By the end of this month I will be moving to Sweden,vas I have a contract there that I had second thoughts about. I will be staying in Växjö, my work will be perfectly legal, with all the documents and personal number aquired. The contract might be for at least 2 years.
Can a svensk bro give me some advice? What should I expect there? How will I be treated and mostly, will the swarm of niggers be a problem there?
I've seen Sweden only as a tourist this summer and it was friendly enough.
Moving to Sweden
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Also, I might have to find a job for my girlfriend, she speaks Swedish on a beginner level, will it be hard for her to find anything?
>my work will be perfectly legal
But yeah Växjö is fine you'll be ok
Can she open her mouth but not speak swedish? that's a job too.
I don't think the Swedes want you there Emil. Well, they might, idk. I don't know their opinions on Romanians, if they treat you the same as refugees.
It's not legal to ask strangers to pay for your sick children, Django. And I don't your fucking roses.
fuck off subhuman
Växjö is pretty ok, but try moving to älmhult or some other smaller town
> What should I expect there? How will I be treated and mostly, will the swarm of niggers be a problem there?
Be friendly and show that you're in a good mood and swedes will open up to you
Have her become a gypsy translator
>will the swarm of niggers be a problem there
Your people sitting outside every fucking store begging and occupying every fucking lawn with their shitty trailers are as big a problem as the niggers here you stupid fucking cunt.
Dont come, we dont want you here.
We are Aryans you dumb Somali.
Well, they do, since the employer is Swedish.
Don't you have to get your prayer hour, Achmed? Please stay relevant
Sweden is a great country, I will also be going there
I've seen the west coast and people were incredibly nice to us. That made me accept the contract, I didn't want to come at first.
Heard it's a bit of a problem finding work in Sweden at the moment, is it true?
Not my people
Romanians are bad people, Brothers, stay away!
Have been leaving in Sweden for a while. Love it.
post hand, profile of your nose (better safe than sorry) and as always timestamp. until that you're a gypso manolito.
Everything that has come to sweden from romania is shit. Like i said, dont come here, you will be looked down upon.
I plan on having twenty kids, with many Swedish brides!
All my Muslim Brothers, join me in Sweden! The Islamic Paradise ;)
I stayed for 2 weeks in Sweden and Norway and I didn't see or hear a single fucking Romanian. There were a lit of Polish guys, hungarian gypsies and some other assholes, I only saw a few beggars in Oslo, Norway, but they were not romanians either
At first gaze all the old timers will realize where you're from. You'll never harbor respect from them due to the romani grypsies that essentially raid our country every single year.
Other then that, sure, good luck. Växjö is nice.
Well thanks, I'll do my best to prove them wrong, mind my bussines and work hard. I'm more concerned about my gf finding a job
>Plan on having twenty kids, with many swedish brides.
>Everything from Romania is shit.
Really makes my almonds jog...
First of all: Don't come.
Second of all: There's a million niggers and muslims everywhere
Thirdly: Begging outside ICA is not a job
The Swedes have always been pro-muslim, and anti-european, going back to the Ottoman days
Bring warm clothes, all romanians I see sitting outside my store, begging for money, don't have proper winter clothes.
One froze to death, so I stored her in the back and use her as a doorstop during summer.
We shall rule this shithole soon inshallah. Swedish girls L-O-V-E pakistani guys.
Sweden's Charles XII was made a part of the Sultan Ahmet III's harem.
If this nation is completely devoured by the sandnigger invasion, you will get killed by some gang while your girlfriend is getting enriched.
If we manage to save the country though, you will be gassed as part of the ethnic cleansing.
I think the issue comes in with the Nordic's policy of not being able to specify ethnicity when stating crime statistics.
> be normal swede
> watching tv
> breaking news, another Romanian stole a car today, and took a shit on the street
> criminal is actually gypsy, but in Sweden, you can't say the ethnicity of the criminal
> swede guy: hmm romanians are assholes
Btw, when I lived in NY, my Romanian girlfriend introduced me to the romanian community, and they were whiter than me. They just look like typical slavic eastern euros. The problem comes in when if you say the word "gypys" you go to prison for 2 years for hate crime.
Shit is retarded.
You can go any shop and have a chat with your natives sitting outside whenever you feel a little homesick.
Best shit so far, kek
Mycket bra, Svensk, var stark!
Going back to the viking days. There were no viking crusaders, but there were thousands of viking jihadis.
>Vikings left the Muslim world alone, preferring instead to serve as mercenaries in its armies, or trade with it in valuable commodities such as slaves – they may have been raiders at the European end of trade route, but at the Middle Eastern end they were merchants.
I'm on the way to Sweden too, except the only difference is I'm white.
Everywhere in Europe we are seen like that because of the fucking gypsies. But who cares, most of them are fucking pussies and say nothing about the matter...
I don't buy it. Lots of gypsies are from Romania, sure. But the spanish ones, hungarian ones, bulgarian ones also tend to be bunched in and called "romanians".
Video of retarded nog pretending to be romanian gypsy for visa reasons
fuck off gypsie.
Seen a lot of hungarian gypos in Malmo. I understand Hungarian too and they were speaking it, not a single Romanian around there
I have been in Sweden for 6 months now, you can rape anyone you want the men are cuck.
If you tell people you are romanian they will automatically assume u are gypsy so beware and make things clear from the start
I feel bad for saying this. I love Sweden and hate what is happening there. And there were plenty of Swedish crusaders such as the Varangian Guard.
I lol'd
Dont move to sweden why would you do that while you are on Sup Forums and seem to agree with Sup Forums.
Well Radu, i was 3 weeks in Sweden. The first what i seen when i get off from the cruise was a Romanian beggar in the harbour.
But i don't want fight. I think you imagine that place to be better than really and you will disappoint quickly.
> 2017
> Buying into the jewish meme that all Romanians are gypsies
> Meanwhile 0 rapes by immigrants in Romania, 0 refugees, number of gypsies is decreasing YTY because they all go to steal from France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany
Best timeline folks. I hope every Kraut and cuckistani in here falls face-first in a gypsy shit and then dies in a grenade attack by a somali immigrant
Have fun in Eurabia.
Believe it or not, this is 100% correct and good advice. My girlfriend refused to tell anyone she was from Romania while on our hiking trip through Europe. Then the woman owner of the youth hostel we were staying at in austria asked us where we were from. I said I was Canadian-American and she said she was Romanian-american. The woman (maybe around 36 years old) pretty much told her in crappy english
"but what, really you is from Romania, but how you are so white, so pale, parents American?"
I found it so bizarre that she had to insist that she was born in Romania, to romanian parents, when most of the Romanians I meet look exactly the same. Like typical slavic dudes/chicks. She almost started crying afterwards, saying that almost everyone in Europe thinks Romanians are brown gypsies like pic related. It is truly bizarre.
Guess I'm going to have her gypsy children in around 5 months, and weirdly enough, shes the one that bleached me. The fuck europe?
please do
What the fuck, NO! They are even more cucked than us ffs.
>lmao, import muslim degenerates from desert
>whine about some romanian guy for going to work there legally
I don't think that possible, bud. Your daughter will be Ahmed Muhhammad Mohammed's third child wife and bear him multiple children for the caliphate of Sweden.
This proves that swedes love sand niggers. Build more mosques!
At this point I fear the swedes, not the arabs, jeez
Meaby if you stick to the No-Go zones you wont experience any hate speech and racism from Swedes.
And your daughter will be Shaquina Shalaylay popping out herpes-ridden kids as a single mon or El Daughterina popping out kids for the cartels.
You are still less white than us (but we are gaining though).
Brit who lives/works in Sweden here.
As an anglo (light hair/blue eyes), I'm from Northern Europe, I've a PhD in STEM, and yet consider myself barely welcome in Scandinavia. Remember that Anglo-Saxons are Danish/German.
Romanians are and should be treated like dirt. Please stay in your own part of Europe. You will not be much more welcome here than some nigger from Somalia. At the same time you won't get the gibs that the oooga boog's get.
Kind Regards,
Concerned ACTUAL white European person.
P.S. Jews love black cock.
Dont come here please.
Read my previous posts. my girlfriend and I are both blondes, and we will have white children together. Respectable people don't mix races in the US. In sweden, however, it's a meme.
Exactly, it's a meme. What are you hoping to prove with the picture?
you memed yourselves into the caliphate. does the pic trigger you, sven?
> (OP)
Also if I was going to take a wild guess the 'job' you're going to get is not going to be whatever it is advertised as.
You'll likely get stung, and end up with the rest of your kind; sitting outside a store, and picking up empty plastic bottles for the pants (few kroner per bottle).
That pant shit pisses me off, normal people fucking recycle anyway. They also pay for it by adding a markup to the price of bottled water in order to think you're being 'rewarded' with petty cash for recycling. I'd rather have cheaper water, recycle anyway (like everywhere else in Europe), and no fucking wasters picking bottles for smack.
All your gypsies are here so you'll feel like home. Welcome and don't forget to report to your local RWDS when the purge starts.
Gypsies have eternally trashed swedes opinion about Romania, because it's not allowed to call them gypsies but you have to refer them as Roma people.
>Thirdly: Begging outside ICA is not a job
When you will be on the TLC with your gf ?
half the gypsies in Paris are hungarian and bulgarian, lol. But the real question is, will you ever get trianon lands back? xD
> Meanwhile 0 rapes by immigrants in Romania, 0 refugees,
You ARE the fucking refugees nobody wants to escape to Romania
>number of gypsies is decreasing YTY because they all go to steal from France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany
They go there to steal then come back to build shitty houses out of stolen materials.
gypsy detected gtfo gypsy
We have enough beggars over here already.
i fucking hate eastern europeans. Subhumans.
>Brit who lives/works in Sweden here.
>british flag
I'm not allowed to visit home?
- posted from phone
Uh, idk why I bother.
whatever you do, just avoid saying you are from romania, everyone is going to think you are a gypsy. The most outspoken against the 2004 expansion, was romanians living here, they knew the flood of gypsies would come and they hated it
What are the big shopping companies in Romania? I'm moving there to start begging. Need to equalize this cultural exchange
I'd rather just believe that you're full of shit tbqh
stupid muslims, swedes burn their own flag on a daily basis, they are just playing into their game
>skända flaggan
even politicians do this, they have no self respect what so ever
Stay the hell out of my country. I would take any fucking subrace over fucking romanians. You are the fucking worst in every way.
That's fine. Not sure why though, It's not some rare phenomena. I know a shit tonne of British expats/workers over there.
dafuq man are you kidding? afghans, syrians, somalis and general mudslimes before a few beggars? you're not a Sverigevän
>"Hej Hej mister madam krona pls"
What do?
This is what's wrong to your fucking country. Jesus fucking christ, you autistic fuck! Niggers from Africa and Asia rape your women, steal your money and you welcome them and if I come there perfectly legal, with a work contract, paying rent and taxes, you go all batshit crazy.
Fuck you, you fucking heretic, commit suicide and leave your country to people who know how to take care of it!
on a side note though, we're trying to get into the security council in the (((UN))), but they won't let us, simply because everyone think we're just too much confident in our self. I lack the english word, so I can only translate it into "self good", something sweden is really pissed about
Sweden always go, you think to much of your self norway
>Hej hej!
>Walk on by
Easy, stop giving them money and they will leave. Seriously, are you all fucking autistic there?
>is typically norse to be best
Gro Harlem Bruntland
yeah even that skank
It doesn't really help that a brown-eyed gypsy joins the party either...
That's how much I fucking hate romanians. Say what you want about niggers and sandniggers but at least they fucking do something, whether it's raping kids or robbing swedes, at least they are active in the community. Romanians are just the weakest fucking race. Doing nothing and expecting people just to give them shit. I fucking hate that shit. I'd rather have someone rob me than someone begging me for money every fucking day for 3 years.
why is it always burgers that are salty and toxic when the subject is Sweden? Jelly or something?
Apparently people are! I don't even look at them.
the only ones i seen give money to these gypsis are older women
Stomp on head with a combat boot
they pretty much control the pill black marked now though, this is their achievement lol.
They buy rivotril in hungary, and sell them here
don't confuse romanian gypsies with real romanians, they are usualy smart people with good lookin chicks, gypsies are shit tier from anywhere...