This is a board dedicated to the popularization and preservation of the tenets of Olmedoist Integralism and the teachings of General Augusto Olmedo
Olmedoist Integralism
“Long Live the Glorious Patriots of San Dominigo!”
—General Salvador Olmedo
Greetings, Patriots!
It has become the time to release the protocols, tenets and philosophies that make up the glorious political ideology of Olmedoist Integralism, to not only the glorious patriots of San Dominigo, but the followers of Olmedoism all around the world.
To the followers of my ideology, both domestic and international: Fight for Freedom! This is the most important part of Olmedoist Integralism, to fight against the corruption and subordination of left-wing governments! The ideology of Olmedoism will set you free.
It is my dream to see the world awake from its slumber and putting an end to anti-Freedom governments, with one world under one leader!
Liberty comes from Strength, Strength comes from Unity, and Unity comes from Faith! Keep fighting, Patriots!
Long Live General Olmedo!
“So Long as the Sun Rises In the Morning, the Tenets of Olmedoist Integralism Shall Remain!”
—General Salvador Olmedo
The ideology of Olmedoist Integralism will always abide by the ten tenets introduced by myself. These tenets, principles, have been created with liberty of the common person in mind.
My principles I have created are the backbone, if you will, of Olmedoist Integralism.
Remember, Patriots! A goal is to spread the good word and tenets of Olmedoism to anyone and everyone!
This tenet is the most important tenet of Olmedoism, the idea that one person, and only one person, can rule over the people. This is seen every day in every stable social society (for instance, a flock of sheep is ruled by a higher authority of one (a shepherd); A military troop is ruled by a higher authority of one (a general), et cetera). However, this is seemingly nowhere to be found in government society, which is supposed to be in control over social society!
Do not get me wrong; Democratic governments, particularly anti-Communist governments, are good. However, Olmedoist Integralism is better. Lack of any opposition equals that the government can actually perform instead of wasting its time vetoing!
A herd of sheep may misbehave when under the watchful eye of a shepherd, but if the sheep are under the control of both a shepherd and a sheepdog, the flock behaves like a machine. Intimidation of the public in order to rule out traitors and insubordinates by a militia force is key.
Remember, patriots that no matter what socialists will try to tell you, a police state has more upsides than downsides! What about the fact that crime is near non-existent? Remember, the government is like a parent, only looking out for you. Like a parent, the government should decide what is right and what is wrong for you.
You see, a police force is not there to keep the entire state under terror, but to instead intimidate the yellow-bellied traitors hiding among our people! They are there to root out these scums of the world, and for your protection.
I am upset to admit that anti-Olmedoist propaganda is present all around the world. These ideologies and objects of hate have been used by traitors in pursuit of anti-freedom to spread their religion of anti-Olmedoism, and they have used the cry of “political freedom” in order to proliferate their ideas.
Political freedoms are unneeded luxuries. With political freedoms, you get anarchism and chaos. Political freedoms have led to some of the most oppressive and antagonistic doctrines. It has led to Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Socialism, Anarchism, Left-Wing Democracy and Centrism, all of which are against the ideology of Olmedoist Integralism.
“Political Freedom” can be deconstructed into multiple concepts. However, most of these concepts allow these anti-Freedom dogmas to spread their influence on the impressionable patriots. For example, allowing what these so-called “progressives” call “Freedom of Religion”, “Freedom of Movement” or “Freedom of the Press”.
Allowance of “Freedom of Religion” begets secularism, which is a primary doctrine of communism! Allowance of “Freedom of Movement”, or at least to people who are not suspected to be truly patriotic to the government, can allow ungrateful traitors to defect, which can be especially damaging to the state if said traitor has private information. “Freedom of the Press” can lead to traitors figuratively and literally poisoning the well by indoctrinating the impressionable patriots of the state through mass media! Can you now see how these concepts are damaging and unneeded?
The successful pursuits of a nation’s leader must be presented to the populace in order to spread patriotism. The world should have no place for faceless leaders and governments.
The triumphs of an Olmedoist leader, military or politically, should be broadcast to the patriots to remind them of the gloriousness of their leader! They must be presented in any form; in education, in the form of posters and billboards, in the form of radio and news, any form that the patriots of the glorious nation consume. This is why the press should be run by the government, and not be allowed to fall into the hands of traitors and the ungrateful scum of society. They must be reminded of the leader and the government’s successes from when they wake up to when they sleep! They must be reminded, so that they can spend every moment whispering “Long Live General Olmedo!” under their breath!
In society, the government is not expected to fix your leaky roof. It is you who has the burden of fixing it. This should be no different in politics, yet traitors attempt to influence the governments of the world into people’s problems, and this introduces the utterly flawed and broken system pf “welfare.”
The government should only be invested in public affairs for either rooting out anti-Olmedoists or to influence the patriots of the state. I am not saying the government should not care about its people, not at all! I am also not saying that healthcare should be the people’s burden. I believe that the government should fund healthcare and hospitals as an industry. What I am saying is that the government need not waste its time or its money on petty affairs. That is for the public to decide upon.
The economy of an Olmedoist government is very important. An Olmedoist Integralist government must put into place a capitalist government where the government exerts total directedness. The government has a strong control action, effectively controlling the production and distribution of resources. On the whole, nationalization of the economy of the Olmedoist states develops the basis of private property and of private initiative. The government should also put a stringent ban on contraband items, including drugs, anti-Olmedoist art or literature, et cetera.
Independent trade unions are unpatriotic, and allow workers to become lazy and conceited. Instead, the government should run a single trade union, and make laws about labour based around how the government sees fit.
The government should put its main focus on raising a military, and should put more emphasis on military production. I believe that the most important resource a nation can have is its military, and thus the government should increase military spending in order to increase economic growth.
I also believe that colonialism is a good idea, as an Olmedoist Empire with overseas colonies is a strong one. However, if a colony is wishing for independence for a pro-Olmedo government, the governments should aid the nation and install an Olmedoist leader once independence is reached.
I also believe that prisoners, specifically traitors and political dissenters should be put to work. This is the reason why internment camps and prisons should be located next to mineral deposits, crop farms, et cetera. Many people complain that this is wrong; using snarl words such as “slave labour”. What they fail to realise is that Olmedoist Integralism runs on this. The government should make the few have to give up freedom in order for the many to be free.
An unfortunate truth is that some members of the populous are less glorious than others. These traitors consistently complain and attempt to damage the name of Olmedoist Integralism and try to indoctrinate the true patriots. These villains of society worship unfree ideas, like communism, and should be removed from the face of society!
True patriots, in comparison, are patriots and supporters of General Olmedo and Olmedoist Integralism to the end.
True patriots can be of any colour, although blacks and mulattos should be questioned and put under scrutiny, as these people often are in support of anti-Olmedoism.
I also highly distrust people of no faith, so-called “secularists”. These foolish non-believers share a belief system that is also worshipped by communists. For example, the illiterate and unintelligent scum of San Vidros are mainly secularists and they are under the iron fist of a genocidal communist maniac.
Religion, primarily the Christian faith, is an important part of Olmedoist Integralist culture. Religion should be highly respected, but never put above the government’s law. As mentioned before, secularists should not be trusted as much as religious people. I also believe that people of differing religions to that of the Christian faith are not to be trusted either.
Religion should also be one of the “three main faiths” in Olmedoist Integralism:
1. Faith in General Olmedo
2. Faith in Olmedoist Integralism
3. Faith in God
Freedom of Religion is, by definition, a civil liberty, which I have said earlier are anti-Olmedoist luxuries unneeded by a stable, Olmedoist society.
0=Enemy of the State (Former Government Members, Anti-Olmedo Rebels and Propagandists, Drug Users and Suppliers, Communists and Socialists, etc.). To be shot on sight.
1=Traitor (Anarchists, Supporters of Anti-Olmedo Ideologies, Owners of "Un-Dominigan" Property, Deserters and "Conscientious Objectors" etc.). To be arrested and deported to El Grande Fort Detention Center.
2=Dissenter (Saboteurs, Political Nonconformists, Tax Evaders/Economic Saboteurs, Centrists, Secularists, etc.). To be arrested and deported to Internment Camps.
3=Undesirable (Slum Dwellers, People below the Poverty Line, Afro-Dominigans, Mulattos, etc.). To be held in Estación Zoo/Zoo Station, Ciudad de Olmedo.
4=Suspected Anti-Patriot (Government-Suspected "un-Patriot"). To be Under Heavy Government Surveillance.
5=Unintelligent Patriot ("Patriotically Illiterate Citizens."). To be educated on General Olmedo's Triumphs and Victories for San Dominigo.
6=Basic-Intelligence Patriot (Primary School Students.). Can move up to Secondary Education.
7=Average-Intelligence Patriot (Secondary School Students and Graduates). Average level for Patriots. Can become an average worker or military serviceman.
8=Advanced-Intelligence Patriot (University Students and Graduates, "High-Level Patriots".). If achieved this level at Secondary School, a Level 8 Patriot can go to University to become Lawyers, Police Officers, Doctors, etc., as well as go travel overseas.
9=Supreme Patriot (Government Officials).
10=Glorious Patriot (General Olmedo).
People who have been classified as “traitors” (anyone below Olmedo Level 4) should be removed from society in order to protect the impressionable and glorious patriots’ minds from being tainted by the propaganda of anti-Olmedoism. Depending on the level of such criminals, they are either incurable and must be destroyed, or have a possibility of being rehabilitated and a re-educated before being released with a pro-Olmedo mind and attitude.
“Everything I do, I do for my country.”
—General Salvador Olmedo
The Olmedoist Government
The San Dominigan Olmedoist Integralist government is the core of the San Dominigan revolution, and its principles are based on Integralism, with some minor variations.
Olmedoist Integralism
Olmedoist Integralism must be developed in San Dominigo, as well as in other nations in the world, and the route toward such an end is a communist, anti-Olmedoist revolution. It is also important to unite with the uneducated patriots of the world, and educate them on the failings of communism and the triumphs of Olmedoist Integralism.
War and Peace
War is a continuation of politics, and there are at least two types: just wars, which free people from oppression and communism, and unjust wars, which only serve left-wing interests. While no one likes war, we must remain ready to wage just wars against socialist agitations and agitators.
Socialism and Reactionaries
Socialists and domestic reactionary forces, represent real dangers, and in this respect are like “men of iron.” However, because the goal of Olmedoism is just, and reactionary interests are unjust, after struggle, they will be revealed to be “men of straw”, or much less dangerous than earlier perceived to be.
People and War
San Dominigo's masses are the greatest conceivable weapon for fighting against socialist and domestic reactionaries.
The San Dominigan Army Police
The San Dominigan Army Police are not merely an organ for fighting; they are also an organ for the political advancement of Olmedoist Integralism, as well as the advancement of production.
Relations between the Military Police and the Public
Non-antagonistic relations between officers and patriots make for a happier society. A police force that is cherished and respected by the people, and vice versa, is a nearly invincible force. The military police and the people must unite on the grounds of basic respect.
Political Work
It is necessary for intellectuals, students, soldiers and the other patriots of San Dominigo to pay attention and involve themselves with political work. This is particularly true in wartime.
Patriotism and Nationalism
The patriotism of an Olmedoist nation and internationalist sympathy for just struggles in other countries is in no way exclusive; on the contrary, they are linked deeply, as Olmedoist Integralism spreads throughout the world. Patriotism is extremely important to a country, and it is important for a country’s populace to be nationalistic.
Olmedoist Heroism
The same limitless creative energy of the masses is also visible in the army, in their fighting style and indomitable will.
The San Dominigan Youth represent an active, vital force in San Dominigo, to be drawn upon. At the same time, it is necessary to educate them about the triumphs of General Olmedo and Olmedoist Integralism. Children should also be encouraged to join the National Olmedoist Youth Organisation (ONJO/ Organización Nacional Juvenil Olmedoista).
The National Olmedoist Youth Organisation
The National Olmedoist Youth Organisation (ONJO) has been set up to teach the youth of San Dominigo about the gloriousness of Olmedoist Integralism and General Olmedo. This organisation is similar to the Pascalian Boy Scouts or the Sunyeongnese Imperial Youth Association, but with more focus of Olmedoist triumphs, militarism, patriotism and nationalism, and I encourage all children of San Dominigo to join the association.
Women should be allowed to attend school and university, but I believe that a woman’s world is her husband, her family, her family, her children, her church and her home. I do not believe that women should be members of the military, or members of the government.
It is the responsibility of all to cultivate themselves, and study Olmedoist Integralism deeply. It is also necessary for people to turn their attention to contemporary problems.
“Anybody who fights against Communism or Socialism is our friend!”
—General Augusto Olmedo
Pro-Olmedo ideologies may not be Olmedoist, but join us in the fight against communist oppression and anti-freedom. There are seemingly no governments that are with our government in the fight against communism. Most who claim to be anti-communist allow communists and left-wing parties in their governments.
Nations with conservative governments are our friends. They fight against socialism and are in pursuit of freedom. However, the greatest nation for San Dominigo is a nation with Olmedoist Integralism.
Anti-Olmedoist ideologies are traitorous, villainous doctrines spread by traitorous cowards. These ideologies include socialism, communism, left-wing democracy and centrism. The EU and UN nations: the United States, UK, Aus., North Korea, et cetera; are unfree and under the control of a communist tyrant. These countries are enemies of Olmedoist Integralism. They are not only unfree, but are also corrupt and despotic.
My dear fellow countrymen!
There are different ideas and sources of wisdom in the world: Some are happy saying that the world is proceeding toward the Judgment Day and many catastrophes will take place soon (as if these will facilitate their own lives). And some say the old world is retreating to its previous course. Just as it is not us who set the world on its axis and caused the world to move round its orbit so too it is not us who will be able to change it altogether!
The world is at the disposal of God Almighty, the Highest of the High and the One.
Peoples, nations, states, countries of the world are proceeding toward unification, becoming brothers, friends, prosperous and peaceful. The world is proceeding toward truth, justice, peace and free labour. The meaning of humanity is constitution, production, seeking, searching and establishing.
Dispersal has caused many problems for the world. The solution is solidarity and unity. The good and the bad, the light and darkness, benevolence and malevolence are almost intermingled, but the good will supersede the bad, and benevolence will preside over malevolence. The world is proceeding toward a bright future. The people who have good will and who are honest believe so. Benevolence, good will and brightness come from God.
My beloved people!
We have set out on a noble way. As I have said, "Listen to others but do what you will." Let us work, for when we do so, we do it for our nation (and land! Let us build beautiful structures, for we do it for our sons, children and grandchildren!
Setting up, bringing into existence, creating and constructing is the way of the Lord Almighty and His Prophets. Up to now there is no fault with those who follow this way.
Let us establish ways of friendship, brotherhood, unity, justice and proper knowledge. Let us be friends and find benefits, for none will be harmed by brotherhood!
For the sake of our ancestors who founded great states and led prosperous lives, for the sake of brave patriots and heroes who died for this country, let us make independent and impartial San Dominigo a great and powerful state.
For the sake of those who have miraculous powers, sacred people, men of wisdom, let us establish, produce, have access to information, for proper knowledge should be the foundation of our country! Let us have the ability to foresee the future, for the sake of brave men like myself, for this ability should be our country's foundation!
Let us love one another for the sake of our forefathers who are like saints and our grandmothers who are like angels. Let us be brothers and confidantes to one another. May the nation be built of the gloriousness of Olmedoism! Let us make this land for which our ancestors spilled their blood and for which our mothers shed their tears a place where prosperity abounds together with happiness, smiles and joy; for this is a sacred land; for this is a holy land!
“The way I choose is one of justice!”
See for yourselves my brothers, my elders, my grandfathers, my grandmothers, my sisters, my sons, my grandsons, The Protocols of Olmedoist Integralism is complete now: This is your book, although I am the one who wrote it. This book is your book; it is the patriot’s book; it is a statement of the patriots’ goals and desires.
Olmedoist Integralism is our way! Every patriot will know himself after reading The Protocols of Olmedoist Integralism. Peoples of our other nations who read The Protocols of Olmedoist Integralism will understand and know Olmedoism! My glorious nation, may you never be belittled before a great nation. The patriots of San Dominigo will maintain the balance in international relations. Let this balance be an unshakable pillar of the Olmedoist policy!
May your ways be enlightened, your future be filled with the sacred light, your age be of gold, my eternal and immortal patriots!
May the patriots stand as long as the world stands. May San Dominigo stand as long as the world stands. May the independent and impartial San Dominigo last forever!