(Pic not related)
>be 18
>in senior year
> am a moderate republican only my really good friends know
>my dad and Dads gf are dems
>my dad over the past four years with his gf has been cuckafied to the max
>dad and gf are bitching about republicans and shit
>dad is kinda a wanna be military vet
>decide fuck it and start arguing against there bull shit
>literally four years of bull shit I had to bottle up just unleashed
>basically beat them in every point
>dad gets really mad starts yelling then he just stands up and punches me in the eye
>work out to help vent rage so I'm really strong
>start beating up my dad
>start crying and saying shit like "fuck you" and "I'm sick of this fucking lefty bullshit"
>dads gf is freaking out dad just has a bloody nose
>bitch slap that fucking cunt
>she literally fucking spun
>a few minutes later I can hear police sirens outside my house
>have a black eye and in general look pretty shity
>my dads in his chair now with an ice pac on his stomach
>his gf is on the couch giveing me the stinkeye as the cop knocks on the door
>answer say "hi can I help you?" Cop says "yah I was called here about some domestic violence"
>start sweating bullets and my thought become blurred
>woke up handcuffed to hospital bed wait a few minutes before calling for help
>a cop comes in and asks what happened
>tell him the whole storie
>when I'm half way though the storie I start welling up and in the end I'm full on crying
>a week later I'm let out of jail and my dad has kicked me out of the house
>continue the year while living with grandparents
>finish the year with all A's
>it's graduation day the air was cold and it was foggy as all hell
>the only people that are there that I know besides friends are my grandparents
>they're both hardcore republicans and my grand pa was a vet
>a two years later after going to a jr.college I'm packing for the army
My experience as a republican
unless you give a moral, not don't care, and isn't interesting.
Go on, but don't waste our time.
>only my really good friends know
Stopped reading there. Not gunna read the life story of a fucking pussy.
I'm just telling you guys what happened earlier in my life
Show us your cock
Why did you go to jail if you acted in self defense?
From Cali or something?
Waste of time, thought ur dad got red pilled after the brawl, fuck off
My dads gf made some shit up about how I had just randomly started to beat the shit out of my father and won the court case
Not your blog, faggot
Don't just subscribe as a drunk. Go to OTS.
No thanks.
is that way, you bitchboy
Fucking women.
Stay strong, m8.
The right is coming back in fashion
I've only talked to him a few times after that happened and he's got a new gf at least
>tell him the whole storie
>the whole storie
neck yourself faggot
Wast of time fag, instead of tearful sweat ,and blood fill brawl of father son bonding and open your dad up and venting out frustration I get some he is still left and trialed your ass, water of time
I kinda wish it was like the end fight of mgs4 but instead it was just me beating the crap out of my dad
>get angry over Sup Forums shit and beat family up
Why do americans have such dysfunctional families? I've never heard of anyone here that beat their dads/mothers and survived to tell the tale.
Dysfunctional times. The dad was pussy whipped and out of bitterness threw his son under bus.
Not right to hit women, even wretched twats like who you hit. Still though heat of the moment and you were young and felt trapped.
Keep fighting the good fight op.
That totally happened: The post.
I don't blame my dad for wanting companion ship I just wish he got some one better than her
wow cool thread op
I totally didn't stop reading it to congratulate you
you are amazing
I want to be like you
and they say liberals aren't violent and crazy. only a liberal will punch you for saying something they don't agree with.
We'll he was a old punker too