn’t kidding about taking out the breadwinners to hit that sweet 4:1 self deportation ratio. Even in small counties they hit people are angling for a gofundme to help the families left behind but they can’t feed them forever, can they?
In all seriousness I don't see to point of trying to beat some faggot who camps around all day waiting for a new thread (unless of course he's using a bot). It's not like anyone hangs around the top of the thread for too long anyway.
Wish we'd get hard numbers on if more Spics have left or entered the country in 2017
Add the actual link to the video not just letting your plugins keep only the title.
Beautiful. Not only are they deporting, they're waging economic warfare on these illegals, just like they've been doing to us for so many years. Justice is sweet.
He wanted us to be more like Norway and Sweden.
You're doing God's work sweaty. Thank you.
>President Trump is making this man's dream a reality
>click here to find out how
>By even the worst measure, which is using the USD to EUR exchange rate
His argument fall flat for another reason as well, pointed out previously at : America economy and foreign trade happens almost exclusively in US dollars. Even assuming America trades with EU exclusively in euros (they don’t, it’s just a worst case scenario analysis), America trade deficit with the EU was 146 billion out of a total external trade of 3643 billion, a drop in the bucket. Everything else and America trades on US dollars, meaning the $ / € rate is irrelevant, it could as well be bitcoins and showing how economy tanked in comparison to BTC / $ rate.
The Dow Jones is a complete scam anyway.
You're still correct though.
Well this Imran guy and probably his whole family going away to federal prison for life. I said nobody is properly investigating because the Reporter (Luke) reports that Everyone he's talked to has said that they've not been contacted by FBI, DOJ, DC PD or anyone at all - Nobody is investigating in this direciton. However Mueller is getting "dangerously" close to opening Pandora's Box.
Well we don't know what he was doing with the data but some group of "Vetran National Security" people dispute claims of the Russia election hacking saying nobody could steal that much data over the internet, would have needed an inside job. Many people thought Seth Rich and I won't dispute that but this guy also had means, and if Russia or WikiLeaks were paying him I'm sure he'd sell. Side note: Hundreds of Thousands if not millions of dollars made their way into Pakistan and we know at least some thousands ended up paid to Pakistani Law Enforcement.
I have no idea, His lawyers claim it was an accident, I wonder if he didn't do it. Maybe someone else knew what he was up to and set up the backpack as a dead drop to be found by police intentionally, but that's speculative.
If so they are operating very smart
Take out the power source of illegal families and the rest will eventually follow
ICE has been killing it
he would have gotten less done that trump has with his agenda
Neither of those countries is socialist. They're capitalist countries that are rich enough to afford massive social programs. In fact, the PM of Denmark excoriated Bernie for calling his country socialist.
>While speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware "that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."
>"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."
>Rasmussen acknowledged that "the Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens," but he also noted that it is "a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish."
you faggots had zimbague you could have ALL just agreed to FUCK OFF to ONE socialist paradise but NOOO it has to be EVERYWHERE IN THE GODDAMN WORLD to be socialism!
According to the most recent reports he's rolling like mad. He claims for instance that he doesn't know the right way to fill out the invoice reports, and was just doing what he was told on those. If that's true then the congress members were intentionally falsifying those expenditures (sever felony) and even if he's lying and they didn't tell him to do it, they still signed falsified documents, and are screwed either way. He'll roll - if he doesn't "commit suicide"
Well shit, after all that work I put in? I'd hate that lol. I wish Trump would pick this story up. That'd be a wet dream come true.
what's the 4chanx option called can't find it i'm blind
I'll add it to the pasta
How about r2k then?
Not easy to do accurately, the best you can do is to compare the metrics you have with previous fiscal. But the end result is always less illegals than it would otherwise be and, with time, it crosses that threshold.
Full Video link
hey trumpcucks, how does it feel being part of that great revolution ‘your guy’ is brining about?
Feels good man
>"...And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything...Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything..."
> Harvey Weinstein
re-tweet and post this everywhere. So we can remind everybody who the Jew is.
>I used to think the Awan story was a nothingburger
Gas yourself.
>Well shit, after all that work I put in? I'd hate that lol. I wish Trump would pick this story up. That'd be a wet dream come true.
I wish he would too, it'd be the quickest way to completely eliminated the Democratic party, but I doubt he even knows about this story or if he does, very little details of it.
>Trump terminates support for National Park Service Rainbow Flag ceremony at Stonewall
>The Trump administration was none too pleased, apparently, that the Rainbow flag, an international symbol of the LGBT community’s fight for equality, would be flying over a National Monument and federal lands.
>The National Park Service (NPS), which had originally approved and sponsored a ceremony to be held tomorrow at New York City’s Stonewall National Monument to dedicate the Rainbow flag, has suddenly withdrawn.
>The event, however, will go on as LGBT activists cite Trump administration homophobia for the last-minute change in plans. They say the withdrawal of support is part of the Trump Administration’s growing hostility toward LGBT rights at the federal level.
> What's that 1968? You have to go back.
>Well shit, after all that work I put in? I'd hate that lol. I wish Trump would pick this story up. That'd be a wet dream come true.
Reminder that Sup Forums is crowdsourced opposition research.
I unironically fantasize about national guard troops firing indiscriminately into a crowd of ANTIFA
Hey man, I wanted to believe but I saw the story being passed around on Sup Forums months before he was arrested and it looked about as high quality as the Las Vegas shooting "investigation" theories that we're seeing now. Not saying there's nothing there, just that it's far too early to invest in, then it was MONTHs before anything started and when it did I was already disregarding Breitbart and Dailymail as unreliable. I stand corrected.
no one in the WH has been able to deny it. They scream MUH FAKE NEWS but have no evidence to back why it's false
Impeachment plox
Sick of the meme
It’s not only in the deportation front. By ending catch and release and making the ones caught to actually suffer the consequences while they stall in the courts they’ll not only dissuade crossing attempts but incentivize self deportation.
The media is a sucker for sob stories and they end up amplifying the message, spreading fear and paranoia
I didn't say that it was the wrong conclusion, just that using the Dow as an example is bad.
Best part about being a Liberal in the Trump Era:
1. The tax cuts
2. The comedy
3. That his supports still stand with him as their lives get worse.
4. Taking away the rights
5. Shitting on the Rule of Law
6. The chaos and turnover in the White Hourse
7. Him failing, so there's no need to worry
8. Sup Forums pretending they have something to cheer for.
There really aren't any downsides. None of the shit he does will last another POTUS. He has to Executive Order or De-Regulate via Department since despite hold all the levers of power he can't get shit done.
Trump is a loser. And it's great.
If you were incapable of seeing the truth for all those months then you aren't to be trusted with anything regarding it now. You'll just fuck up again and get shit wrong and inject your own bias whenever the facts don't agree with your feelings. Leave this to people who know what's going on with this investigation.
Scott Pruitt is unironically one of the worst picks of Trump's cabinet (outside of Tom Price). He's a complete Koch Bros/industry shill.
Trump has some other really good picks, but he should replace him.
>no one in the WH has been able to deny it
Why would they legitimize spurious claims by denying them? Especially when James Comey himself, the alleged target of this obstruction, said it didn't fucking happen, on record, in front of Congress and the whole country.
>They scream MUH FAKE NEWS but have no evidence to back why it's false
nevermind foudn the option, here's the "fixed" version
Oh speaking of Russia/Trump narrative - these guys were tearing that story wide open too. Nothing new to blow it up but the obvious stuff like; "Look, with this kind of data breach that we knew about before the election (and are still ignoring) blaming Russia is retarded. Secondly the amount of data stolen would be almost impossible to take it over the internet. There's been zero evidence of anything in the Russia story - yet this which we KNOW is a real issue is being ignored by leadership of the house on both sides, the DOJ, and local law enforcement (mostly).
DC PD is still trogging through the investigation to figure out how best to skewer Imran and Co. but doesn't seem to be interested in touching Congress at all, fucking cowards.
days of never-ending fun
Every pick Trump makes is the BEST! Because they suck at their jobs and fail! Americans wanted Trump to watch it all fail. Ask Putin...he'll tell you.
Or ask Sup Forums. They love Trump, even as he spirals the drain daily.
Which is unachievable in the US mostly due to our large population. Sanders is a commie fool.
All I'm offering now is a summary of the 2 hour streamed hearing.
>he can't get shit done
yet your excited for tax cuts? What?
TWO weeks after Donald Trump declared they were as good as ever, America’s relations with Turkey have sunk to their lowest point in over four decades.
STFU japan, do the work or let others do.
>get caught working for low wages in america
>put in jail to work for nothing
Nice blog. Trump will be impeached for obstruction of justice. He can only be a giant loser for so long and they'll want Pence. Bannon isn't in full panic mode because of success, he knows this comedy show is over soon.
LOL. How much of a fucking dipshit do you have to be to still be a Trumpcuck right now? HAHAHA. Embarrassing.
His cabinet outside of Pruitt is pretty damn solid. Mattis, Wilbur Ross, Shulkin, Lighthizer, Kelly, McMahon, etc. are all really good choices.
> oh_no_that_suck.jpg
>but he should replace him.
Replace him no one. Kill the whole department. Nixon had the right idea but the EPA has become a monster
what does Comey have to do with the moron story?
But I don't want to be friends with Turkroaches.
didnt Nixon create the EPA?
>USA will end the roach
It was a joke, to trigger Trumpcucks - mission accomplished. We all know "Tax Reform" isn't going to happen. Trump has no allies in Congress.
LOL. You thought I was making an honest argument. Damn you're dumb.
i hate this movie
>get a bunch of brits to play russians
>only ron perlman gives enough of a fuck to do a russian accent
I am doing the work fuckstick, I'm calling out THIS guy for shoving his dick in after a year of interfering with it and now all of a sudden acting like he's had a change of heart and knows everything there is to know about the scandal and offering all his own personal assessments and narrative setting on all the players involved. He should just keep his ignorance to himself and find some other bandwagon to jump on, we don't need someone who's dedicated a year to ignoring evidence and shitposting about how it's fake news.
Someone give me a rundown on why the Las Vegas thingy seemingly vanished from news?
>1. The tax cuts
Are you sure you're a liberal m8?
>2. The comedy
>3. That his supports still stand with him as their lives get worse.
My retirement account is doing excellent and I just got a raise, but thanks.
>4. Taking away the rights
What rights? Can you point to a specific example, even one?
>5. Shitting on the Rule of Law
Same as above
>6. The chaos and turnover in the White Hourse
Ah yes, "chaos", that will totally prevent Trump from being reelected, Hilldawg 2020!
>7. Him failing, so there's no need to worry
He's already delivered on more promises at the Executive level than most Presidents. Obama couldn't even close GITMO when it would have taken literally one signature lmao
>8. Sup Forums pretending they have something to cheer for.
Cheering for everything I voted for being enacted or soon to be enacted.
> None of the shit he does will last another POTUS
Except that ultra conservative Supreme Court, and whatever legislation is passed after the Democrats lose the midterms. I'd appreciate it if you actually replied to my post. Notice how I'm not calling you a shill and trying to engage in discussion.
Hahaha that's just all too great. Honestly there should only be state and country flags for identity, not gender/sexuality. It's only a good indicator if you're looking for someone that's only like 4% of the population. I-I mean, arg Drumpf!!